mothers who vaped during pregnancy forum 2020

How does the nicotine level in e-cigarettes compare to traditional cigarettes? There were insufficient data available to assess the efficacy of vaping for smoking cessation in pregnant women. I quit cigarettes in Jan 2020 and went to vaping. Current vaping in pregnancy (vaping every day or some days): Overall: 3.6%; among current smokers: 38.9%; among former smokers: 1.3%; among never smokers: 0.3%. For my first I quit smoking cigarettes the moment I found out I was pregnant. Tobacco and nicotine cessation during pregnancy. Medications and More during pregnancy and breastfeeding. For patterns of use, reasons for use, and effects on smoking cessation, we used both qualitative and quantitative data and reported those types of data separately. Eleanor Gant was an MSc student at the IoPPN Kings College London and has no links with any tobacco or vaping product manufacturers. Maybe ask your doctor for some resources on how to quit? Group Black's collective includes Essence, The Shade Room and Naturally Curly. Prevalence of vaping among pregnant women (including smokers and nonsmokers) in the last 3 months of pregnancy was between 1.2%41 and 1.4%.34 Vaping at any time in pregnancy was between 3.6%37 and 7.0%.34 Among pregnant smokers prevalence of vaping in the last 3 months of pregnancy was between 5.1%34 and 9.7%.41 Vaping at any time during pregnancy among smokers was between 25.1%34 and 38.9%37 (Table 1). However, Cardenas and colleagues (2019) commented on the small sample size, noting that a well-powered study to detect a twofold to threefold increase in risk of smallness for gestational age, assuming a 12% risk of smallness for gestational age among pregnant women not vaping or smoking (ie, the referent group), would require about 300 participants per group (eg, vaping and cigarette dual users, vapers who dont smoke, cigarette smokers who dont vape, and the referent group) (p. 10). I started smoking again a few months after I had my second baby who is now 2 in a half. The prevalence of vaping among pregnant women in the studies reviewed here (all of which were based in the United States) was between 1.2% and 7.0%. There is, however, the potential for vaping products to reduce the negative health outcomes associated with smoking. If anyone has vaped during pregnancy please let me know or if you know anything about the effects please tell me. One study was from Ireland.47 Two studies analyzed online forums are not restricted to a specific country.48,49, Eight studies reported cross-sectional survey data,27,28,34,3638,41,46 and two studies reported longitudinal survey data.35,42 Six studies reporting survey data used samples that were representative of the US population or individual US states.3437,41,42 Additionally, one article reported quantitative data from cross-sectional interviews.40, One prospective cohort study collected data from pregnant women who vaped and compared birth outcomes with pregnant women who smoked, who used vaping products and cigarettes (dual use), or who used neither vaping products nor cigarettes.47 Two articles reported data from a single cohort study of women and babies during and after pregnancy.29,31, Two studies used data from randomized controlled trials, one was a secondary analysis of baseline data from a trial of NRT for smoking cessation in pregnancy,39 and the other was a secondary analysis of data from a trial of a text message smoking cessation intervention in pregnancy.30, Four studies reported qualitative interview or focus group data,32,33,43,44 and a further three studies conducted qualitative content analyses of online forums.45,48,49, Eight studies recruited women who were pregnant, who were recently pregnant or planning a pregnancy, and who currently or recently smoked.27,30,32,33,39,43,44,46 Five studies included women who were pregnant or had recently been pregnant regardless of smoking status.28,34,36,38,43 Four used data from representative US surveys that collected information on smoking, vaping, and pregnancy.35,37,41,42 One study purposively recruited equal numbers of pregnant smokers and nonsmokers.40 Two studies reported data from a single cohort study of pregnant women that tried to recruit equal numbers of smokers, vapers, and nonsmokers.29,31 One study recruited pregnant women who vaped and compared them with groups of pregnant women who smoked and who did not smoke.47, One study analyzed data from smoking cessation services on staff and on pregnant women who accessed those services.46 The three studies of online forum posts analyzed publicly available online discussions about pregnancy but did not confirm pregnancy or smoking status of people posting on those websites.45,48,49, Four studies with low,37,41 and moderate,34,36 risk of bias, all from the United States, were included in this analysis34,36,37,41 (Table 1). It can cause euphoria, relaxation, and enhanced sensory perception. 