the hollow earth

", "I have read the article in the New York Times disparaging the character of Admiral Byrd. Where we collectively investigate and explore the possibility of a Hollow Earth and its surrounding mysteries including todays controversial flight whether Admiral Byrd in fact reached the North Pole. Even small turns with the aileron or rudder can make for large errors in the sextant reading. Idea that the Earth is partially or completely hollow, This article is about the concept. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The idea of a Hollow Earth may sound ridiculous, but the theory was once taken seriously by scientists and politicians. Agharta is a good example of a game that is long on form, but short on substance. The possibility, coupled with so much corroborating data, is strong enough to support the inquiries on the subject. The interior was connected with the surface by an opening in the Arctic. Posted September 16, 2020. Byrd also wrote his navigational calculations on the leaves of his diary, and photographs of these crucial pages are presented in the book as well, along with a copy of Byrds official report on the expedition to the National Geographic Society. - The Hollow Earth - Dr. Raymond Bernard tells stories about people who have entered the inner earth and what has happened to them. He envisaged this theory in order to justify some abnormal compass readings. Our latest and recent updates include our new store front. This influenced some early Hollow Earth proponents. He envisaged the atmosphere inside as luminous (and possibly inhabited) and speculated that escaping gas caused the Aurora Borealis. The epoch-making significance of Adm. Byrd s flight for 1,700 miles into the North Polar opening leading to the hollow interior of the earth, the home of a Super Race who are the Creators of the flying saucers will startle the . Our first such proposal is the reenactment of Admiral Byrds 1926 flight to the North Pole. Indiana Jones and the Hollow Earth is the eleventh Indy novel in the series of original stories published by Bantam Books, and the third by author Max McCoy. Exploring Expedition of 18381842, even though that venture was a result of his agitation. Symmes believed that there were miles of wondrous unclaimed domain beneath our feet, with lush vegetation and fish and game for the taking. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. Distributed by Fieldcrest Publishing Co., Inc. 210 Fifth Avenue, New York 10, N. Y. Halley eventually developed the idea that there were four . During WWII, it was a sanctuary for U-Boats and remained one of the few areas in the oceans bereft of a strong Allied military presence. [33] Michael Grumley, a cryptozoologist, has linked Bigfoot and other hominid cryptids to ancient tunnel systems underground.[34]. . Click here for audio of Episode 2180. A theory that the . The French novelist Jules Verne, known for his series Voyages Extraordinaires, wrote Journey to The Center of the Earth around the time that the belief in a subterranean society piqued. New Edition, 1964 DEDICATED To the Future Explorers of the New World that exists beyond . Admiral Byrds story and reputation of being a good leader, a good navigator, and a good explorer have been questioned by individuals who strike below the belt. As irrefutable proof of his claim, he cites Admiral Byrd's statement, "I'd like to see that land beyond the Pole. This author [Lt. Col. William Molett] maintains the erased sextant reading was just thata figure that Byrd did not use because he knew it was incorrect. Oh Lord Pt 2 9. "A draft resister flees the US to Iceland tempted by absolute power and destiny of the world, for either good or evil while encountering an advanced civilization, "A young boy journeys on his life-long quest for truth throughout adulthood to find mysterious connections to Inner Earth Beings. Will the professional disparagers of the future try to negate the flight to the moon as they have targeted the life of Admiral Byrd, especially the flight to the North Pole? : During the dinner, I had the honor of being introduced to the group by Bolling as a longtime acquaintance of hers, as well as an advent researcher of her fathers history and explorations whose interests also included researching the theory of a Hollow Earth. He includes imagined conversations between the giants of hollow earth history and transcripts of his exclusive interviews with a secretive ex-Nazi submarine captain who learned firsthand of Hitlers desperate obsession with discovering the entrance to the hollow earth. The volume is illustrated with maps and a number of photographs from the Byrd archive. Bolling continued, emphasizing her belief that an open mind was essential regarding the Hollow Earth theory. 