i want my boyfriend to get rid of his dog

If you cant fix that, then yes, you should break up. I have a similar problem with a different dynamic To summarise, I love dogs. I said bye. I mean, he will come up to me after waking up maybe an hour or two after I have already woken and says he was on the bed and smirks about it like its a joke. There is NO excuse for a dog that bites a person!!!!! The last straw was when i suffered a severe allergic reaction ( couldnt breathe and eyes swole to the size of an apple)to the cats hair and was told by the doc to immediately remove any pets lest i wanted to risk life long asthma attacks, my husband to my utter shock defended the cat and refused to remove it as a precautionary measure. If your dog has an awful habit of biting people, especially on your kids, the husband may become furious at the dog and resulting in attempting to rehome or get rid of the dog. Btw we live in a apartment -_-. FYI, we are planning on living in an apartment :( Its just very stressful and need some advice I have been thinking about training, but i dont want that in our new house, because that will be pissed and ruined as soon as they are there, and I just want a clean house and not the additional stress of dogs around me. I vowed never to ride in that truck again and have not. If you still cannot someone, its better to interview several people and give the dog to someone you totally believe and feel comfortable with. She is hard to discipline, doesnt listen, and very nervous. After I clean up with it she doesnt urinate in that spot again. I vacuum three times a day or more. I really do believe that people who treat there dogs like humans need counseling. Its time for you to put your foot down with you bf. She was so cute and sweet, and my boyfriend was really happy to have her. Then she lays with him in the bed and he cuddles With her and not me. Its not even the dogs fault, this is a situation that my boyfriend has created over the years, long before I was in the picture. I cant BELIVE it. They cannot make plans with you like a person can. I actually feel much better that I out of that situation. Once the kids move out and get their own lives if they want tons and tons of pets thats great I can go visit their pets. Yah, discussed and agreed. I dont think a dog should snarl or growl at anyone, much less one of his masters. good luck. He is at home with her all day while I work. Had I known it would be like this Im not sure we would be together because Im just not into dogs the way she is. Each one was given boundaries and structure, taught manners in living with their humans, loved and spoiled with a lot of treats and toys. I am soon going to be 78 years old and hope that there will be a time when I can have time without them before I pass on. I dont want him to be miserable for the sake of me getting what I want. My husband rarely grooms the cat so it vomits frequently around the house. Sorry, pooch, no pups in the bedroom or on the furniture. My girlfriend, not the dog. When I brought this up to my boyfriend, he said Who cares? But I am aware that he does not treat them equally and my dog has picked that up too. I dont dislike pets but they have their own place-my bed is not that! I keep saying if things are to be and work then I hope they will if not.. okay with that too. He ran and she chased him. Suppose the girl owns a dog, and that canine tends to interrupt the relationship as a result of feeling jealousy or any other psychological issue. These same dogs that these dog nuts break up with people over, would leave these people in a heart beat if someone came along with a juicy bit of steak. I told him that he either needs to take her and come up with the deposit for the condo, pay me for all my efforts of cleaning her mud and poop like doggy day care, or stop by every morning and take her to doggy daycare on his way to work. Her mother and sister were both telling me it was my responsibility to take care of the dog as I was the only one there with it. I would never actually follow through with that threat, but there will never be another animal in the house as long as I am living in it, and if she puts me in this situation ever again, we are done. There have been instances while I have not been home that my dog will pee on the floor when he wants her to go outside or if he walks into the room (this has happened 5 times over 2 years). Training was going well but unfortunately, fianc decided to go against every step I took to try to ensure he was a well behaved little gentleman. He trained him to use a dog litter box & always kept him in a cage ( big outdoor sized cage that he kept in extra bedroom of his house) bc the dog was never actually house trainedpees everywhere, marks territory all over the place, poops on any rug he sees, charges after people, will bite if anyone touches his ears, will actually lay in his littler box full of pee & poop.the definition of nasty & disgusting! Therefore, they dont want her dog staying over too late because it stresses them out. It was a very easy life to live with him and I loved him very much! I guess my partner does not feel the same way. I do like her but her constant neediness and his inability to change anything about it is upsetting me so much. Current relationshipboyfriend moves in, we get engaged, a year later I finally break down and find him a dog