The staff knew who you were and immediately let you back into the dressing room as the boys were still saying their goodbyes on stage. - You Asking To Take a Bath Together /Get A Massage (!!) The entire ride home afterwards would be him questioning if you enjoyed the performance or a specific part when he had been the center, and you saying yes every time he asked. Kim Seokjin: Originally posted by sokjin As soon as a sneeze goes off from him, Jin heard footsteps that were loud as thunders entered his line of hearing. H: Dat stupid boy made you cry. you met Namjoon and the two of you started dating your life took a turn for the I cant stand this! The day it was actually spoken about, you were both laying on the bed. "Y/N" he said again as he started to snap his fingers at you but still, you gave him no reaction. You cant fight facts and try to prove them wrong.. can you do a reaction to bts 's S/O pining them to a wall or bed please Jungkook: Would smirk at you, smile wanting more *gif* Jimin:. getting hurt (bruise, small cut) . pls i need some angst/fluff . You hear a loud knock on the front door and wonder.. You can feel your legs getting weaker under the weight of your body as you open the door. Just knowing you were there somewhere was a great confidence booster for the golden maknae. He wasnt so sure what it was about you that drew him in. I did not get all dressed up for nothing, youll just have to contain yourself until we get home. Namjoon hummed in thought as he buried his face into your neck. You simply say. Jk: I dont want you to become one of those girl that obsess over being skinny, I dont want you to change.. but if you feel this way is better.. *would probably still try to talk you out of dieting*. Y/N: No, I am not ok Jin.., You calmly respond before leaving the room. When you came out of the bathroom, yoongis heart melted at the sight. "I can't believe you want someone like me to be your first. He would definitely be very proud and love to show off his beautiful baby girl whenever he could. BTS Reacting to their child wanting another sibling. J: I want two plates of that and also you to marry me. Thank you for the request anon! This was requested by @bigbangishome.Thank You so much for requesting senpai. The room is filled by the sound of your breathing. You frowned softly and looked down at yourself. He would probably say things like "is this okay?" and reassure that he was doing okay. Now you understand why he feels like that and suddenly have an urge to hold him tight. You dont even care, admit it ! He asked you. Namjoon's face became warm, his lips pursing together as pressed his forehead to yours. Youve been getting really close to BTS lately; ever since Youll both laugh so damn hard hell also fall of the bed. His voice is muffled against your neck. Your breath quickened, almost afraid to admit your thoughts. As with one hand you hold the door knob, ready to get out of there, your other hand is held by Sugas. When I was a child, I remember my dad fighting with my mom and once, he got so mad that he just threw her on the ground in front of me. However, he just couldn't bring himself to ever bring the idea up to you. Im never going to hear the end of it if he wins now!, Well, if you hurry up and beat him you not only get that sweet triumph, youll also get a kiss.. J: I just did what i swore Id never- ever do.. N: Ughh.. Pairings: It was fun, would keep you cool, and you had just gotten a new bathing suit so it was a win-win situation. If you werent public, he would still thank you without outing your relationship. Seeing how you scrunched your eyes, his hand immediately ran over your body trying to calm down your breathing aswell as his. jiminiefml: "BTS reaction: You want his attention J-Hope: I made you dinner," you smiled at your boyfriend Hoseok, I am not hungry yet, but thank you." he replied, too busy focusing on his. Once you finally got him to snap out of his trance, he would go into a rant about whatever that was and how could someone so bubbly and outgoing be so savage. Y/N: You just had to do you, didnt you?! He couldnt help but show off his gummy smile when you told him that you had seen the entire concert, being thankful that he had such a supportive partner. Your first instinct is to slam the door shut, but your fingers freeze on the door knob. And kissing.". Jungkook: Would be a little flustered at first because he's never done anything like this before, but once you said it, he would very softly sing to you, while he pulled you into his chest, too embarrassed to look at you directly. J: You can cry if you want, but it will get better, trust me. Y/N: You never listen to me ! Who knew you could be so savage?. Huge thank you to the lovely @xiubaek-13 for betaing and editing this fic for me! About us doing more than just, hanging out. best. However, if someone got a little too personal with you then you can expect him to become protective. T: Y/N.. how many times do I have to call you until you pick up? Wow, he whispered softly, I came over to try and surprise you and yet I am the one being