2022 Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska Fairbanks. It was titled. McBride wrote Symmes' Theory of Concentric Spheres in 1826. The 2006 role-playing game Hollow Earth Expedition is set in the 1930s and features two factions: a Terra Arcanum dedicated to keeping the Hollow Earth secret and the Nazi-affiliated Thule Society that is hoping to retrieve powerful weapons from it. Please try again. [citation needed]. Remember Travis Walton and his movie Fire in the Sky? There is another group, equally vocal, who believe that the earth is hollow. [15] It is also the belief of the tribes of the Iroquois that their ancient ancestors emerged from a subterranean world inside the Earth. In ancient times, the concept of a subterranean land inside the Earth appeared in mythology, folklore and legends. Read reviews and discussion of The Hollow Earth #2 from Mark Shaw, published by Other The gravitational inversion seems believable to begin with, especially since the humans needed to create a special craft to travel there. In 1868, a professor W.F. Vice Admiral Richard E. Byrd of the US Navy was a distinguished pioneer aviator and polar explorer who flew over the North Pole on May 9, 1926 and led numerous expeditions to Antarctica, including a flight over the South Pole on 29 November 1929. There are no mountains to give up and down movement the air, and with the sun shining 24 hours a day, night temperatures and day temperatures remain much the same, which also contributes to smoothness in the air. Today, the Hollow Earth. In Mick Farren's Underland (2002), Nazis have . In the case of the 7:07 reading, the pilot (Floyd Bennett) may have made a small turn to correct course, perhaps without even realizing he had done so and caused Byrd to make an erroneous reading. With his permission, I reprinted the diary in 1990. The 19+ degree altitude has been erased but still can be read. At no time did I find him a liar or even drunk as reported in the New York Times on 12 May 1996. [14] There is also a tale about a tunnel in the San Carlos Apache Indian Reservation in Arizona near Cedar Creek which is said to lead inside the Earth to a land inhabited by a mysterious tribe. They escape through another volcano on the Italian island of Stromboli. Cyrus Teed, a doctor from upstate New York, proposed such a concave Hollow Earth in 1869, calling his scheme "Cellular Cosmogony". Is it possible that there is a completely unknown civilization living beneath the surface of our planet? Bernard, judging from the initials he lists behind his name, holds just about every advanced academic degree, but is apparently somewhat of a recluse. Karl Unger a crew member aboard a U-Boat commanded by Heinrich Brodda wrote letters stating that the crew had reached the interior of the Earth and that they did not consider coming back. Back then I found it very interesting but that was when I didn't know any better. Available in PDF, ePub and Kindle. Here he has to stop a villain who wants to destroy the world. . The protagonists do not actually reach the centre, but nevertheless discover a subterranean ocean inhabited by creatures believed extinct. This has been called the "concave" Hollow Earth hypothesis or skycentrism. January 10, 2020. We have long proposed a plan to reenact Admiral Richard Evelyn Byrds exploration to the North Pole. That area beyond the Pole is the Great Unknown.". But that is only part of the story and a lot more to be told. 1964 Dr. Bernard says this is the true home of the flying saucers. The Flight to the Land beyond the North Pole or Is This the Missing Secret Diary of Admiral Richard Evelyn Byrd? In 1672, Halley wrote a theory that the Earth was a series of shells. [46][47], The Egyptian mathematician Mostafa Abdelkader wrote several scholarly papers working out a detailed mapping of the Concave Earth model.[48][49]. helps to penetrate some of the mythology shrouding the Byrd persona, and both supporters and distracters of Byrd will relish it. Colleagues who had traveled with Admiral Byrd on various missions between 1939 and 1955 featured well-illustrated presentations recalling their memorable and daring exploits in some of the harshest regions on earth. How ironic were those ten years before the archivists and the navigational experts claims of discovery, for it was Ritter von X who told me that, In the near future, even the late great polar explorer, Admiral Richard E. Byrd, will be utterly discredited for his discovery of the North Pole.. Goerler said Rawlins conclusion was based on a sentence written by Byrd stating, The first person to reach the North Pole,. The Hollow Earth theory states that the Earth is a hollow planet with ancient entrances to the subterranean world scattered throughout it, including near both polar caps. In the middle ages, an ancient German myth held that some mountains located between Eisenach and Gotha hold a portal to the inner Earth. On 24 May 1996, please note the partial letter of thanks I received from Ken Jezek, Director of the Byrd Polar Research Center for joining the celebration. Instead, he did a thought experiment of an object dropped into a hole drilled through the center, unrelated to a hollow Earth.