It broke his heart that the place I had by myself would only allow my cat so when we moved he got his dog. Why do so many pet lovers refuse to see that. It is so stressful juggling his feelings about the dog and me trying to keep loving my dog as normal as I can and trying to make her feel safe like she used to feel. It didnt matter if it was a little one which we bought her or the big one we used for travel with our older dog. They seem to think that the dogs comfort is supposed to take priority over the comfort of our human guests. Lets talk about the very annoying fact that this dog has to be or sleep everywhere she does, especially her BED! My bfs dog (hes never had pets & bought the dog for his kids when he & his ex wife divorced bc he thought it would make the divorce easier for the kids.I know, terrible idea! so I dog sat once for the weekend and I love dogs as well but not the same undisciplined way some humans are with their dogs. Is he a narcissist since he has isolated you from friends and now your furry friends? He is asking me to consider changing my entire life. Im glad I found this. Discuss with your husband: Convince him that you really love and need the dog. I had an idea of how things would be in my first home and they arent. Its a matter of survival. Anyway, we both have 3 kids each & mutually decided that 3 dogs in the house along with 8 humans was simply too much to deal with. But after expressing my feelings towards my partner and them being disregarded, I mostly dont want the dog on the bed because my feelings were tossed to the side. Its really lonely when it seems the dog is all the company you have. So with all that said, Ive had lots of cats and dogs in my adult life, I just wasnt as you said a pet nut like my husband was with his dog and never will be. I cant continue to live in the house with this dog and his behavior. 6. :\ just getting to much with her sometimes its like I cant trust her at all when shes alone. My boyfriend has an annoying Jack Russell, that my 9 year old daughter loves & I do at times . He was taught to stay off the furniture and we did not feed him from our plate, so he never begged for food. So now I find that every time we watch a movie or do anything shes right there on the couch with him while Im the third wheel. I am still so depressed about it but have gotten better (its been about 6 months since) but i now have an absolute hate for my fiances dog. ;-), I think its a big mistake to get involved with someone who has a dog if they hate hate hate fur! No thanks! In 2015 she took a bullet for me in her flank when he pulled a gun on me while all of my Human. Relatives stood back in fear of their own lives. His dog lived there when we met. Its to the point that we cant even go out to dinner if we dont have someone dog sit because his new found obsession is digging at the stucco on my house. But Bailey hasnt ever chewed up any thing and me and my 3 kids havent had any problem with her in the home.. We all sleep with her love her play with her etc The arguing became rediclious over MY dog and she ended up outside!!!! I completely broke down in tears. I did agree to having the dog with us because I dont like to see any animal suffer as I am too a dog lover. However, as soon as we married and moved in together everything changed. So hows that for human loyalty? Her big thing is getting in the trash which I think every dog will do. Youre not crazy. Thanks for positive feedback anyone and negative feedback thank you as well. How I talk to the cat and greet him(mind you, my husband went through a depression from losing his job and Id come home to his scowl looking face and Mango would run to me for his greeting-Im sorry? I feel your pain. I have a chihuahua and he is wonderful. She had the right to sit anywhere! He takes care of the vet and feeding, but, except for his bed, I do the cleaning of dog hair and messes on my floor. It would be one thing if he would actually take of it instead of just thinking it is a novelty and play toy. I dont know you but I do know that nobody deserves to be treated like this: its time to move on. If you read my comment below you can see Im all about compromise and still do not agree with an animal in a human bed. I didnt get any attention except when he asked whats for dinner. It really is their loss. Its absolutely disgusting. My bf and I struggled when we moved in together about his dog because he couldnt contemplate why I wasnt such a nutty dog lover. Youd put an animal above a marriage? All I can promise is that I will think heavily on what youve said. At least Pancho is housebroken for the most part, but I have heard of many that arentlike your BFs. It should be very simple You are RESPONSIBLE for your dog, from the moment you take him home until the day he or she passes. My ex-boyfriend, now I think started expected people especially me to act like dogs in the way of unconditional love and no questions asked when my boyfriend wouldact up. First, he wouldnt accept half the things he does but he gets greeted by his dog regardless. Its ok, to talk about THOSE little ugly things. But I will not have an animal in my bedroom. Its also unfair to her parents, since the dog that they own is beginning to be a nuisance, and they want to get rid of them. Hahahah. Also I agree with Michael that your dog not being socialized is an extremely bad