which statement describes employee benefits

a. d. a. getting a high interest rate on a credit card offer He will be able to get a higher interest rate when buying the house. Medical and dental coverage Which statement best describes an education at a vocational school? b. d. progressive tax, Why were savings and loans (S&Ls) originally established? b. only goes down. c. her Social Security number She saves money and also makes intelligent choices when spending it. b. a certificate of deposit a. is predictable. b. $137,532.67 a. a. When making a major purchase, first determine your (blank) income by subtracting the deductions from your gross pay. c. a. budget b. a. $2,000 She decides to use a credit card instead. d. an investment bank, Lupe wants an account into which she can deposit her paychecks. c. local income tax Check all that apply. d. when a property was purchased. I and II c. Tuition is money borrowed to pay for an education. f. money to deposit. She will have $1.84 left over. 456,976,000 Can I make payments on time and avoid late fees? c. $5,000 b. music teacher at a school a. could change. Jared would like a career with regular hours. c. high interest rate on a credit card offer 9,000 Which best describes what financial planning skills ultimately enable an individual to do? a. $412.79 For example, you provide an employee with a fringe benefit when you allow the employee to use a business vehicle to commute to and from work. a. the person's social security number c. Borrow more than one can afford to repay. d. local social security tax. Most jurisdictions do not legally require firms to have the same benefits for full-time and part-time employees. f. early retirement, a. post-secondary education Has she compared prices? city agency. Therefore, we are not permitted to delete your personal information unless your employer or former employer requires us to do so. Review her records again. c. d. an amount of time during which a loan can be repaid without interest, b. a loan given for a short period of time that is not dependent on credit history, Which is a desirable characteristic to look for when choosing a credit card? c. How much will the bike cost when adding the finance charges to the price? Revise his budget to allow for a new computer. What will she need to do this? No, people can buy stocks anywhere, and they do not need to go through a market. equity bonds Jessica is high risk and will pay her outstanding balances on time. a. His friend Mateo is choosing a career that requires a college degree but has a median salary of $55,000. 358,800,000 Which list could Quincy have written? b. Retaining Employees. It is possible to rebuild your credit after filing bankruptcy. The beauty of voluntary benets is they can be customized for the specic needs of a business and their employees, catering to certain vocations, stages of life, location and lifestyles. III. She will have $2.93 left over. d. $6,720, Georgia's gross pay was $35,600 this year. $100 3. scholarships and grants. The Department of Labor's Health Benefits Under the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) provides information on the rights and protections that are afforded to workers under COBRA. Joaquin is trying to decide whether to get the training or put the money in savings for retirement. c. the cost of gas and insurance d. c. entertainment Next year when Jarrod attends his first year, the tuition is expected to increase 4.5%. Roderigo will allow interest capitalization. a. when the consumer has a lot of space to store bulk items a. Shondra should be sure she will remember to call the store each month to make the payment. A scholarship must be paid back, but a student loan is not paid back. The market is totally unpredictable. Check all that apply. Which of the following should Tyler expect? right to choose When making a decision about housing, the first step should be Credit cards offer lump sums of money, while personal loans set a maximum amount a person can borrow. Which career choices might he enjoy? Personal loans offer lump sums of money, while credit cards set a maximum amount a person can borrow. In general, the amount the employer must include is the amount by which the fair market value of the benefits is more than the sum of what the employee paid for it plus any amount that the law excludes. a. how much has been earned $1,440.06 d. e. Should I talk to a consumer credit counseling service? Transaction The issuer may not raise enough capital. Pay more than the minimum amount that is due. Kanya has a credit card that gives a 6% discount on every purchase and free shipping when used online. $315 Edgar has taken out a $6,250 unsubsidized Stafford loan to fund his four-year undergraduate degree. c. Form a decision. a. Julio is correct because the $45,000 equity in the house is the real asset. e. how much additional tax is due You can specify conditions of storing and accessing cookies in your browser. b. a. a. c. b. gathering information on available housing. She should use a personal blog of an architect since it is a person in the industry. the distribution of earnings to shareholders. b. checking account 10,000. b. She should take the position that offers the largest salary. Consumers Union Listed below are websites for specific employee groups who are covered under the relevant statutes and regulations by mitigating the financial burden resulting from workplace injury. d. $6.90. He also has a skateboard worth $95.Which are Brandon's assets? Place your old bank statements in the recycle bin. $270 Each paycheck is less, even if an employer wants you to work more hours in a week. Freya realizes she does not have enough in her bank account to use the debit card. Tuition is aid given to a student by an institution. b. Lakesha does not have enough in her bank account to use a debit card for the purchase of a bike she needs to get to work. If Kanya uses the credit card and pays the full balance during the billing cycle, she will spend $50.40 more than paying cash for the laptop. Generally, an employer decides which benefits are offered, which employees are eligible for each benefit, and how much of the benefit an employee may receive. True b. right to safety If their loan amount is $140,000, how much more per month will the couple be paying for their mortgage as a result of their bankruptcy? c. Obtain a credit card to pay for a refurbished computer. b. The loan has an interest rate of 5.6%, compounded monthly. It will be easier for him to get a loan to buy the house. They can be powerful and attractive elements of the overall employee value proposition for a job opening. when they are able. bank. c. to determine his credit limit, to determine if he has a history of good credit, Tyler is using a credit card to purchase a television. Wait for the bank to call her. Which answer best defines employee benefits? d. Get information. Jessica is low risk but will not pay her outstanding balances on time. She should research the benefits included in each offer. Check all that apply. What is one benefit of privately issued student loans? An index measures growth. $3,426.20 Round all dollar values to the nearest cent. Evaluate the expression 10a - 2b when Fringe benefits are additional compensation provided to employees above and beyond an agreed-upon wage or salary. What are her motivations? 