supergirl gets hurt by kryptonite

Second, Kryptonite (green one) wasn't found on Krypton. Of course, it is not easy when she is almost always assaulted, nearly killed, or harassed by journalists who want to see her inevitable downfall. CaptP1. But confessing such feelings to your best friend can be risky. Several of Superman's foes use Kryptonite as part of their arsenal of weapons including Lex Luthor, who wore a ring with a piece of Kryptonite embedded in the ring. And don't forget the synthetic cryptonite from the Superman III movie which turns Superman evil. It's not quite the same, because Kryptonians recover very quickly when the radiation source is removed. The radiation from Green Kryptonite is poisonous to Kryptonians, causing weakness (removal of super-powers) and effects similar to radiation poisoning in humans. The only villain who has ever killed Superman was Doomsday, a genetically engineered creature from ancient Krypton unleashed on Earth. On her left shoulder, a tiny devil aggressively raves on and on about how Kara lied to her, manipulated her, and kept her in the dark. Issue #6 is primarily devoted to a flashback as Ruthye recalls the origin story Supergirl told her. The story ends with Kara putting on her Supergirl costume and flying around Midvale, wondering whether or not she'll do as good being a hero in her town. This is the only time I can remember Superman being shown to shrivel up and actually look withered after being cut off from his power supply, Earth's yellow sun. The series is written by Tom King with art by Bilquis Evely and Mat Lopes. Only a couple of issues later, Supergirl was beaten again by another obscure villain. Superman "giving off" radiation [at least ionizing] is unlikely. Imagine if you hadn't 'come out' as gay yet.". The first episode of the series, Sweet Justice, introduces Kara . This issue marks the first appearance and origin story of Superman's cousin Kara Zor-El, aka Supergirl. Lex and Veronica were right, Luthors arent meant to have things that last. The extent of the radiation poisoning had to be shown to be catastrophic in order for him to be a treat to Bruce, but not something this older Batman couldn't "reasonably" overcome. Exactly. As the cover said, "Love hurts.". Over the decades, we are given a variety of reasons it works, but just vague enough we cannot be exact on the process within his cellular activity. Superheroes are needed to fight Supervillains. Hellsing de Kouta Hirano AU.Cuando Lionel Luthor muere, deja la organizacin Luthor en manos de hija adolescente Lena Luthor. This great answer would be made better with some sources/screenshots. Why don't we get infinite energy from a continous emission spectrum. It only takes a minute to sign up. This radiation gave many of Argo Citys residents cancer and killed them, including Supergirls mother. DC has made no official "scientific" rationalization as to HOW Kryptonite works. Most depictions indicate it was only the core of the planet which was comprised of Kryptonite, though some of the earlier ones indicated any piece of Krypton that came to Earth was considered Kryptonite. Probably the same reason Flash is the fastest man alive but every season there is some bad guy faster than him. The story was so popular that DC made an official Supergirl in continuity. tip: austen words:10000-50000 sort:title. We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup. A reddit for fans of comic books, graphic novels, and digital comics. Kara! The Supergirl from Krypton was a story published in Action Comics #252, which came out on March 31st, 1959 (with a cover date of "May 1959"). Supergirl was shown sat on a metal chair shrouded by darkness, just one light above her. Im wondering if the radiation is more a vacuum to supermans stored solar energy, then it is a blocker. War has come to the American homeland. Everyone in the city that morning was crying for their hero..their heroine. @JonStory: Wouldn't it be great if it turned out that ordinary human beings could lift tons of kryptonite effortlessly, punch through walls of it, hurl boulders of it into orbit Technically our sun isn't yellow. In order to avoid the implication that they entrusted their daughter to some super-powerful stranger's care, it was later retconned that they discovered Earth some time before while searching for habitable planets, and they already knew Superman was family. Five years have passed since Ivy's defeat at the hands of Gotham's finest. Why was the nose gear of Concorde located so far aft? To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. It was an accident. The book never showed how "weakened" he was compared to his normal levels, and he was strong enough to fly (at super speeds, no less!) - slow burn A shocked and scared Lena asks Kara to walk her home after Kara saved her from getting robbed. The tyrant ruler of Apokolips, Darkseid commands legions, but is more than capable of fighting Superman with his bare fists. It turned out H'El had the power to create illusions, and only made Supergirl think Superman had fought her. Welcome to SFF:SE. Or so she thought. Metallo has a robotic body whose powerplant uses a hunk of Kryptonite as its power sources. Actually, less than a year, it mocks her with a booming laugh. That's also the reason Superman gained the ability to "absorb solar energy" from plants a power he point blank did not have in either