[25]. 12526, George, Wally"Pilgrimage To The Devil"., Article in, Arizona and the West, Volume 17, University of Arizona Press., 1975, p. 179. the epoch-making significance of Adm. Byrd's flight for 1,700 miles into the North Polar opening leading to the hollow interior of the earth, the home of a Super Race who are the Creators. We are seeking funding for Development. About one hour after he started south, the sun crossed the 15E meridian directly at the sun. Do you really think the thousands of UFO sightings the world over actually come from far distant galaxies light-years away? In 1735, Pierre Bouguer and Charles Marie de La Condamine chartered an expedition from France to the Chimborazo volcano in Ecuador. A sea or surface traveler could proceed over an edge of the hole, like an ant crawling over the lip of a . In fact, there's an entire civilization living at the center of the planet, and members of that civilization need an energy source. [45] Teed founded a group called the Koreshan Unity based on this notion, which he called Koreshanity. The ending of Godzilla vs. Kong offered a new twist to Kong's MonsterVerse story. , Paperback 0. Bolling kindly interrupted and silenced their laughter and ramblings as she stood drawing the attention of everyone within the conference center to herself while others remained hushed and said, Well, I think it's best that we just have an open mind here today.. is quoted by Bernard, several times, and in addition he quotes other writers quoting Byrd, so we get "the land beyond the pole" at least seven times in the first 30 pages. Other individuals are also said to have explored these openings to inner Earth, including William Reed, who wrote Phantom of the Poles in 1906. really not worth the money even if you are interested in the premise, (or just want a good chuckle).. Good information badly presented poorly written, Reviewed in the United States on February 5, 2011. Clear view filmed by NASA live space feed. It is for those individuals who want first-hand information about an ancient mystery that has been with us through the ages of time. This is an enormous undertaking with many logistical considerations and is one of our objectives and purpose of HERS because to this day, the controversy mounts. Other keynote speakers were Dr. Leonid Polyk, BPRC member and curator of the Marine Sediment Core Repository and Col. Richard Lockhart (retired), who recollected his involvement with Operation High Jump, of which he was a participant. In April of 1996, at the invitation of Bolling, I attended the first Byrd Polar Research Colloquy. Few people knew of his diary until Ritter von X gave me a copy for publication. The deepest hole drilled to date is the Kola Superdeep Borehole,[54] with a true vertical drill-depth of more than 7.5 miles (12 kilometers). Reviewed in the United States on November 18, 2017, Reviewed in the United States on March 17, 2017. Kolosimo also claimed a light was seen from underground in Azerbaijan. The idea of a hollow Earth is a common element of fiction, appearing as early as Ludvig Holberg's 1741 novel Nicolai Klimii iter subterraneum (Niels Klim's Underground Travels), in which Nicolai Klim falls through a cave while spelunking and spends several years living on a smaller globe both within and the inside of the outer shell. Whether you accept or reject the content of this book is your privilege. A long-lost diary of Admiral Byrd was found recently by Dr. Raimund Goerler, archivist at the Byrd Polar Research Center in Columbus, Ohio. Having been a member of the Byrd Antarctic Expedition II, 1933 35, as a seaman on the BEAR, I say it is a lot of baloney. The Earth in "Godzilla vs Kong" is like an egg, with one world on the outside surface, and one inside of the shell. Marshall Gardner wrote A Journey to the Earth's Interior in 1913 and published an expanded edition in 1920. Eventually, the colony of men were to follow the animals in the fall to find where they entered into that marvelous land at the center of the earth. Alamy. The Kingdom of Agarttha: A Journey into the Hollow Earth, The Book of Earths: Hollow Earth, Ancient Maps, Atlantis, and Other Theories (Forgotten Books), The Smoky God: A Voyage to the Inner World, The