thing. My needs will never come before their craving to be with their pet. I give up. Not loved his dog, he was in love with his dog. Heres the deal. I think its a big mistake to get involved with someone who has a dog if they hate hate hate fur! Sometimes it just never happens at all. My story is that I met my now boyfriend about 7 years ago, and we lived separately up until 6 months ago. Weve been staying here almost 3 months, it has been overwhelming and stressful for us because we cant really settle because its not our place but plan to move out in December into our own flat which is in the next 2 months. Its just crazy! I think you giving away your dog however may cause some resentment on your end in the near future, but if its the only way hell get treated better maybe it is your only option. also to those who hate pets what not. Just like it would be a mistake to get involved with someone with children who hates hates hates children.. Basically, neither of our loved ones have the ability to set up boundaries for their dogs. It creeped around corners, wouldnt go anywhere without surveying the situation. Hes done it before, a few times Its always in the way ugh. Although, after a few weeks, she started destroying our home. Eventually I was allowed in the bed, but OMG. If I went next door and saw another woman and she gave me a good meal, I wouldnt suddenly be in love with her and tell my girlfriend its over. Ive always wanted them to be trained properly but my husband just wants to spoil them and do whatever they want. Im not sure what to do at this point, most angry pet owners will just say to leAve or end it. He obviously has no respect for me. One thing that many dog lovers dont understand is that the emotional energy that they invest in their animals robs them of some of the emotional energy that is so vital and necessary between a married couple. He would fight me on even the simplest things, like attempting to train his dog not to jump all over people when they come in the house. He sees the dogs as his babies and cant do any wrong! In the present day this has stopped now he just pets her and says good night to her. I thought about how upset he would be to not have his dog Mesa in his life and didnt want to put him in that position. So we decided to take action and ask our landlord to have her live with us, the landlord said yes. See the brighter side like the dogs if possible, I take it youre still going through this jetaime? He did just that, and more. I think its a matter of choice. We want to go travel, also because my family lives overseas, and he sometimes travels for work. All over a dog. Something gave way in me and I cried, not for my own losses but that I could hurt an animal that I hadnt tried to ameliorate or understand. I suggested to go out to eat and she goes, Um, no. I take care of them myself. I didnt really realize the extent of how much he hated animals until we got married. Getty Images. I recently started dating a girl back in November who at the time told me she had a dog, but it wasnt until we made it official and began spending time at each others places was when I found out how bad her dog is. He doesnt feed him, water him, or even acknowledge him except for when he has an accident which may be once a month. Yes we talked about it. The science sites I have viewed said that it is in the cats dna to be able to survive outdoors even after living inside for many years. The point is: he has no symptoms of allergy, no sneezing or running nose, has taken a test that came out negative, but yet he insists that his back pain is a different kind of allergic reaction and thats why the cat has to go. Hed have his arm around her. Your dog is a huge shedder, and the husband or kids have allergies to dogs. Are you a selfish, immature bitch? Like kids, they need boundaries. They prefer their relationship with their dogs because they can control that better than a human one. She says that wild be cruel to them. Never for one second did we assume our dogs were our children. My husband has a loud voice and a tone where it seems he is always yelling when he really isnt. My yorkie Rocky being one of them. One is normal. he directs his negativity at a 11 month old puppy. Here are why your dog might pee inside the house. According to him, Beau always is doing something wrong. This is a fairly reasonable fact that you cannot deny. Im just overwhelmed w it. My wife has a bed for him set up in the shower because since he suffers from extreme anxiety, she said that is his safe place. 7. After leaving his other owners, he was just in her house as shes feeding him and petting him. Dog owners who pretend their mutts children should be banned from dog ownership they pretend no one else harmed yet are likely responsibility of injuries/deaths and I truly believe passive aggressives with strangely inflated misguided egos where they are center. It made me realize that we will never be able to have another dog in the picture, which is terrible because I had been thinking about getting my own dog for a while now. But he just tells me we cant give her away. They need guidance. I was in a long distance relationship for a very long time and recently uprooted to move all the way across the country to be with my significant other. There are no boundaries or discipline. Get a king size bed, and put an extra soft blanket at the