what if the titanic never sank

[204] It appeared to Carpathia's passengers that their ship was in the middle of a vast white plain of ice, studded with icebergs appearing like hills in the distance. "[204] Captain Arthur Rostron of Carpathia saw ice all around, including 20large bergs measuring up to 200 feet (61m) high and numerous smaller bergs, as well as ice floes and debris from Titanic. 2023 NYP Holdings, Inc. All Rights Reserved, Rare footage of Titanic shipwreck released to the public for first time, The three most romantic zodiac signs, not only on Valentines Day, Its heart still goes on Titanic leads the box office 25 years after first release, Why Titanics youngest survivor refused to see James Camerons film. Titanic was in fact already obsolete by the time it was launched, and so would probably have gone the way of her sister ships Britannic and Olympic On a small side note there were two crew members that not only survived the collision with the H.M.S. [45] Titanic's discoverer, Robert Ballard, has commented that the assumption that the ship had suffered a major breach was "a by-product of the mystique of the Titanic. 10 and the side of the ship but someone caught her by the ankle and hauled her back onto the promenade deck, where she made a successful second attempt at boarding. Among those aboard was stewardess Violet Jessop, who would repeat the experience four years later when she survived the sinking of one of Titanic's sister ships, Britannic, in the First World War. [116] Another to respond was SS Mount Temple, which set a course and headed for Titanic's position but was stopped en route by pack ice. According to Paul K. Matthias, who made the measurements, the damage consisted of a "series of deformations in the starboard side that start and stop along the hull about 10 feet (3m) above the bottom of the ship". Abandoned Ships. [22] This too was acknowledged by Smith, who showed the report to J. Bruce Ismay, the chairman of the White Star Line, aboard Titanic for her maiden voyage. As the mail room flooded, the mail sorters made an ultimately futile attempt to save the 400,000items of mail being carried aboard Titanic. "[188], The noise of the people in the water screaming, yelling, and crying was a tremendous shock to the occupants of the lifeboats, many of whom had up to that moment believed that everyone had escaped before the ship sank. If the Titanic doesn't sink, then the Eastland Disaster likely doesn't occur and 844 lives are spared in Chicago. "[197] For some survivors, the dead silence that followed was worse even than the cries for help. George Orrell, the bandmaster of the rescue ship, Carpathia, who spoke with survivors, related: "The ship's band in any emergency is expected to play to calm the passengers. 14 headed back to the site of the sinking, almost all of those in the water were dead and only a few voices could still be heard. Distress flares were fired every few minutes to attract the attention of any ships nearby and the radio operators repeatedly sent the distress signal CQD. It is unknown if the two piano players were with the band at this time. He was identified by the initials sewn into the label of his jacket. We dont know where she [SS Californian] went, but it was not the Titanic, Mia says. From this point, the bow was able to pull down the stern, until the double bottom failed and both segments of the ship finally separated. The one which appealed to all was 'Nearer My God to Thee'. After the ship has collided with the iceberg, J. Bruce Scott testified to seeing eight of the ship's 35 engineers gathered at the aft end of the starboard boat deck. [38] Because the centre turbine could not be reversed, both it and the centre propeller, positioned directly in front of the ship's rudder, were stopped. I was a Titanic kid, meaning I literally knew every single fact about the Titanic, Mia says. After the ship has collided with the iceberg, J. Bruce Ismay, chairman of the White Star Line, retorts: But this ship cant sink! while Captain Smith, his officers, and architect Thomas Andrews discuss the sinking. "[25] This message, too, never left the Titanic's radio room. Around 30 minutes after colliding with the iceberg, the two bands were called by Captain Smith who ordered them to play in the first class lounge. The sudden deceleration caused the bow's structure to buckle downwards by several degrees just forward of the bridge. Passengers present remember them playing lively tunes such as "Alexander's Ragtime Band". Steward Frederick Dent Ray narrowly avoided being swept away when a wooden wall between his quarters and the third-class accommodation on E deck collapsed, leaving him waist-deep in water. [108], The lifeboats were lowered every few minutes on each side, but most of the boats were greatly under-filled. [96] Indeed, not all of the lifeboats on board Titanic were launched before the ship sank. [238] Eventually Titanic's structure will collapse, and she will be reduced to a patch of rust on the seabed, with any remaining scraps of the ship's hull mingled with her more durable fittings, like the propellers, bronze capstans, compasses and the telemotor. They were frequently driven at close to their full speed, treating hazard warnings as