140,400, This year, the annual tuition at a public four-year university is $5,290. Alan is young, but he decides to plan for his retirement early. to be able to pay for it over time b. car payments must become part of the budget. True b. Is she buying at the right time? Which careers would Jared enjoy? a. Check all that apply. a. doctor in a clinic that serves a low-income population There are exemptions that allow you to keep essentials. What must Shondra consider before she decides to pay with automatic withdrawals? Which is an example of closed-end credit? c. to stop herself from making financial mistakes a. if you need access to your cash quickly the person's social security number location of the company Will her sister like the jacket too? Ariel wants to compare the salaries for positions she was offered at two companies. d. They are available to any student who meets lending standards, regardless of financial need. the right to choose and the right to safety Treasury bills a. b. gathering information on available housing. Sofia has saved $10,000. e. accountant for a theater, b. music teacher at a school To revise a monthly budget, changes in which categories might need to be addressed? Federal grants can be awarded for various reasons, but scholarships are always based on a student's financial need. Employees' focus on their work is higher in a harassment free workplace than in a workplace that's riddled with harassment issues. b. Postsecondary education includes the total income that you receive over the course of your lifetime. It will be easier for him to get a loan to buy the house. b. c. Take action. Check all that apply. Keisha owns a house worth $275,000 with a mortgage of $195,000. a. Do I need this car or should I use my old car a little longer? Which describes an example of using unsecured credit? Simple interest is paid on the principal, while compound interest is paid on the principal and interest accrued. A refrigerator is priced at $1,250. $384.00 a. Since Zoe has a past bankruptcy, she will end up paying a higher interest rate. the person's credit rating Visit the websites of all of the companies to learn more about them. c. She must check to see if any automatic payments are scheduled for her account. a. post-secondary education b. Which statement best describes the lesson we can learn from Lupe's experience? a. previous address, current address, bankruptcy, car loan payment history What is the first action Lupe should take when she discovers a difference between her records and the bank's records? high interest rate. Which statement explains whether Julio is correct? the right to be heard and the right to choose c. salary a. c. Yuri must be sure he has enough left in his checking account for any expenses and automatic payments. Each paycheck is less, even if an employer wants you to work more hours in a week. $3,185. c. market performance b. c. If an employer wants the employee to work more hours in a week, the result is a larger paycheck. b. to determine how much she needs to earn b. b. We collect personal information on behalf of employers to provide benefit administration services for their employee benefit plans. Which describes the difference between a personal loan and a credit card? She should take the position that has the lowest cost of living. $5,436.20, Which factors positively affect lifetime income? the person's credit rating A high-risk investment is characterized by c. Ins is ready to begin her career as a chemist. c. If an employer wants the employee to work more hours in a week, the result is a larger paycheck. $200 d. hourly wage. must repay the loan in five to ten years. a. a retail bank $949.80 The 25% discount is better; it saves $12.50 more. a. Tamera's credit limit is most likely higher than Rupert's, and her interest rate is most likely lower. d. $50 It creates a base for happiness and satisfaction of the workforce that limits the labor turnover and confers a stable organization. a greater percentage chance of loss. d. Fido's decision is not sensible because it does not matter if he buys the car now or in a few months. At the beginning of each year, he took out a Stafford loan with a principal of $6,125. II and III are governmental; I and IV are not. d. the monthly transportation cost. a. corporate tax. d. Employee benefits are nonsalary compensation granted by an employer. c. Darren is looking for an investment that has a very high interest rate. The loan term is four years, and her payments are $819.20 per month. a smaller percentage chance of loss. Computer support specialist: work with people to service, upgrade, or design computer systems to fit their needs. Why or why not? She wants to be sure that she is earning interest on her money and can add to her savings. $21.00 b. What are her motivations? An adjustable-rate mortgage is one that c. includes interest rate information $76.55, Which loan or loans listed below are awarded based on the financial need of the student? $2,500 c. the total housing or rent payments. On-the-job training is usually paid for by the employer. d. d. Joaquin should take the class because $3,000 is too small of an amount to bother putting away for retirement. a. Each paycheck is the exact same regardless of number of hours worked. a. used cars can require repairs sooner What does purchasing insurance for a business reveal about the business owner's attitude toward financial risk? 4,500 Report them to the Better Business Bureau. Which details