Hollow Earth The Greatest Geographical Discovery in History. Humans Are Free. Recently, this site looked at Agartha, the supposed kingdom hidden within our own (hollow) Earth. Download The Hollow Earth Book in PDF, Epub and Kindle. Hollow Earth Revisited is the distillation of a lifetimes study and obsession with the possibility that a bevy of scientists and novelists and explorers and crackpots had it right, from Halley (of comet fame) and Admiral Richard Byrd to Dr. Teed of Koreshianity. This included his amazing experiences and rival from the interior of the earth, a Flugelrad (UFO) flight commander, whom he referenced as a friend to humanity. This is hardly the only depiction of a hollow . According to Marshall Gardner, both the Eskimo and Mongolian peoples had come from the interior of the Earth through an entrance at the North pole.[29]. Between 1946 and 1947, he and his team carried out a large-scale operation called High Jump, during which he discovered and mapped 1,390,000 km of the Antarctic territory. The crux of the hollow earth theory is that the earth is a shell with walls about 800 miles thick. Leonard Euler, a mathematical genius of the eighteenth century, concluded that the Earth was hollow, containing a central sun and was inhabited; and Dr. Edmund Halley, discoverer of Comet Halley and Royal Astronomerof England also believed that the Earth was hollow on the inside with three Floors. . Discussions ranged from first-hand experiences with Admiral Byrd to forays into the most remote, inaccessible, and environmentally harsh regions to scientific prognostications by the multinational and multidisciplinary scientific teams at the Byrd Polar Research Center. March 20, 2013. Salt Lake City, Utah, 1886. Kong Is King Of The Hollow Earth. so we took the chance to get into a studio, and have a bbq . Ancestors of the Inca supposedly came from caves which are located east of Cuzco, Peru.[19]. Several years ago, a group of "believers" informed a member of the Geophysical Institute staff that there was an opening to the center of the earth in the Alaska Range, and that this was an entry and exit point for flying saucers. Godzilla may be the alpha of the surface world, but Kong is the " king " of the . Sadly for this romantic concept, if today's believers are correct, the only thing that they would find there now are flying saucers. Under the crust "comes a hollow space filled with air, then the next shell, another air space, another shell, more air, and finally the Earth . For some reason, operation high jump is used by conspiracy theorist often to further their agenda. unabated for many years. There is a host of books written and being written about the subject. Its origins lie in ancient mythology, and even some well-known scientists have mused that the earth is hollow. 1. One of the most credible abduction cases in UFO history? Do you think UFOs come from the interior of the Earth? It is there, at the other side of the world, in the inner Earth is where the Giants live, creatures that have around 3-4 meters in height. Alley a BPRS alumnus, lectured about abrupt climate change during the end of the ice age. To calculate the overall star rating and percentage breakdown by star, we dont use a simple average. ", The crux of the hollow earth theory is that the earth is a shell with walls about 800 miles thick. It is a trip out of this world!" It is also possible that the first misread the altitude and then with another look at the sextant, corrected the reading; this is a normal procedure to check ones readings. He was the foremost navigator of his day, a man who did a lot to advance aviation, as well as explore the Polar Regions. Hollow Earth Theory . Until the year 1907, the Macuxies would enter some sort of cavern, and travel from 13 to 15 days until they reached the interior. Please note it is HERS endeavor to produce our multi-award world winning sci-fi adventure screenplays and with its success will finance future film projects and research. [10], Natives of the Trobriand Islands believe that their ancestors had come from a subterranean land through a cavern hole called "Obukula". Each package contains a number of e-books, Reports with a password protected Vimeo site of our video, Journey to the Hollow Earth. Welcome to the Hollow Earth Research Society, Welcome to the Hollow Research Society (HERS) formally known as the International Society for a Complete Earth. Follow us and access great exclusive . If this erased figure was a true altitude at the recorded time, then Byrd speeds up to this time and all ground speeds and sextant readings after this time. As one characteristic of this torment, Shaver described "voices" that purportedly came from no explainable source. A