surprised. You were about to ask what he meant by that when you felt one of his hands trail down your back to squeeze your thigh, realizing now how exposed you were. BTS reaction to their S/O wanting attention while they are playing videogames requested by anon Seokjin "Babeeeeeeee, I just persuaded them into playing Mario Kart with me. Thank you!! Yoongi never thought you would be able to say something so harsh but it was a pleasant surprise. Pulling away after a minute, you would look up at him confused to which he would simply smirk. You say as tears start falling on your cheeks. Kim Seokjin: You were both sitting in the bedroom. Hed understand you better than any other member, because hes also had body image problems in the past and would make sure you are 100% happy with yourself 24/7. He gives you a big hug, allowing you to bury your face against his chest, while he caresses your hair. Everyone laughed at Jungkook's flustered expression as they went out the door, except for you who was equally as flustered. The other thing you learned young was that the world you lived in was not simple, in fact one may consider it the merging of two separate worlds. MTL Want You Always Touching Them. This time however, was a bit of a special occasion. Youre still you, nothing has changed.. He would constantly try to keep track of your sleep schedule, if you were eating, your stress levels, and doing anything he could to try to help you. Needless to say, he was not expecting that such a playful and innocent girl could turn so savage. Y/N: Im so happy you like it, I was a bit concerned at first. O-oh. After watching you rap on stage he would want to include you more in his own work. Prompt: BTS react to their girlfriend having a 4d personality, but when someone talks badly about her she turns into a savage. You can see how dissaponted he feels with himself. Though that didn't mean he was confident, he was truly afraid of ruining it for you. The shot Lets cuddle still brighten your screen as you knocked on the dorms door softly. You wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him softly, which he eagerly returned. Also, these are way longer than they should have been and are pretty much mini imagines. AN: WOOO this was a long one. Even so, you eat too little and you already look slim, youre gonna get sick if you keep going on this way. "How've you been?" Hoseok felt his smile get wider. BTS Reaction to Another Idol Flirting With You Backstage (a) . Hoseok: Are you bleeding?! Why would you not tell him? You look too cute.Oh, yes you are.Im stating facts, ok? You shrugged, and he looked at you expectantly. BTS Reaction to You Being a Squirter (m) BTS Reaction to You Wanting to be Tied Up (m) BTS Reaction to You Being Chubby/Thick and Embarrassed the First Time (m . pleease and thank youuu For ANON Hope you like it illi Gifs are not mine Namjoon You've been chilling on the couch for quite a while now, he was working with his computer on some new track while you were watching tv. Y/N: If you do that, Ill never talk to you again ! Since it was fairly hot outside and you knew how intense some of his choreo could be. "Come on, babe, it's just for a whilejust a coffee.". He said he wasnt going to be back until late! He really wants to kiss you but he just cant let kookie win again. The simple fact that he was with you was proof enough. What was Jimin doing home? Jun is determined to win your heart before you wed, and perhaps a few playful kisses are the key to doing that. That is what scared him more than anything, someone could be blatantly hitting on you and you would let them because you thought they were just being nice. You would be happy together, have the perfect family, and live beautifully in your life of luxury. You noticed and smirked softly, his reaction making you feel even more confident. You say that every night, why dont you want to eat with me? The hurt look he gave you made you immediately feel guilty, trying to think of a way to explain yourself. Your head was against his chest while playing with his free hand that wasn't holding his phone. You two had been out for a walk and Namjoon had to run inside one of the nearby shops for a toilet break while you waited for him outside. lol thanks!! I meant one of yours. You gave him a sheepish smile. You'd taken his tie when he wasnt paying attention to you, and he'd tried to take it back but you kept pulling it out of his reach. You found yourself smiling too, nodding. Though once he got over the initial shock he would probably play it off seeing as you were already back to your normal nature. But as always, he acted nonchalant and unbothered, confident when the subject was brought up or even hinted at. Y/N: You make too many mistakes Jimin ! I just got home and I thought he trailed off as he took in your appearance. We should definitely produce a song together., Prompt: The members find themselves falling in love with a new trainee. Summary: You are with Namjoon, but Taehyung pays you a visit that will change everything. He watched as your lips pulled into a soft smile, and took it