apply to a financing contract? Which of the following is not a true statement about filing bankruptcy? She also wants to be able to access her money if the need should arise. Which information can be found on a person's credit report? b. making sure a paycheck arrives on time Better Business Bureau d. when the consumer buys more than is needed, d. when the consumer buys more than is needed, Which transactions can increase the balance in a checking account? d. Should I talk to a consumer credit counseling service? a. private loans carry a higher interest rate than federal loans. b. b. 175,760 They are issued in cooperation with the student's university to reduce costs and paperwork. d. b. II only, Which agency is responsible for promoting the welfare and opportunities of wage earners? Requires that the benefit of gain or the risk of loss from the assets contributed to the pension plan be borne by the employee. Which statement best describes lifetime income? e. housing advantages. The FAFSA can help students obtain (blank 3), 1. financial aid eligibility If Roderigo made monthly payments to pay off his loan, how much interest did he pay in total? f. Event planner: works with people to plan parties, weddings, fundraisers, or corporate events. $1,000 I & II only d) It is typically written to cover key employees in the event they become disabled and are unable to work. a. What is the difference in the finance charges for the two choices? Filing for bankruptcy can make it hard for a consumer to reestablish and obtain (blank). a. Are the buying and selling of stocks centralized activities? a. progressive taxes. A) paraphrasing information during a discussion B) focusing only on short-term skills C) asking closed-ended questions D) providing general feedback. The consumer has the right to fair settlement of disputes. 2. financial information Making a decision. a. c. benefit. a. social security number. Which of the following steps is most effective in protecting yourself from identity theft? Which would be the best action for Karina to take? showing her driver's license, making sure she has a positive credit history, Before giving a loan to a customer, a lender examines the customer's credit report. They have lower interest rates and can be paid back with lower out-of-pocket costs. d. car payments are likely to exceed available income. What is the price of the sofa. d. How much in finance charges can I afford to pay? d. $3.00 By the time Helena graduates, how much greater will the amount of interest capitalized be than the minimum amount that she could pay to prevent interest capitalization? d. a. car insurance rates will decrease over time. b. high school diploma d. a. careful consideration of short-term goals b. recording the number of assets you currently own c. creating a budget to consider future income and spending d. learning more about different kinds of accounts to manage money e. learning about opportunity cost a. careful consideration of short-term goals a. Kenya used money directly from her bank account to buy the jeans. d. the total cost of college classes and vocational training divided by the total years worked, b. the total salary and retirement benefits for all the years worked, Sebastian has just graduated after four years of university. b. if you are saving each month for a new car Throw away credit card applications in the garbage. II. A person's credit score can range from a low of 300 to a high of what number? the success of individual companies. b. a savings and loan $292,700 Commodities are traded. They both invest money to earn a profit. d. Car salesman: sell cars to the police. I and II are governmental; III and IV are not. d. training to improve relationships, In order to receive financial aid at his vocational school, Mario must fill out the FAFSA. Which statement best describes how an investor makes money off debt? b. $595.20 municipal bonds b. federal loans are obtained by banks, while private loans are backed by the government. c. salary A mortgage is a legal agreement between a borrower and a Store A has the rug for $45 with a 10% discount. Treasury notes e. There are penalties for ending the lease early. Which purchase will he be able to pay for with cash? The point at which it is no longer advantageous to buy in bulk is known as marginal The face value of the policy is payable to the beneficiary upon the death of the insured. Daniel wants to buy a laptop computer, and he has $300 in savings. c. Alan's lifetime income includes both his career outlook and his career environment. In a mortgage, the amount of money borrowed is called the (blank). $96.96 often pay a lower interest rate during the first few years. d. Tuition is the price of attending classes at a school. C. The investment risk is borne by the employer. $247.44 are often forced to sell their homes after the first year. The FAFSA is a form that must be completed to determine college admission (blank 1) higher property taxes. credit card, What is the compound interest on a three-year, $100.00 loan at a 10 percent annual interest rate? $1,918.60, A person who filed bankruptcy in the past is able to get a 30-year mortgage loan at a rate that is 6% higher than what they could have received if they had not filed. b. fail to pay their bills on time. f. how much withheld tax will be refunded, a. how much has been earned Which describes a set amount of pay received by a worker over the course of a year? c. down payment b. how much sales tax has been paid c. If Kanya uses the credit card and pays the full balance during the billing cycle, she will spend $50.40 less than paying cash for the laptop. the right to safety and the right to be heard, the right to be heard and the right to redress, Say that a company has treated you unfairly or dishonestly. a. d. vocational training throughout career b. Maria decides to pay her bills by mailing a check because she wants the payment to be credited in the shortest amount of time. Yes, the world's stock markets are coordinated exchanges, and they are dependent on one another. e. savings for your emergency fund, a. utilities $4,540.56 Most companies often provide health insurance for their employees in cases of unforseen circumstances such as accident or sickness . a. the career's location Pay more than the minimum amount that is due. Simple interest is paid only on the (blank). 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