advisories rather than calls to action. The boats were supposed to be stocked with emergency supplies, but Titanic's passengers later found that they had only been partially provisioned despite the efforts of the ship's chief baker, Charles Joughin, and his staff to do so. [176] As the engines are now known to have stayed in place along with most of the boilers, the "great noise" heard by witnesses and the momentary settling of the stern were presumably caused by the break-up of the ship rather than the loosening of her fittings or boiler explosions. [136], The last boat to be launched was collapsible D, which left at 02:05 with 25people aboard;[138] two more men jumped on the boat as it was being lowered. WebThe RMS Titanic sank in the early morning hours of 15 April 1912 in the North Atlantic Ocean, five days into her maiden voyage from Southampton to New York City.The largest As it was lowered, it was nearly flooded by water being pumped out of the ship. Lists had been posted on the ship assigning crew members to specific lifeboat stations, but few appeared to have read them or to have known what they were supposed to do. [209][210], When Carpathia arrived at Pier54 in New York on the evening of 18 April after a difficult voyage through pack ice, fog, thunderstorms and rough seas,[211][212] some 40,000people were standing on the wharves, alerted to the disaster by a stream of radio messages from Carpathia and other ships. Many of the passengers felt a bump or shudder "just as though we went over about a thousand marbles",[54] as one survivor put it but did not know what had happened. The ropes were cut in time and both boats made it away safely. [175] Ballard argued that many other survivors' accounts indicated that the ship had broken in two as she was sinking. New York's mooring cables could not take the sudden strain and snapped, swinging her around stern-first towards Titanic. [12] Her passengers were a cross-section of Edwardian society, from millionaires such as John Jacob Astor and Benjamin Guggenheim,[13] to poor emigrants from countries as disparate as Armenia, Ireland, Italy, Sweden, Syria and Russia seeking a new life in the United States. [46] Several sources contend they remained at their posts until the very end, thus ensuring that Titanic's electrics functioned until the final minutes of the sinking, and died in the bowels of the ship. In all the other boats, the occupants eventually decided against returning, probably out of fear that they would be capsized in the attempt. Lifeboat No. 5 boiler room,[64] and crewmen there were battling to pump it out. Debris continued to rain down across the seabed for several hours after the sinking. With far more people to deal with, the second- and third-class stewards mostly confined their efforts to throwing open doors and telling passengers to put on lifebelts and come up top. This suggests that the iron rivets along the plate seams snapped off or popped open to create narrow gaps through which water flooded. We've received your submission. "[189] Gracie said he heard men onboard Collapsible B say that Captain Smith was near the boat, and stoker Harry Senior and Entree cook Isaac Maynard said that Smith was present. Steven Roberts. [223] They reached broadly similar conclusions: the regulations on the number of lifeboats that ships had to carry were out of date and inadequate;[224] Captain Smith had failed to take proper heed of ice warnings;[225] the lifeboats had not been properly filled or crewed; and the collision was the direct result of steaming into a danger area at too high a speed. [23], According to Fourth Officer Joseph Boxhall, Murdoch told Captain Smith that he was attempting to "hard-a-port around [the iceberg]", suggesting that he was attempting a "port around" manoeuvre to first swing the bow around the obstacle, then swing the stern so that both ends of the ship would avoid a collision. [215] The bodies of most of Titanic's victims were never recovered, and the only evidence of their deaths was found 73years later among the debris on the seabed: pairs of shoes lying side by side, where bodies had once lain before eventually decomposing. The shortage of lifeboats was not because of a lack of space nor because of cost. These took about 30seconds to close; warning bells and alternative escape routes were provided so that the crew would not be trapped by the doors. [240] The death toll has been put at between 1,490 and 1,635people. [78] On the boat deck, as the crew began preparing the lifeboats, it was difficult to hear anything over the noise of high-pressure steam being vented from the boilers and escaping via the valves on the funnels above. There have been conflicting reports as to whether the ship sank from an [3], The passenger accommodation, especially the First Class section, was said to be "of unrivalled extent and magnificence",[4] indicated by the fares that First Class accommodation commanded. She may have continued to operate the North Atlantic route as her sister ship the Olympic did until 1934, by which time she had completed her desig It was horrifying, mysterious, supernatural. [241] The figures below are from the British Board of Trade report on the disaster. [133], The first signs of panic were seen when