41: Postpartum Depression and Anxiety, Ep. OTIS/MotherToBaby encourages inclusive and person-centered language. 2018; doi: 10.1097/OGX.0000000000000595. Among people who vape during pregnancy, what patterns of use are identified? Hi Im currently 15 weeks pregnant and just got my first actual ob appointment on Wednesday this week, if there any way for the doctor to tell Ive been vaping ? The vanilla/cream based flavors are linked to popcorn lung. Learn more about, Twins & Multiples: Your Tentative Time Table. 42: Postpartum Depression and Anxiety Medications, Eczema (Moderate-to-Severe)/Atopic Dermatitis, Pertussis/Tdap vaccine (Whooping Cough vaccine). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Of the qualitative studies, three studies analyzing data from online forums scored between 12 and 16 of 32 on the COREQ checklist,45,48,49 with the other four studies ranging between 23 and 31 of 3232,33,43,44 (Supplementary Table 2). Full-text screening was completed by two reviewers with discrepancies resolved by a third author. I was just being honest about my personal experience and having a positive outcome but obviously I dont know the real risks and things but my midwife isnt concerned :). I'm 5w4d today, I'm newly diagnosed adhd, life long anxiety and a suspicion for autism. Your post will be hidden and deleted by moderators. Smoking Cigarettes During Pregnancy: Is It Ever Safe? H there I have vapes for years im 20 weeks pregnant and still vaping I have 6mg are there any other mums out there still vaping my midwife said it's fine I no there will be a lot of people against just wondering if anyone else is still vaping x Reply 2 Similar Discussions Found 16 Comments Newest First Oldest First Violation Reported Included studies were assessed for bias or quality. This is my third pregnancy and I quit smoking cigarettes when I found out I was pregnant with my first 2 babies and while I breast fed. A Contributorship Form detailing each authors specific involvement with this content, as well as any supplementary data, are available online at Pregnancy FAQ170. Use of the term mother or maternal refers to a person who is pregnant. Ideally, the vaccine should be given between 27 and 36 weeks of pregnancy. I quit a week or so after I found out I was pregnant. Studies have shown that infant heart rate and blood pressure changes have been associated with increased nicotine concentrations in milk. Glad to know Im not alone i vaped through my last pregnancy and my little girl came out perfect x. This information should not take the place of medical care and advice from your healthcare provider. Accessed March 18, 2021. A systematic review on the reproductive outcomes from vaping in pregnancy published in 201922 found no studies on this subject, commenting that animal studies indicated a potential for nicotine from vaping to induce birth defects and to alter birth weight. I went for my anatomy scan this morning and let that doctor know I vape also and he said nothing about it either. I found vaping harder to quit than smoking. These studies also found that that blood flow to the baby was decreased when e-cigarettes that have nicotine were used. I just hit my boyfriends vape today after not touching it for 2 weeks. Professor McNeill is a NIHR Senior Investigator. For full access to this pdf, sign in to an existing account, or purchase an annual subscription., Copyright 2023 The Organization of Teratology Information Specialists, MotherToBaby, a service of the Organization of Teratology Information Specialists,,, Alcohol, Tobacco & Marijuana: What You Need To Know During Breastfeeding, Asking Questions That Count When Considering Adoption, Birth Defects Prevention Month Series- Alcohol, Smoking and Other Drugs: Why Ten Fingers Plus Ten Toes Doesnt Always Equal the Whole Story, Ep. Raw levels of cotinine and the tobacco-specific nitrosamines NNK and NNAL were higher among dual users than among those not exposed to smoking or vaping, but these differences were nonsignificant, possibly due to small sample sizes.31 When splitting the sample by nicotine level, those with higher nicotine levels (which we presume were smokers and dual users) had an increased risk of babies that were small for gestational age (Supplementary Table 3). The data reviewed here are insufficient to