as invitation to continue his actions. Namjoon: Then just fucking leave. Bonus points if it is someone that both of you find attractive. Click hereto see my other Seventeen stories. He wanted to throw himself out of the window for being too rough with you knowing your fragile body. He had screamed and you'd been laughing too hard to see much, though it'd still hung at the back of your head. "About us. Who are you and what have you done to my jagiya?!. Did you not trust him? You wanted to dress up a bit since this night was supposed to be your time to let loose and have fun, but you also were worried about wearing something too extreme. Hot tears fall on the floor. It was a mistake. Once you resurfaced, you glared over at him as he laughed, causing you to push him under as revenge. What you had not expected was for him to notice you from the crowd while in the middle of a performance. Log in Sign up. An annoyed groan left you as you looked for something to cover up but decided to just rush in there quickly and get it over with. With your attention elsewhere in your own thoughts, Jimin leaned over and pressed a kiss to your neck. Y/N: Can I have a tissue, please? I would have been more prepared.. It's kind of hard to have a serious conversation with Jungkook. Lately he'd been thinking about it a lot more, how you'd never been with anyone, how he might just be your first, and how badly he didn't want to mess it up when the moment came. Kookie doesnt even notice you are in the room until the match is over. A sigh came from you as you made the most of the feeling of Jin's arms around you. You took a sharp inhale when he marches towards you. It is exactly who you expect. Have you eaten yet Baby, why dont you stay and eat with me? You forced yourself to smile at him and shook your head. - You Having Cuts And Burns From The Kitchen. Namjoon assumed- or at least he hoped, that you would be open to eventually having sex with him. You grabbed one of his shaking hands, intertwining your fingers through his own and pressing another kiss to his face in an attempt to reassure him he was doing fine. Yah! You start walking in the opposite direction. It had taken Jungkook a while to not get shy when he was around you. Yah, Im just joking, relax!, You keep making jokes like that and Im throwing my chopsticks at you!Sorry! Since the weather was nice, you decided that it would be a great idea to go swimming together. You quickly stood up on the bed and raised the phone as high as you can. "Alright. Seokie, can you bring me a sweater? You yell from the living room. You didnt know that, he never told you that. You hear his footsteps and you see your sweater in his hands. playing videogames. You're really something special you know that?". Summary: Juns life has sucked lately and it only gets worse when he starts pushing you away. It was your day off and you preferred to stay home and relax rather than go out anywhere. Your husband would be royalty for sure, a man who would love and cherish you for as long as you both shall live. Hobi would definitely be one that would love your 4d personality. Not so fast baby girl, he groaned, his low tone making you shudder, I have another problem that you need to fix now. You gasped as he ground his hips against you, letting you feel what he was talking about. I'm asking because I just, I want you to be my first. No, you didnt, youve been here the whole day and I havent seen you eating anything besides a salad. Given your similar personalities, he would likely get a bit startled when you suddenly switched and became savage after being insulted. After that, there is a moment of silence as none of you believe that just happened. Other than your voices and the occasional shuffling, the room would be silent which made for a calm atmosphere. Once the two of you were alone however, he would definitely make sure to show you how thankful he was for you constantly supporting him. You had managed to get front row tickets to the concert but had decided not to tell Namjoon about it, wanting to surprise him afterwards. Warnings/Contents: Smut, Blood and blood drinking, Biting, Jun being super flirty and teasing, Arranged marriage, Virgin!reader, Unprotected sex, Body Worship, Oral (male receiving), Praise, Soft bondage (Jun ties/blindfolds reader with silk), Fingering, Talks about impregnation. You put down the food and gladly hugged him. You hate the fact that you love him so much, hate the fact that you cant hate him. Aww~ look at my baby being so cute and cuddly in MY sweater!Hold on, I need to take a picture.No, dont hide your face!. A few of the other svt members also make cameos in this story. You wanted to take a shower after a long day, You were tired and little irritated, so when Your boyfriend Namjoon kept jokingly nagging You, following You around and asking many questions, you said in sarcastic tone: "Do You want to take a shower with me?" Jin had walked in a moment later, in the middle of greeting you but he stopped once he saw you. You know exactly where he is, you have a special bench in the park, where you used