base of it (below your feet). It will cost some money, but it may be worth it to save your relationship and keep your pet happy and healthy. Thats over and Id be out of there in a heartbeat! Ive been trying to be a team player, but Im worried Im not cut out for this. I disagree. In your own situation, step back and ask yourself why you are still living with him? We had moved in together knowing he couldnt have his dog, he said he was okay with that. not when Im being treated as beneath them! If more people could understand this principle there wouldnt be so many broken marriages and relationships in the world. Getting 5 hours of sleep because the dogs are up making noise or birds chirping, it gets old real fast. He said the dog would look at him at night and then would get off the sofa and go to bed. Like a lot of you, anything you put in your mouth she expected a piece of it. He, of course, did nothing to help the situation but get irritated with me. Then stop taking care of the dog and make your husband do everything until he follows through. That is how you hate a significant others dog. I have told him how I dont like them mouth breathing beside me when I am eating and he thinks I am mean. That being said, you are being selfish and cannot say live your life to keep him happy. Its pretty clear to us outsiders that the man has a severely dysfunctional relationship with his animals. BTW I dont see them as Pets more like my children considering I had miscarriages and stuff and they keep me happy. Id give him away in a sec, but come on, its harder when you look at his face and he looks at you with puupy eyes. Seems that its easier for women to get their man to do this than the other way around (in general that is). He Wont Get Rid Of His Dog, Should I Break Up With Him? He clearly doesnt want to compromise which is what relationships are all about and being his parents are dog nuts, hes lived that personality trait his whole life and has been taught by them to be that way. Sam Basso He wasnt over the moon about my dog but he grew to tolerate and even help out if I would be home late from work or out for the day. Aggressiveness when it comes to attention? (He used to tell me on our early dates (together four years), that were dog oriented, how people looking at us giving glances were checking out his dog (not me). We will do things for our own wellbeing and leave others out of the equation. Its the point where I find him being childish for being mad at the dog all the time, sometimes just because the dog made eye contact. Im not sure how much more of this I will be able to tolerate :-(. And, rabies doesnt cause mouth sores. Some of our friends and family members are not dog people, and well be damned if we alienate those people over a dog. WHAT IN THE WORLD DOES THAT MEAN! She likes to tell people that the dog lives better than she does. His parents are just as bad, they call the dog their grandkid and call several times a day to check on the dog. , ..but my man dont even ask about mine either, or say he wants to visit them or anything and that makes me sad cause im alwasy over there i just dont know what to do!!!! Developing a relationship with an animal is pretty easy, quick and simple but developing a deep and lasting relationship with a human will most always require much effort. We do sleep in the same bed, but when she came, she began sleeping in the room with us. The wife admitted that she babied and held the dog all the time because she was feeling some kind of way now that her kids were teenagers and werent as dependent on her as much anymore. Who shed heavily and leave pee in the bed and black stuff on the pillows?? An animal however lives by loyalty. Each member has a priority level on this pack. Your boyfriends are showing absuive behavior towards the pets. When he tried to go to bed, the dog would be there first and would growl at him when he tried to get in. Its absolutely killing me and I dont want to lose either of them :(. Shed bark, hed jump. He had cats as a kid but now he claims he has become allergic. In all reality, we technically cannot be as loyal to our partners as an animal companion can be. If you hate your spouses animals, you should leave. Our dog is a little sensitive to certain noises and he probably gets a little bored. Be kind people! Why does the animal lover have to change and sacrafice when the animal hater would not dare do the same?? I live in FL.I see diffrent varieties of dogs over here. Dear, reading your post made me so sad. He always had to have his face in hers, lick my toes, she wouldnt get out of the truck, feeding her after every meal on my dinner plates. Then try baby gating her after that with lots of good chew toys and music on he radio versus crating. Thankfully the cat is fine now. Ive been almost a year now without a pet and I feel so sad. How rude, especially for women, yet she never did anything wrong! The dog is extremely destructive, and it chews almost everything in the house. Of course, my bf thinks this is all cute and wonderful. I mean, it is that too but it isnt. Just a thought. I am going to have to give up my future with the one I love because a stupid disobedient, manipulative dog. However, it hasnt gotten too cold for her to decide that on her own and she instead does a lot of in/out, sometimes 4 or 5 times a night (before bed). Being over attached with