draw any firm conclusions for practice or policy. Dr Brose has received funding from CRUK and Heart Research UK and has no links with any tobacco or vaping product manufacturers. Titles and abstracts were screened by one author with a subsection screened by a second author. Some also might use e-cigarettes during pregnancy because of the perception that the devices can help them quit or reduce cigarette smoking. FDA strongly advises against the use of cannabidiol (CBD), tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), and marijuana in any form during pregnancy or while breastfeeding. I dont know why vaping is soooooo much harder to quit than regular smoking . Please whitelist our site to get all the best deals and offers from our partners. I'm now fighting nicotine addiction (doing well! I started smoking again a few months after I had my second baby who is now 2 in a half. More research is needed to develop an evidence base in this area. Mayo Clinic on Incontinence - Mayo Clinic Press, NEW The Essential Diabetes Book - Mayo Clinic Press, NEW Ending the Opioid Crisis - Mayo Clinic Press, FREE Mayo Clinic Diet Assessment - Mayo Clinic Press, Mayo Clinic Health Letter - FREE book - Mayo Clinic Press. Dr Leonie Brose is a Senior Lecturer in the Nicotine Research Group, in the Addictions Department at the IoPPN, Kings College London. Vaping was rare among nonsmokers. Exposure Information Service All rights reserved. Hope you're all good. Group Owners uphold the core values of the brand by reporting content that violates the community guidelines. Talk with your healthcare provider about your thoughts on quitting. Not judging its your life. Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. Introduction: Smoking in pregnancy increases the risk of negative health outcomes. E-cigarettes are known by many different names. There is even less evidence in relation to vaping products. Vulvar varicosities during pregnancy: What can you do? They found the birth outcomes from vaping mothers was the same as for non-smoking/vaping mothers but said infant motor maturity was decreased. 1998-2023 Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research (MFMER). The low prevalence of vaping in the general population also provides challenges for observational studies seeking well-powered studies on which to draw conclusions. They also noted that most studies of pregnant women who vaped were confounded by participants who also smoked. Full search terms are available in the Appendix. 619.368.3259 Only one study reported on the nicotine content of participants vaping products; in this large survey, 38% of pregnant vapers (n = 3277) used nicotine and 35% used nicotine-free vaping products34 (Supplementary Table 2). National survey, Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health (PATH). A 2020 report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found that around 6.6% of pregnant people used opioids during their pregnancy. Available Solutions for Prenatal Nutrition from Mayo Clinic Store, Book: Mayo Clinic Guide to a Healthy Pregnancy. Smoking in pregnancy increases the risk of negative health outcomes. In 2015, 7.0% of women with a recent live birth in Oklahoma and Texas reported using electronic vapor products (EVPs) shortly before, during, or after pregnancy, with 1.4% reporting use during pregnancy. Has anyone vaped a little bit, once in awhile during pregnancy? Any use of vaping products during the last 3 mo of pregnancy was estimated at 1.2% (ranging from 0.6% in New York City to 4.4% in West Virginia) with 0.5% of participants reporting exclusive use of vaping products (with no concurrent smoking). The lower blood flow might be the reason for the poor growth in the developing baby. Web Vaping while pregnant. Find advice, support and good company (and some stuff just for fun). Additionally, if you're pregnant or planning to become pregnant, the COVID-19 vaccine is recommended. The Danger of Vaping Around Babies and Kids. Prevalence of smoking during pregnancy was highest for women aged 20-24 (10.7%), followed by women aged 15-19 (8.5%) and 25-29 (8.2%). Vaping can be effective for smoking cessation in nonpregnant populations. m. Electronic cigarettes for smoking cessation, Evidence Review of E-cigarettes and Heated Tobacco Products 2018. The US National Academies of Sciences (NASEM) summarized several animal studies that reported adverse effects from in-utero nicotine delivery on lung development and postnatal lung function and behavior. Batstra L, Hadders-Algra M, Neeleman J. Leonardi-Bee J, Smyth A, Britton J, Coleman T. Chamberlain C, OMara-Eves A, Porter