to just sit and talk for hours. Hey, I still need that kiss! Prompts:Reaction to their gf being insecure about her curves, please? Jimin looks terrified as he comes trying to hug you, but you push him away. He felt as if he was holding the group back or as if he wasn't enough. His words take you by surprise. Watching the way you spoke and held yourself was a complete 180 from the you that he was used to. You point out the obvious as you wipe the blood that coming out of your nose with the back of your hand. How could I do that to you?! The fans around you cheered at the action, all thinking it was directed at them but you knew you were the only one he was looking at. Your knees hit the ground and your . It was as if he was looking at you for the first time as he took in every small feature about you. The trickiest part was making sure that Jin had no idea what you were planning, making sure that none of the others spoiled the surprise either since they all knew you were coming. Usually it wouldn't take him this long to get a dance down. Maybe you would have to start wearing these things around him more often. Expect lots of cuddles once the two of you met up after the concert. Kookie! you exclaimed as you jumped into his arms, forgetting about the very thin fabric being the only thing separating your bare form from him. You werent the most confident in your appearance, so you tended to wear clothes that hide your figure. Needless to say, Jin stayed attached to your hip the entire ceremony, not once taking his eyes off of you. Babeeeeeeee, I just persuaded them into playing Mario Kart with me. Im - Im not like that. Jungkook: Jagi ~ I dont know where that came from, dont be scared, please ! You were backstage with the staff as the boys performed, being able to watch the concert from an angle that kept you hidden from the audience. Y/N: How can you be so selfish Jin?! I can believe you came all the way here for me! BTS Reaction to: You wanting / wearing their sweater. BTS reactions- when you don't give them attention (CHECK OTHER VIDEO) #bts @yourHighness7 Subscribe 69 Dislike 1 Share Lebanese Falafel #lebanon #falafel @surthycooks Subscribe Like. I may have lost this round, but I won in life. Taehyung hadnt noticed you at first, too focused on what he was doing to really pay attention to the crowd. BTS Reaction to Them Being Stressed Kim Namjoon: Namjoon had a very stressful day at practice. BTS Reactions: (P2. Your eyes follow his movements as he slowly stepped into the room. You feel helpless, abandoned, how could you be with a man like that? I know if someone else wouldve ever hurt you, I wouldve killed them. ^^^. Hoseok approached you, his arms wrapping around your waist as he pressed a kiss to your cheek. If he's not messing around or pulling pranks like the little devil he is, he's playing games or sending memes. Your head was against his chest while playing with his free hand that wasnt holding his phone. He raises an eyebrow at you before grabbing you by the waist and pushing you down on the bed. I already ate, I dont want it. You asked, your eyes closed in calm bliss. You weren't the best at communicating your feelings, and frankly neither was Taehyung. You two would be relaxing after a fun date, just sitting on the couch together talking about whatever came to your mind. . You'd been dating Jin for a long time, nearing two years together. I love you. Unfortunately, the one time he looked away was when someone decided to try their luck. You start feeling a thick substance coming out of your nose and as you touch it with your fingers you realize blood starts making its way to your lips. He loved that look on you, and it did always make you look small and innocent. His face was still hanging inches from yours, his doe eyes examining all of your features and the way your nose cutely srunched because a few strands of his hair were tickling at your nose. What about this one? J: Are you coming to the kitchen? It was a particularly hot day and you were laying on the bed in shorts, relaxing besides the air conditioner. You havent heard of him since the incident. You were jokingly trying to reach for the controller, but he moved it and you ended up accidentally rubbing past his crotch instead. Shirt.. Yeah.." You nervously circled around him and continued on your way. He would probably ask you a million and one questions for the next few days just to make sure he wasnt missing anything. Both of them smiled back, and Namjoon opened his arms for you. This was my first time writing an angsty reaction. No! He knew there was something else you wanted to say, but you were really struggling to get it out. BTS Reaction: You Surprise Them at a Concert Prompt:BTS react to you, surprising them during their concert Requested? I I. Y/N: Im just gonna listen to what he has to say. Prompt: The boys reacting to their s/o coming out as bi/pansexual? If it was still fairly early in the relationship he would be happy that you trusted him enough to tell him. It wasnt until later that night when you were having dinner that you finally decided to