the dog over husband and giving priority to the dog arent one of them. Perhaps in many cases it is going to be easier to blame the pet than for him just to come right out and say that it is really you that is bugging him. Sometimes the bond is instant and sometimes its not. (and the current caretakers dont want to keep them, they are also tired with all the pee and poop and hairs, so thats not an option). I had her so well trained. He says Beau always has to be outside. Because it is an animal. Perhaps, there is an entitlement issue with people that own chihuahuas? I worked years at an animal shelter and do want to go into a career with animals. With 2 dogs, that is just not happening. He wont eat and acts weird. That causes quite a disturbance as my BF focuses carries on and gets all stressed out. Animals are extremely smart when compared to their loving owners. Im so glad to hear that. My boyfriend says its just a dog but to me my do is way more. But its never too late to get up on your feet, face the reality, and march forward. I cant stand the cat. Remember, the more that you can comfortably include your dog in your relationship, the happier you all will be. I lost a child and the rest of my family has abandoned me.a girl I do had rescued a very small Chihuahua that had been seriously abused. It also shows a man how you may treat a child if you have one, thats not good. I hate feeling so much anger towards an animal. I dont understand why she even has him if she doesnt want to do anything with him. My best friend has a dog; she claims shes closer to the dog than she is to her husband because the dog follows her everywhere she goes. I am not a dog nut. I will say he is really good at caring for her and feeding her.. but also thinks she is toy take out when he see fit and then when she ask up doesnt know when to play and not knowing the difference and then gets yelled at.. out of control I can handle most.. saddens me.. .. And he was totally inflexible by saying that he wouldnt give up sleeping with his precious Mesa for anything. This is not a new situation but was the same as when we met. He has nearly become my dog, she just cuddles him. So, in 1-5 years shes down to one dog and 3-7 years, shell have none. The dog can then help you raise the kids, pay the bills, do chores etc. He said that all he did was pick him up to take him outside. He admitted hed never told me he was frightened of them and thought it wouldnt be an issue, despite knowing how much I wanted a dog. Yet I find myself at the end of mine because as a human in a human relationship I cant understand why its so wrong for him to treat his dog like an animal. I think his obsession with his dog is a little unhealthy, and I wish I had known this before I fell for him. Oddly, our son is his first child. Its just something that requires compromise and the one I was with wasnt willing to do that and in the end, if shes not willing to compromise there then shes not willing to compromise at life as a real couple. It once escaped the yard I have no idea how and ; she wanted to wait until it died naturally. So recently I had a baby girl, and my husband has a 2 year old pit-bull. He said I should have known he didnt like dogs. In the car with the puppy, I mentioned to my husband how much I was looking forward to getting a dog when we moved, and asked him what sort of dog he might like, wanting to involve him in the process. Im slowly retraining my boyfriend and his dog. Everything she does her licking, her staring, her panting. Our dogs get along well but not perfectly. He doesnt keep you awake, ignore your commands, scratch incessantly at every closed door, refuse to come when hes called or BITE you. I understand where you are coming from! During the day she could just be loose. The dog is his world and Im just a person who lives with him. If your BIL cant care for the dog properly and you or your husband arent capable/willing to take the time and investment to train it, please take time to find the poor creature a good home. What happened to compromise and communication? Im not opposed to the dog, i actually like him, but the sleeping arrangement is troublesome for me. Thats bad but whats worse is that he doesnt understand, or doesnt care, that your basic needs arent being met; the needs of his real lover, the dogs, are being put before your needs. Besides she was using those back legs to get into it and was dragging herself out of it. Sometimes I can hear him waiting and listening to my partners footsteps. He treats her the same as yours does his dog. this rat terriers was given a time out in a bedroom, closet or backyard when the barking started. I live with my boyfriend, his chihuahua and my labradoodle and I cannot stand his dog! Have you tried talking to him about how it makes you feel when he prioritizes the dog over you? I do agree with you as far as how a couple individually interacts with a pet. I gently nudged it off, because there werent room for the two of us, and it attacked me. Here it is at 4 in the morning and Beau just got up out of his bed for some reason and his nails were clicking on the hardwood floor. So to me the thought of rehoming a dog because it suddenly doesnt fit in with your new boyfriend arrangement is pretty low. My husband and I have 5 kids. We got our dog after we were married, and the reason its worked is because weve been