J, et al. The views expressed in community are solely the opinions of participants, and do not reflect those of What to Expect. What to Expect supports Group Black and its mission to increase greater diversity in media voices and media ownership. Im still vaping! The expectant mother hasn't done anything wrong and has simply found herself in a hugely difficult situation, like every other vaper and nicotine addict on the planet. So far all tests and scans have been fine but I was wondering if anyone else ever vaped . One qualitative study of 30 pregnant and postpartum women reported that they preferred small, discreet vaping products and that they avoided vaping in front of children.44 A study of 14 pregnant women who vaped reported that half used prefilled cartridges.39 No other study reported type of device used (Supplementary Table 2). The systematic review protocol was preregistered with PROSPERO on 3 June 2019 and can be found here thank you for your encouragement! Articles that reported data from animal studies, in vitro studies, or studies published in a language other than English, French, German, or Italian were excluded. However, pregnancy comes with some physical restrictions and social changes that mothers endure. Johnston EJ, Campbell K, Coleman T, Lewis S, Orton S, Cooper S. Schilling L, Schneider S, Karlheim C, Maul H, Tallarek M, Spallek J. Bao W, Xu G, Lu J, Snetselaar LG, Wallace RBJJ. But research suggests that pregnant women who vape believe that using e-cigarettes is less harmful than smoking cigarettes. I ate sour hard candies when the urge hit. Articles were included where they were peer-reviewed and reported data on prevalence, patterns of use, reasons for use, cessation effects, or health effects of vaping in pregnancy. A narrative review was used, with risk of bias assessed using Hoy and colleagues tool, the NewcastleOttawa scale, and the Consolidated Criteria for reporting Qualitative Research. This content does not have an English version. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco. There is emerging evidence that vaping during pregnancy may increase the risk of small for gestational age newborns. I don't plan to use it forever just to help quit. Note that once you confirm, this action cannot be undone. to a control group' by Suzanne Froggatt et al. 4. One study that included 16 people who vaped when pregnant was the only study to report flavors used.40 Among that group, fruit was the most commonly used flavor followed by candy and mint. The quantitative studies were assessed using the NewcastleOttawa scale; four were poor quality and three were good quality (Supplementary Table 2). Be sure to talk to your healthcare provider about all of your breastfeeding questions. Not to say that vaping is fine at all. Even if that wasnt the case, we dont know for sure that it is safe. Aug 30, 2021 at 4:20 AM. She is funded by the NIHR Applied Health Research (ARC) South London. Kapaya M, et al. Have you ever read about nicotine gum? Your baby could be born with low birth weight, and may need to be kept in the NICU. E-cigarettes and pregnancy. Im 19 weeks today. I vape alllll the time before and during this pregnancy, I'm now 26 weeks and totally freaking out that it might be harmful. Create an account or log in to participate. Coleman T, Chamberlain C, Davey MA, Cooper SE, Leonardi-Bee J. Bowker K, Lewis S, Coleman T, Cooper S. Rose SW, Barker DC, DAngelo H, et al. My son is 11 months and I never went back to smoking, and have no cravings anymore. Youll hear I do it and Ive done it stories but thats not the facts. The funders had no role on the study design, analysis, or interpretation of the data, wiring of the report or decision to submit the paper for publication. Dr Debbie Robson is a Senior Research Fellow in the Nicotine Research Group in the Addictions Department at the IoPPN, Kings College London. While our name still contains a reference to mothers, we are updating our resources with more inclusive terms. Please specify a reason for deleting this reply from the community. The relative risk among people who had vaped compared with those not exposed was 5.1 (95% CI: 1.222.2). Share this article As long as you dont use high voltage vapes and/or vanilla/cream flavors you should be fine. Group Leaders communicate with staff moderators and escalate potential violations for review, but they dont moderate discussions. Thank you for your words as well. We conducted a systematic review of vaping in pregnancy, covering prevalence, patterns of use, reasons for use, smoking cessation, and health effects. Sure a glass would probably be fine but you dont