book by a "Dr. Raymond Bernard" which appeared in 1964, The Hollow Earth, exemplifies the idea of UFOs coming from inside the Earth, and adds the idea that the Ring Nebula proves the existence of hollow worlds, as well as speculation on the fate of Atlantis and the origin of flying saucers. According to Milfort the original Muscogee Peoples' ancestors are believed to have emerged out to the surface of the Earth in ancient times from the caverns. The erased sextant reading in Byrds diary played no part in Byrds navigation. On a quest to find out what happened to his missing brother, a scientist, his nephew and their mountain guide discover a fantastic and dangerous lost world in the center of the earth. DEATH UNDER THE ICE A violent storm, a dying Arctic explorer, and a curious wooden box make Indy the target of fanatical Nazi agents. Ritter von X who gave me a copy of the alleged secret missing diary in the early eighties. Around the equator, Gaia turns her axes with a speed of over 1,000 mph. In addition, many accredited researchers, investigators, authors and scientists including thousands of individuals from all walks of life have compiled masses of information, literature, tapes, books, scientific research and so on. "The accomplishments of great men are often belittled by would-be heroes who present the negative side of life instead of the positive. The Hollow Earth theory is a pseudoscientific belief and conspiracy theory stating that the Earth is populated by people whose skulls are hollow. This theory has been reported since ancient times and scientists such as Edmund Halley have defended it throughout history. The Earth is just like most other planets and moons, hollow on the inside. Owen Egerton, director of horror movies such as Mercy Black and Blood . New Proof Hollow Earth the second smaller entrance exposed! The possibility that the earth is hollow, and that it can be accessedthrough the North and South poles, and that secret civilizations flourish within it, has spurred the imagination of people through centuries. Allow me to take you back in time. A couple of years later, Dr. Raimund E. Goerlers book, To the Pole was published in February of 1998. The evidence indicates the Earth is mostly filled with solid rock (mantle and crust), liquid nickel-iron alloy (outer core), and solid nickel-iron (inner core).[53]. The Hollow Earth is a Paradise, with tall, graceful mountains jutting into the "sky"; and large, clear, clean lakes and oceans that abound with life. Free download of The Hollow Earth by F. T. Ives. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Millions the world over has heard of or familiar with the Hollow Earth Theory either by legend or by their own origins and cultures. During the final lecture of the conference, Dr. Raimund Goerler, university archivist from the Byrd Polar Research Center, created great controversy and an ensuing debate when he officially announced his startling discovery of new evidence regarding Admiral Byrds North Pole diary. It is lost, stolen, or has disappeared,, Our latest and recent updates include our new store front. The Hollow Earth, known to the Iwi as the Long Ago Below, is a location that was discovered in the 2019 film Godzilla: King of the Monsters. At which time no one in attendance denied the possibility of a Hollow Earth. The epoch-making significance of Adm. Byrd s flight for 1,700 miles into the North Polar opening leading to the hollow interior of the earth, the home of a Super Race who are the Creators of the flying saucers will startle the world. Looks like something done at home with a copier. Dr. Raimund E. Goerler, University Archivist, discovered Byrd's handwritten diary and a notebook during the processing of the Byrd Papers and found Byrds long lost diary in an undisclosed location in an old trunk at the Byrd Polar Research Center at Ohio State University. The get-together included her family members, Bollings sister, Catharine Byrd-Breyer, and nephew, Leverett Byrd. The idea was used by Edgar Rice Burroughs in the seven-novel "Pellucidar" series, beginning with At the Earth's Core (1914). David Standish. Customer Reviews, including Product Star Ratings help customers to learn more about the product and decide whether it is the right product for them. Jeremiah Reynolds also delivered lectures on the "Hollow Earth" and argued for an expedition. A passage in the Byrd diary allegedly portrayed an erased, but still readable sextant recording that may have put Byrd about 165 miles south of where he claimed to have been later in his official report. The scientific ideas of a Hollow Earth were supplemented by theories of ancient civilizations and non-human superior creatures in the writings of Jules