a group of male passengers attempted to rush port-side lifeboat No. [182] The remaining survivors were transferred from A into another lifeboat, leaving behind three bodies in the boat, which was left to drift away. [216] The outrage was driven not least by the survivors themselves; even while they were aboard Carpathia on their way to New York, Beesley and other survivors determined to "awaken public opinion to safeguard ocean travel in the future" and wrote a public letter to The Times urging changes to maritime safety laws. EERIE footage of the wreckage of the Titanic has been released in honor of the 25th anniversary of the blockbuster movie about the disaster. [220] In Belfast, churches were packed, and shipyard workers wept in the streets. The sinking of the Titanic after hitting an iceberg is unequivocally a true story. Then all was silent. Her sinking two hours and forty minutes later at 02:20 (ship's time; 05:18 GMT) on Monday, 15 April, resulted in the deaths of more than 1,500 people, making it one of the deadliest peacetime maritime disasters in history. WebWhat if the Titanic Never Sank? One was a quintet led by Wallace Hartley that played after dinner and at religious services while the other was a trio who played in the reception area and outside the caf and restaurant. https://oceanlinerdesigns.com/titanic-alternateIn April 1912 the RMS Titanic sank on its maiden voyage - but what if it didn't? [98] Lightoller took charge of the boats on the port side and Murdoch took charge of those on the starboard side. [163] The forward funnel collapsed under its own weight, crushing several people, including Charles Duane Williams,[164] as it fell into the water and only narrowly missing the lifeboat. April 14, 1912, at 11:40 p.m. (ships time), the crew spotted an iceberg and alerted the bridge. 7 was rowed away from Titanic with an estimated 28passengers on board, despite a capacity of 65. She was one of only four women in first class to perish in the sinking. [64] Smith and Andrews went below and found that the forward cargo holds, the mail room and the squash court were flooded, while No. The sinking of the Titanic after hitting an iceberg is unequivocally a true story. Informed of the situation, he summoned Thomas Andrews, Titanic's builder, who was among a party of engineers from Harland and Wolff observing the ship's first passenger voyage. No one could believe that the great ship was sunk by a little sliver. And then we have the Olympic and the Titanic. [179] The streamlined bow section continued to descend at about the angle it had taken on the surface, striking the seabed prow-first at a shallow angle[180] at an estimated speed of 2530mph (4048km/h). The evidence behind these theories is The Britannic was the first to go it was a war ship and people say it was struck by like a land mine in the water. Who wouldve known? He attributed it to "the engines and machinery coming loose from their bolts and bearings, and falling through the compartments, smashing everything in their way". Mia suggests there were some people who knew the ship was going to sink, including banker J.P Morgan and chocolatier Milton Hershey, both of who cancelled their trips on the Titanic. It was said to have reached an angle of 3045degrees,[168] "revolving apparently around a centre of gravity just astern of midships", as Lawrence Beesley later put it. BRIGHT SIDE I Tried to Save the Sinking Titanic But I Only Made it Worse - Floating Sandbox Gameplay A Plane Lost Astors body was recovered on April 22, by a cable-ship chartered by White Star Line. 6 was nearly flooded during the descent by water discharging out of the ship's side, but successfully made it away from the ship. As a fellow titanic kid Im LIVING for this video, another wrote. Some experts now believe that this haze was actually a mirage caused by cold waters meeting warm air similar to a water mirage in the desert when Titanic entered Iceberg Alley. Where you go, I go. [88], Captain Smith was an experienced seaman who had served for 40years at sea, including 27years in command. [170] Beesley described it as "partly a groan, partly a rattle, and partly a smash, and it was not a sudden roar as an explosion would be: it went on successively for some seconds, possibly fifteen to twenty". First Officer Willaim Murdoch ordered the ship to be steered around the iceberg and the engines to be stopped, but there wasnt enough time. A few hours later Titanic called at Cherbourg Harbour in north-western France, a journey of 80 nautical miles (148km; 92mi), where she took on passengers. Many of the third-class passengers were also confronted with the sight of water pouring into their quarters on E, F and G decks. It meant all hope was gone for those still down there. Instead he went on the Amerika, a German liner, because the businessman was needed sooner than previously expected at his chocolate factory. This would have resulted in a raised horizon, blinding the lookouts from spotting anything far away. [89][90] However, according to survivors, Smith took charge and behaved coolly and calmly during the crisis. Board of Trade report on the starboard side the mail room flooded, the lifeboats on Titanic. 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