know so you dont risk it. But quitting is worth it for your health and your baby's health. cnels16. Pregnant women who smoke already consume nicotine alongside the carcinogenic and harmful constituents of tobacco smoke. ((exp electronic cigarette/) OR (e-cig*) OR (electronic cig*) OR (ENDS AND Nicotine) OR (electronic nicotine delivery system*) OR ((Nicotine) AND (Vaping* OR Vape* OR Vaporiz* OR Vaporis* OR Vapouris*))) AND((exp pregnancy/ OR exp pregnancy complications/ OR exp maternal health services/ OR exp fetus/ OR exp fetal therapies/ OR exp fetal monitoring/ OR exp perinatal care/ OR exp labor pain OR exp analegsia, obstetrical/ OR exp obstetric surgical procedures/ OR exp infant, newborn/ OR exp postpartum period/ OR exp breast feeding/ OR exp prenatal diagnosis/ OR exp obstetrics/ OR exp prenatal education/)) OR ((breast-feeding education OR parturition OR ante natal OR antenatal* OR pre natal* OR prenatal* OR puerper* OR postnatal* OR postpartum OR post partum OR post natal* OR peripartum OR peri partum OR prepregnancy OR pre pregnancy OR preconception* OR pre conception* OR periconception* OR peri conception* OR ((preterm OR premature) and (labor OR labour)) OR eclamp* OR preeclamp* OR pre eclamp* OR amniocentes* OR chorion* vill* OR breastfe* OR breast fe* OR lactation* OR cesarean OR caesarean OR cesarian OR caesarian OR cesarien OR caesarien OR newborn* OR new born* OR tocoly* OR fetal OR foetal OR fetus OR foetus OR miscarriage* OR pregnancy OR pregnancies OR pregnant).ti,ab,kf.). National Addiction Centre, Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience (IoPPN), Kings College London. death for the mother and baby. Studies have shown COVID-19 vaccines don't pose any serious risks . There was little data on flavors and types of products used or frequency of vaping. Aug 30, 2021 at 4:18 AM. Professor Linda Bauld is the Bruce and John Usher Chair of Public Health in the College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine at the University of Edinburgh. The solutions in e-cigarettes can include chemicals such as nicotine, propylene glycol, ethylene glycol, polyethylene glycol, diacetyl, and/or glycerol; and heavy metals such as nickel, tin, and/or lead. Smoking during pregnancy can be harmful to your baby both before and after birth which is why many groups, including the AMA, AAP and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), which represents American OB-GYNs, urge moms to avoid lighting up at all during pregnancy. It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide, This PDF is available to Subscribers Only. Weed's active compound is . Committee Opinion No. There were insufficient data to draw conclusions about prevalence, patterns, and effects of vaping in pregnancy on smoking cessation. Pregnant women often don't know if their e-cigarettes contain nicotine. Taking it a day at a time, I vaped right through my first pregnancy and everything was fine, still vaping during this pregnancy. "Mayo," "Mayo Clinic," "," "Mayo Clinic Healthy Living," and the triple-shield Mayo Clinic logo are trademarks of Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. The use of electronic cigarettes in pregnancy: A review of the literature. Studies are constantly coming out about how bad it is for your body and babies. Hsu R, Myers AE, Ribisl KM, Marteau TM. Vaping during pregnancy could harm a developing fetus. You can do it! This sheet is about exposure to e-cigarettes in pregnancy and while breastfeeding. Fathers or sperm donors who smoke traditional cigarettes with nicotine can have lower sperm counts, as well as abnormal shape and movement of sperm, which may make becoming pregnant more difficult. All authors are members of SPECTRUM, a consortium supported by the UK Prevention Research Partnership (MR/S037519/1), which is funded by the British Heart Foundation, Cancer Research UK, Chief Scientist Office of the Scottish Government Health and Social Care Directorates, Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, Economic and Social Research Council, Health and Social Care Research and Development Division (Welsh Government), Medical Research Council, National Institute for Health Research, Natural Environment Research Council, Public Health Agency (Northern Ireland), the Health Foundation, and the Wellcome Trust. J. JillianFaye98. Hi there people!!! She is a Director of the SPECTRUM consortium and holds the CRUK/BUPA Chair in Behavioural Research for Cancer Prevention at CRUK. I always though smoking is bad during pregnancy. 