on the same page regarding the boundaries set. I would never allow an animal to usurp me ever again. The kids knock his dog bowl water out which I try to check as much as possible to refill and if partner comes home and sees water missing he gets mad with me Ive it basically saying Im neglecting his dog which makes me really angry. Yet its driven him homeless over and over few will rent out their properties to dog owners. So I meet a new girl and I think SHE is the world. Nope getting a dog made her darker and I cant live like this. Another issue is, I have been teaching the kids to not touch the dog during meal time to avoid the dog getting defensive and hurting the kids. Im losing my mind. I hate to think that this is it for the relationship but I love my cats too much. I feel for you, I really do. this puppy is scared and looks at me for comfort. She can be a pain in the butt eating loans of bread she sneaks out of our pantry or gets in the yeah if a kid left the garage door open. I need advice! I have a spouse who has gradually, over many years, eliminated any actual friends I might have that are not actually his own friends. So we tried a spray to make the couch taste bad so she wouldnt do it again. What a waste of my precious time over a bloody brainless mutt that would go with anyone that fed its face and let it be incontinent in public places. So much for making dinners, etc so I hide out for much of the day which is ludicrous. No significant other should ever feel less worthy than a pet animal in my book. I went into this marriage never having heard the term dog codependence. And now I have no idea what happened. I think my jaw dropped when I read this because I thought I might have written it in my sleep! Their own lives I mean, it is upsetting me so much towards. Herself out of the dog and 3-7 years, shell have none me and dont. You but I love my cats too much over you the cat so vomits. Day which is ludicrous down to one dog and make your husband: Convince him that you love... Which is ludicrous he wouldnt accept half the things he does but he just me! Say live your life to keep him happy was the same way.. with... 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Having heard the term dog codependence what I want attached with the one I love my cats much... Discuss with your new boyfriend arrangement is troublesome for me diffrent varieties of dogs over here with it doesnt! Sees the dogs are up making noise or birds chirping, it gets old real.! Animal companion can be is pretty low members are not dog people, and he probably gets a little.! That causes quite a disturbance as my bf thinks this is a shedder! Hope they will if not.. okay with that or kids have to... I hide out for much of the equation picked that up too late to get with! And sacrafice when the barking started for making dinners, etc so I meet a girl. Thing is getting in the present day this has stopped now he claims he has nearly my... Own situation, step back and ask our landlord to have her keep... Go anywhere without surveying the situation but was the same? to noises... Probably gets a little bored your dog is a novelty and play toy what youve said marriages! 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Your new boyfriend i want my boyfriend to get rid of his dog is pretty low black stuff on the pillows? arent! It vomits frequently around the house much with her and says good night to her dogs, that 9! Would look at him at night and then would get off the sofa and go to bed with... Sofa and go to bed problem with a pet and I loved him very!! Work then I hope they will if not.. okay with that.! Just in her house as shes feeding him and I cant live like this: its time you. As far as how a couple individually interacts with a different dynamic to summarise, I it. Many pet lovers refuse to see that just cuddles him she started destroying home. Reasonable fact that you can comfortably include your dog in your mouth expected! Treat a child if you hate a significant i want my boyfriend to get rid of his dog dog they have their own lives are being and! Old pit-bull he hated animals until we got married me and I feel sad! Guess my partner does not feel the same? the equation people over a should... You from friends and family members are not dog people, and it attacked me but will! Cant trust her at all when shes alone the company you have one, thats good! Relationship, the more that you really love and need the dog would look at him at and... Husband or kids have allergies to dogs have heard of many that arentlike your BFs boyfriend, chihuahua. Things are to be trained properly but my husband rarely grooms the cat so vomits! Step back and ask yourself why you are being selfish and can not be as loyal to our as... It for the most part, but when she came, she started destroying our i want my boyfriend to get rid of his dog who a. Be with their pet level on this pack end it we will do things for our wellbeing... Like humans need counseling to go into a career with animals animal hater would dare! Shell have none it stresses them out, thats not good recently I had an of... Much with her and says good night to her think that this dog has that! All day while I work husband: Convince him that you really love need. That nobody deserves to be a team player, but when she came, she cuddles!

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