Post-Crisis, or Pre-Crisis canon; Miller could not outright kill the icon for his plot, so he settled for humiliating him in story, to some degree, and gave a heretofore unforeseen ability as the reason he survived. This revelation comes in issue #6 of Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow, titled "Home, Family and Refuge.". Lillians gone. What factors changed the Ukrainians' belief in the possibility of a full-scale invasion between Dec 2021 and Feb 2022? The way I interpreted it was Superman is retaining his youthful looks & strength because of the solar energy from the sun, so being cut off from this source, his body was no longer able to sustain this and shriveled up like a sun dried tomato. She beat at the creature, tried to shove it away. Kara vs. Kal-El (in Supergirl #2, Dec 2011). His motives . Her pod later escaped, and she arrived . Human Kara is a disaster, Kryptonian Kara isn't that better. Newly out lesbian Kara Danvers (also Supergirl) asks for the help of her genius friend Winn Schott to make a sex toy that will help her feel satisfied. Half a decade of her precious time spent imprisoned alongside other metahumans in Arkham Asylum, cut off from the nurturing sun and her verdant brood. So on a meta level, the reason one dirty nuke explosion could affect this Superman so much was because the writer's hadn't yet established that he was immune (or at least highly resistant) to such harm. As the Man of Steel attempts to save the passenger, he is soon surprised to see that not only is the passenger, a young, blonde-haired girl, miraculously unhurt, but is wearing an costume similar to his! In 1958, the first Supergirl injury came along, specifically in Superman #123 (Dick Sprang, Otto Binder), when Jimmy Olsen used a magic totem to wish for a "Super-Girl" to help Superman. In her weakened state, Supergirl was no match for the villain who crushed her and left her unconscious in a crater on the Earth's surface. Another interesting tidbit is that Zor-El was able to hold back the radiation by crafting a makeshift shield of lead between themselves and the ground. To get it, Banshee attacked her with a sonic scream that knocked her down. Must be why Earth rocks turn to poison (for Earthlings) instantly on Mars. Who were the characters that kicked her ass without Kryptonite? Time, however, has brought clarity to the magenta-haired goddess. In Pre-Crisis Continuity, depending on the particular dimension such as Earth-One, there were many forms and shades of Kryptonite, while others showed only one form such as Earth-Two and Earth-Three. But one would imagine that the rarity of the material generally keeps it from effecting us. Kara tried to call to Alex. Yet somehow kryptonite weakens Superman and can even kill him. Her grip is firm and very tight compared to how the Kryptonian usually is. are patent descriptions/images in public domain? Being so much weaker, it seemed logical, as well as useful, that Superman could take some damage from cell destroying radiation now, even if he recovered from it quickly. 4K Views blasted blonde drained fetish gorgeous heroine hot hurt kryptonite pain peril sexy spandex suffering supergirl superheroine girlofsteelweakened Gorgeous Supergirl is hit directly on her S with a blast of kryptonite. 35. I am so sorry mom," Kara continued as tears came to her eyes and Cat knew she had to act. Doomsday is a rampaging, seemingly mindless, murdering monster who killed Superman. As for "killing everything around him" I believe Superman gives off an amount radiation as well. How do I withdraw the rhs from a list of equations? That was just the beginning, and she and the Silver Banshee teamed up to stop the spirits. Why did this happen? Lex Luthor is dead and the world keeps spinning. Related:Supergirl Finale's Cover Art Is a Late Entry for Best of the Year. But that was because he had been deprived of it his entire life, this happened in an instant. We both came to the conclusion that Kryptonians have the ability to absorb radiation and convert it to energy much like a plant. 1 Brainiac 5. It was hot and cold romance, with the two sometimes professing their love for each other, and sometimes writing it off as a childhood crush. Arrowverse: Owned by CW/DC/Warner Bros. Television, Injustice: Owned by DC/Warner Bros. Games/NetherRealm Studios. Lena and Alex are both victims of Kara's horrible behavior. Without a doubt, Supergirl's most devastating loss was during the epic 1985 crossover, "Crisis on Infinite Earths." Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. Everything afterward? Kara and Diana fought each other until Wonder Woman used her Lasso of Truth to hold down Supergirl and force her to see the truth about his plan. He's also shown as emaciated and weak in the Flashpoint Paradox alternate reality, because the US government had kept him immobilized and under red sun radiation his entire life. The first place my mother would look for me would be the hospital. This leads to a startling revelation that shards of Kryptonite weaken Superman, Supergirl, and others by inflicting them with an extreme form of cancer-causing radiation poisoning. I mean, she literally told everyone except for youand shes only known Nia for a year! The Girl of Steel doesn't look so tough now as kryptonite ravages her body. My first time trying out Kinktober prompts, 31 days and a ton of kinky prompts to choose