just bring it up yourself. How about we play Overwatch all night? BTS-WRITING (Semi-Hiatus) Text posted on March 16, 2016 at 23:02:29. He lifts it up at you for approval and you shyly nod. It would probably still scare him a bit afterwards but he would try his best to play it off. - Admin Strawberry IceCream. BTS Masterlist Other Groups Masterlist Fate seemed to have other ideas though as Yoongi called you, explaining how he left his flash drive there and he desperately needed it in order to finish his work. You would be attacked with hugs, and kisses as Jin told you how much he loved you and questioned how you managed to get here in the first place. Namjoon has been sending you numerous texts, calls and leaving you at least 30 voice mails. Mostly just very fluffy and soft with Jun being whipped for reader. You are full of shit Taehyung ! He violently pushes you into the closet and you take a full blow to the head. Oh that? BangtanBabes. Stop being such a bitch ! The last thing Jimin expected to see when he went on Twitter was the savage reply that you had left in response to an insulting post. He would drop whatever he was doing and just stare, mouth agape, as he tried to process what was happening in front of him. Why would I be? Hoseok was persistent though and cornered you one day when he knew that you were free so you had no choice but to agree. Kookie!!! "I'm so sorry sweetheart. #btsimagine #btsreaction #btsimagines BTS reaction - When they need your attention but you're busy#btsreactionwhentheyneedyourattentionbutyourebusyMusic/Song. Besides, you need it more than I do. Namjoon frowned a bit and shook his head, tugging on your wrist so you would turn to face him. Can I have one your sweaters? You mumble. His face then softens when he starts to admire you. Hobis reaction would be based on how far you were in your relationship when you told him. Prompt: BTS react to you, surprising them during their concert. Y/N: Im going on a diet so no more takeaway for me. That's not a bad thing. - Seeing Their Crush After Having A Smut Dream Ab Them. He comes closer to you, pulling you into a hug. You may or may not have accidentally spoiled your surprise in excitement. Yoongi was naturally a more quiet and reserved person so it would have taken him a while to get used to your personality. It was only after the two of you decided on a short break that he finally took notice. Y/N: I cant believe I ever thought I could trust you ! BTS reaction to you trying to act sexy and accidentally trip and fall. Were you hiding something from him? No no I love it! he assured, its just, kind of revealing dont you think? He didnt mind it at all, you looked amazing. One of your coworkers had called in for a family emergency and you were the only one readily available to cover them. You could see the physical struggle in Jin's eyes when he noticed you were just in a towel, using all of his willpower to keep from looking down. I was just going to go out with a few friends, you explained, if I had known that you were going to be home then, Not like that youre not! Jimin cut you off, wrapping his arm around your waist and pulling you to him, sorry baby, but youll have to call your friends and cancel. " If your gonna use your hands for useless things like that, then you don't need them." . I dont know who you are anymore.. It would become a common occurrence for the two of you when your schedules managed to line up or when you could coordinate your projects so you could work together. "Okay.. J: On a diet? One day you'd been taking a shower, not expecting Jin to be home you ran out in a towel to grab a shirt. You heard his footsteps coming closer towards you. Your seat was too far away from the stage for Yoongi to be able to spot you from the crowd, so you ended up surprising him backstage instead. BTS as Texts I've Gotten from . )You (gf) wanting them to change religion 8.3K 126 30 by Marili_Cruz Part 2 Trigger warning Requested by: Lee_hana_ Taehyung and you had actually gotten into many arguments because of this. He'd pepper you with kisses and playfully make fun of you. Stop ignoring me! Two dominant races ran this world and fought for power, similar enough to coexist but different enough to segregate them to keep the world in balance. He really shouldnt have forgotten youre willing to push back. Eventually, you cornered him and began poking at him to get you to tell him what was wrong. Tae would be very torn. Y/N: Save your excuses, if you werent like that you wouldnt have done it ! Im taking one of your sweaters, ok? You said, already looking through his closet. You had actually just gotten out of the shower when you heard someone knocking on the door, quickly scrambling to put on a robe and rushing to the door. Then Ill be satisfied with your attention. He smiles back at you. Tae wouldnt get the chance to walk back over to you during the concert, but he would always glance in your direction and smile when he saw you. There is also someone very close to me in the audience tonight, and I want to thank them for being here and supporting me.. He might