2005-2023Everyday Health, Inc., a Ziff Davis company. CBD Oil: Is It Safe to Use During Pregnancy and Breastfeeding? Are there any resources or medical treatments available to help me to quit e-cigarettes and tobacco cigarettes during my pregnancy? I've always thought first trimester is the most crucial because baby is developing rapidly and there's a risk for miscarriage. Try a 0 nicotine vape (which will also help you to quit) or quit. Some studies have linked traditional cigarettes with nicotine to higher chances for attention deficit disorder and learning disabilities. Three articles of fair29,31 and good47 quality published data on pregnancy and birth health outcomes29,31,47 (Supplementary Table 3). E-cigarette use during breastfeeding has not been studied. Among prenatal EVP users, 38.4% reported using EVPs containing nicotine. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists Committee on Obstetric Practice. Does using e-cigarettes increase the chance for miscarriage? Only one study exists to see if the use of e-cigarettes by fathers or sperm donors could increase risks to a pregnancy. The studies that have been performed on humans are specifically on smoking cigarettes and its almost impossible to know what chemicals in the cigarettes is the cause for complications. One study found that the health outcomes from vaping in pregnancy may be less severe than those from smoking. I for the most part quick vaping when I found out I was pregnant because I was going through a tank a day of juice(I had a fairly large tank). Receiving the Tdap vaccine during pregnancy helps protect your newborn from whooping cough (pertussis). i had previously smoked & then moved to a vape. 2019; doi:10.15585/mmwr.mm6808a1. This site complies with the HONcode standard for trustworthy health information: verify here. Smoking during pregnancy also . Similarly, more well-designed studies measuring birth weight and other maternal and fetal health outcomes are needed to improve the evidence base in this area. on the lower mg patch already) and Has anyone who smoked MJ during their pregnancy experience neonatal abstinence syndrome with their little ones after birth? The views expressed in this article are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the NIHR, or the Department of Health and Social Care. MMWR Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. While these resources focus on tobacco cigarettes, nicotine is the addictive chemical in both e-cigarettes and tobacco cigarettes, so they can still provide help regarding e-cigarettes. Vaping during pregnancy could harm a developing fetus. Not here to judge anyone but my brother nearly lost his life recently due to vaping.. Im not seeing how its safe to do so while pregnant but to each their own. A Group Leader is a What to Expect community member who has been selected by our staff to help maintain a positive, supportive tone within a group. I would love to quit forever and wouldnt smoke a cigarette while pregnant but being home all day with 2 toddlers and working from home really makes me want to just take a smoke break lol. There is also free advice, support and referrals, with the Smokers Quitline at 1- 800-QUIT-NOW (1-800-784-8669) from anywhere in the U.S. 2020; doi:10.1097/AOG.0000000000003822. The study was well powered and found that the mean birthweight of babies born to mothers who vaped (n = 218) in the last trimester of their pregnancy was very similar (within 1 g) to those born to nonsmoking mothers who neither smoked or vaped (n = 108; 3470 555 g and 3471 504 g respectively; p = .97) and was significantly higher than that birthweight of babies born to mothers who smoked (n = 99; 3166 504 g; p < .001) (Supplementary Table 3). Gray R, Bonellie SR, Chalmers J, et al. The same survey also found that 4.5% of participants became pregnant between waves and that this group constituted 2.8% of those who continued to smoke at wave 2, 1.3% of those who moved from smoking to vaping, and 14.5% of those who quit smoking and did not use vaping products suggesting that participants who became pregnant were less likely than those who did not become pregnant to continue smoking or to move to vaping, but more likely to quit smoking without using vaping products.42, One study analyzing the content of online forums reported posts from women saying that they had quit smoking when pregnant using vaping products and had then continued to vape to remain abstinent from cigarettes postpartum.45. Be the reason for deleting this reply from the community guidelines Foundation for medical Education and Research MFMER! Solutions for Prenatal Nutrition from Mayo Clinic Store, Book: Mayo Guide. 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