from. He's written the one-shot comics Macabre Motel and Grimm Space as well as the 2-part stories Polar Paradox, Pipe Creepers, and The Last Homicide. In Dark Knight Returns part II, Superman stopped a nuclear missile from hitting an island off the coast of the USA. Lead is also notoriously used by villains (and others) to shield themselves from Supermans powers. In the graphic novel, the blast from the nuclear missile blocked out the light of the sun. What's more, the girl instantly recognizes Superman and tells him that she hails from the planet Krypton. Superman blames Hank since the kryptonite was stolen from the DEO. The story begins with Clark Kent picking up a strange sound far from Metropolis. Againthis was likely done more for plot relevant reasons; in story, Batman himself said he'd never be able to take on Clark at his full strength. The most common form is Green Kryptonite, but it comes in other forms, including Red Kryptonite, which has unusual temporary effects on Kryptonians, but only works once, and Gold Kryptonite, which would permanently remove Superman's powers. Absolutely! Is it ethical to cite a paper without fully understanding the math/methods, if the math is not relevant to why I am citing it? However, it doesn't go as planned, and Lex, seeing an opportunity, weaponizes the one thing Lena thought was safe - her feelings for her best friend. For a rare flower blooms near the window of her cell, rekindling her desire for vengeance. She can take a beating and will never give up, but also has a vulnerability and an empathy that her male cousin lacks. This means that Kryptonite itself is far more sensitive to the light from yellow suns than Kryptonians. Knowing Kara Danvers as human, it doesn't come to a surprise that she has her own hospital room. That's why Supergirl was already on thin ice when she magically transported to Apokolips in 1999's Supergirl #29 (Peter David, Leonard Kirk), and it didn't get better when she arrived to find herself the size of a gnat compared to the natives. The devil leans forward, whispering in her ear all the self-doubts and negative thoughts Lena's been suffocating in for years. All in the name of scientific progress of course, Lena couldn't possibly have any ulterior motives to this, that would just be ridiculous. At the time, Supergirl was Linda Danvers, merged with the Matrix version and given powers that she used to try to rescue New God Twilight from Darkseid. So in order to keep the stakes high in their fight, Clark still had to be recovering. All the above answers aren't incorrect, but seem to ignore some pertinent facts: The explosion didn't "cause" Superman to "absorb the life of living things"; the ionizing radiation (you know, the deadly kind that causes cellular mutations and damage by breaking the bonds between cells) overwhelmed him, and did some damage which brought him back to earth. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. In Supergirl #15 (Joe Kelly, Ian Churchill), she discovered his dark side when she left him to see Captain Boomerang in the hospital. She had been stripped of her suit, a layer of sweat and dirt . 'She doesnt care about you, she never has. Character Study. When Doomsday reached Metropolis in 1993's Superman: Man of Steel #19 (Louise Simonson, Jon Bogdanove), Matrix tried to fight him, but the creature hit her so hard that she collapsed into her true gooey form. That's when Starfire and her gang showed up to riddle her with bullets. After several retellings it became Argo City, which survived Krypton's destruction because it was protected by a force dome. "Fantastic Voyage" Plot: In issue #283, Supergirl, who had been affected by a Red Kryptonite meteor, got shrunk to microscopic size, which she used to her advantage to take care of some infectious viruses that were inside Dick Malverne's adoptive father. Kara's world falls apart and there's nothing she can do to fix it"Yes, I am supergirl, and you did know. Frank's novels include the YA sci-fi thriller Predestiny published by Crossroads Press, the lake monster tale Oscawana published by Severed Press, among others. Kryptonite is normally green, and Kryptonians exposed to the element will become weak within close proximity to it or if pierced by weapons laced with or made from the substance, and prolonged exposure is fatal. Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Major Character Death, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (68), Lena Luthor Knows Kara Danvers Is Supergirl (20), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (14), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Lena Luthor Knows Kara Danvers Is Supergirl, Kara Danvers and Lena Luthor Use Their Words, Original Hank Henshaw (Supergirl TV 2015), Winn Schott Jr./Original Male Character(s), Movie: Zack Snyder's Justice League (2021), Supergirl / Once Upon a Time Kinktober 2022, Evil Queen | Regina Mills/Red Riding Hood | Ruby, Evil Queen | Regina Mills/Red Riding Hood | Ruby/Emma Swan, Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor/Red Daughter | Linda Lee, More pairings will be added when used/if I can fit them in given the tag limits now, Other Arrowverse shows/characters will be used. Tragic events unfold in one day, which ultimately drive the Girl of Steel down a path of tyranny and destruction. Why exactly does kryptonite hurt him? Superman is also from planet Krypton. Knowing that they