Verne, H.P. A Russian legend says the Samoyeds, an ancient Siberian tribe, traveled to a cavern city to live inside the Earth. And God said, "Let there be light," and there was light. As reported in the October 1882 issue of Harper's New Monthly Magazine, a Mr. Howgate had recently been in the news, proposing that an expedition be made to discover "Symmes' Hole." NEQUA or The Problem of the Ages, first serialized in a newspaper printed in Topeka, Kansas in 1900 and considered an early feminist utopian novel, mentions John Cleves Symmes' theory to explain its setting in a hollow Earth. Even today, in the 21st century, its difficult to say with certainty that it does or does not exist. It has even been reported, although apparently without historical documentation, that Adolf Hitler was influenced by concave Hollow Earth ideas and sent an expedition in an unsuccessful attempt to spy on the British fleet by pointing infrared cameras up at the sky. Other notable early examples include Giacomo Casanova's 1788 Icosamron, a 5-volume, 1,800-page story of a brother and sister who fall into the Earth and discover the subterranean utopia of the Mgamicres, a race of multicolored, hermaphroditic dwarves; Vril published anonymously in 1819; Symzonia: A Voyage of Discovery by a "Captain Adam Seaborn" (1820) which reflected the ideas of John Cleves Symmes, Jr.; Edgar Allan Poe's 1838 novel The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket; Jules Verne's 1864 novel Journey to the Center of the Earth, which showed a subterranean world teeming with prehistoric life; George Sand's 1864 novel Laura, Voyage dans le Cristal where giant crystals could be found in the interior of the Earth; Etidorhpa, an 1895 science-fiction allegory with major subterranean themes; and The Smoky God, a 1908 novel that included the idea that the North Pole was the entrance to the hollow planet. It was titled The Flight to the Land beyond the North Pole or Is This the Missing Secret Diary of Admiral Richard Evelyn Byrd? I was fortunate to be seated between Bolling and her nephew, who, incidentally, looked identical to a younger Admiral Byrd. Stephen Sindoni shares his research on a thought provoking topic in a compilation of nine (9) videos regarding the possibility on an underground civilization in "Hollow Earth Revealed.". Ed Hayes, the universitys vice president for research, opened the meeting with a presentation of his views on university participation and the BPRCs impact on future polar research. Top subscription boxes right to your door, 1996-2023,, Inc. or its affiliates, Learn more how customers reviews work on Amazon. It's still plenty repetitive--for example, Admiral Byrd's famous or infamous statement "I'd like to see that land beyond the pole. : The media finds it so easy to criticize and difficult to compliment. In the polar regions there are holes 1400 miles across, with edges that curve smoothly from the outside of the shell around to the inside. Through the Hollow Earth, Godzilla vs. Kong introduced several new monsters into Legendary's MonsterVerse. In 1818, John Cleves Symmes, Jr., a veteran of the War of 1812 and trader published a memo where he declared that the earth is hollow, habitable within and constituted of a number . A friend of hers sent a copy of the alleged diary to her and obtained my address from the publication. In 1772, Nevil Maskelyne proposed to repeat the same experiment to the Royal Society. [4] In Mesopotamian religion there is a story of a man who, after traveling through the darkness of a tunnel in the mountain of "Mashu", entered a subterranean garden. In Fairbanks, our Troth Yeddha' Campus is located on the ancestral lands of the Dena people of the lower Tanana River. Participation in this organization is an attempt to go beyond the theory itself. Some platforms allow you to rent The Hollow Earth for a limited time or purchase the movie and download it to your device. The University of Houston's College of Engineering presents this series about the machines that make our civilization run, and the people whose ingenuity created them. The 19+ degree altitude has been erased but still can be read Mercy Black Blood. [ 45 ] Teed founded a group called the `` Hollow Earth theory is that the is... Inquiries on the Italian island of Stromboli so easy to criticize and difficult to compliment a shell with walls 800. A villain who wants to destroy the world over actually come from the Byrd.... Galaxies light-years away `` voices '' that purportedly came from caves which are east! The Future Explorers of the positive, equally vocal, who, incidentally, looked to. Or even drunk as reported in the Arctic, incidentally, looked to. 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