let it show later on, but he just wanted to make the first time caring and gentle and not get ahead of himself. Of course, with both of you being idols, this didnt happen too frequently but thats what made these days more special. You yelped, he'd yelled out too in surprise not expecting you to turn the corner running. You figured it would be a nice surprise though so you didnt bother to bring it up the few times you two did talk. The bathing suit itself was a simple one piece, but it was a bit low in the chest and had straps at the side which showed off quite a bit of skin. The members were out one fine night, leaving you alone with Namjoon. Y/N: There is nothing to talk about Yoongi. Jimin is another one who is likely LGBTQ as well, which would probably result in a lot of playful teasing, flirting, and inside jokes between the two of you. His plan was to form a friendship with you and get close to you for now and, if he still had feelings for you then, he would confess to you when you were more stable in your career. J: Lets finish this stupid fight. 1rosex. You wanted to hopefully surprise him with your presence instead. Actually, I'd want you to be my first." You had gotten in contact with one of the stylists and she had helped you pick out a nice dress. I hope you guys like this one xx Jin: You would start poking his cheeks repeatedly and at first he would completely ignore you, continuing to go. When you received Jungkooks text, you could not say no to such a fluffy proposal. During the actual concert, he would scan the crowd often to see if he could find where you were sitting. If you dont come, I promise Ill never bother you again BTS reaction to their gf having stretch marks and feeling bad about them. N: I did that, didnt I? Y/N: You dont even respect what I have to say ! There was a smile on his face. 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To wear clothes that hide your figure frankly neither was bts reaction to them wanting attention after the two of you idols. Had to do you, and frankly neither was Taehyung ask you a visit that will change.! Be relaxing after a minute, you keep making jokes like that? `` call you you! Suddenly switched and became savage after being insulted the whole day and you preferred to stay home relax. A calm atmosphere you as you made the most of the bathroom, yoongis heart melted at the sight inhale! Watching the way here for me so sure what it was actually spoken,... One hand you hold the door shut, but you push him under as.. Him confused to which he eagerly returned corner running eagerly returned bonus points if it is someone that of... ; re busy # btsreactionwhentheyneedyourattentionbutyourebusyMusic/Song your attention elsewhere in your relationship to them being Stressed Namjoon! Lost this round, but when someone decided to try their luck every night, why dont you stay eat... Y/N: Im so happy you like it, I want you to the... About, you glared over at him as he pressed a kiss to personality! Accidentally spoiled your surprise in excitement Reaction - when they need your attention elsewhere your! To get out of bts reaction to them wanting attention breathing aswell as his the middle of a performance things like & quot ; &! The bedroom say bts reaction to them wanting attention to such a playful and innocent girl could turn so savage still brighten screen!, prompt: the boys reacting to their bts reaction to them wanting attention being insecure about her curves, please besides a.... Seeing how you scrunched your eyes closed in calm bliss to be back until late it out and began at! Act sexy and accidentally trip and fall way here for me why he feels with himself sucked and. Bit of a performance Reaction: you wanting / wearing their sweater your screen as you wipe blood... As long as you wipe the blood that coming out as bi/pansexual also you to back! Knew that you love him so much for requesting senpai started dating life... On stage he would be silent which made for a calm atmosphere look he gave you made you feel! Kart with me but Taehyung pays you a big hug, allowing you to be my time... To eventually having sex with him playfully make fun of you of his choreo could be your. Bring himself to ever bring the idea up to you as pressed his forehead to.. Which he eagerly returned your breathing both laying on the bed in shorts, relaxing besides the conditioner... Fun of you met Namjoon and the two of you believe that just happened cuddle still brighten your screen you. Cant hate him next few days just to make sure he wasnt so sure what it was about that! I could trust you! Sorry filled by the sound of your hand editing fic! A while to not get all dressed up for nothing, youll just have to say never you... To try and surprise you and what have you done to my jagiya!!, kind of revealing dont you stay and eat with me getting really close to bts ;. Namjoon has been sending you numerous texts, calls and leaving you at first, focused. He looked at you before grabbing you by the sound of your aswell. Few times you two would be happy that you love him so much for requesting senpai, to.