were doomed, Zor-El decided to send his daughter to another world specifically Earth, where he and his family had learned is where Superman, a fellow Kryptonian, lives. After Kryptons destruction, Zor-El, Supergirls father, was able to build an atmospheric bubble over Argo City, which survived on a chunk of debris. Supergirl is hurt by a kryptonite-powered villain sent by Cadmus to attack National City. This image shows that they were not pierced before she left Krypton, and since Kryptonite isn't well known on Earth (it's a surprise to Kara and various others . @Brownstain if he had "lost all of his power instantly" he would have. Why is the article "the" used in "He invented THE slide rule"? Superman: See, now if the bullets don't work, right, why the punching? Not all prompts/kinks are tagged due to limitations, as well as potential pairings. Gohan gets up and charges towards Supergirl, who dodged in an afterimage and kicks Gohan forward, Supergirl punced Gohan with another Laser-Blast She knocked him on the ground and hit him hard with a powerful kick, BUT. Supergirl is hurt by a kryptonite-powered villain sent by Cadmus to attack National City. I did think this was a neat take on Superman, even if it doesn't fit in with Superman's official lore. Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for science fiction and fantasy enthusiasts. The shot of Superman holding an unconscious Supergirl in his arms recreates and pays homage to the famous cover of "Crisis on Infinite Earths" #7, published in 1985, in which Supergirl saves her fellow heroes, resulting in her death. Lena steps in and tries to make her see reason but she's way past the point where she cared about anything or anyone. Season 5 AU. ]he was not able to get the direct sunlight he needed at ground level to fully recharge, and we have no idea how many fields, mountains, or oceans of plankton [some of the richest solar feeding plantlife] he would have had to absorb in order to get to even half strength. I've never read or heard of Superman becoming disabled cause of a nuclear explosion. Indeed, as comic writers have made green kryptonite harder to come by, other titans were forced to get clever. So, what happens when that very thing is used against you? The existence of kryptonite is so firmly established in the world of comics that new storylines for Superman must be careful not to tread heavily on the trope. Maybe they could be each other's clarity. Even then, Kara unleashed a sunburst that freed her from the lasso, but left her weakened enough for Wonder Woman to throw down. Do lobsters form social hierarchies and is the status in hierarchy reflected by serotonin levels? Am I being scammed after paying almost $10,000 to a tree company not being able to withdraw my profit without paying a fee. In this story, we will explore how the war developed and how Supergirl and her family and friends will deal with it. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Why does she even need the DEO? under his own power, take electrocution, keep fighting when kryptonite gas was shot at his face while dueling with Batman, and lift/toss a tank with ease. but flying a few miles up into the upper atmosphere to absorb sunlight for the hour or so that he could hold his breath and get somewhere back to his normal levels seemed to be beyond him. Supergirl is one of the most powerful beings in the known universe, serving the greater good as a member of the Justice League, Legion of Super-Heroes, and even the Red Lantern Corps. Over the years, Supergirl has proven herself to be more than just a female Superman. There is food in the fridge.Lena had watched Kara heat up the cold take out with her heat vision so many times.No.Lena looked up; Kara didnt sound like she used to. But her ears are pierced in the TV show. And that's how Lena, J'onn and Alex used the substance. She woke up to find herself in Power Boy's lair, where he had a psycho shrine of her. It did make me laugh that he happened to fall into a patch of *SUN*flowers. Can an overly clever Wizard work around the AL restrictions on True Polymorph? The was a different tone in her voice, it sounded darker, hoarser, deeper.Are you alright? Lena asked and looked at her best friend as she stood there in her super suit. How to act in public. This would potentially cause an effect to Superman like cancer or maybe a similar (alien) condition. Deathstroke created his own team of supervillain Titans to fight them, and the battle went down in Titans Annual #1 (Eric Wallace, Cliff Richards). Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. She put both her feet on the edge of the bridge, her hands behind her back, gripping the bars. As has been mentioned, CW shows arent particularly great. And because the skies were blotted out by the nuclear winter [which again isn't factual, as one 15-kiloton bomb would detonated in the upper atmosphere would not cause enough soot and ash to arise from the land to blot out the sun for So many days! Bros. Games/NetherRealm Studios, CW shows arent particularly great of a nuclear missile from hitting island. Except for youand shes only known Nia for a year, it sounded darker hoarser... Story, we will explore how the Kryptonian usually is, introduces Kara a continous spectrum... Arent meant to have things that last told her gay yet. `` teamed up riddle! 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