Thats just the way I see it. Just need to make sure Ludwig is on full mana and the fight is going to end soon. Because she believes we can all be reborn. Want more Xnolphod? Please mind S = Superior (Best of the Best); A = Really Strong; B = Mediocre; C = Weak No word of a lie, Guan Yu calls his friends over for a party and they all get p*ssed, while the Doc gets to chiselling. Special Skills (Restoration and Annihilation): Mana Charge 1x: 1. But its not just Ludwig, there are so many other A++ heroes shell synergize well with. Each dodge summons a Thorn Minion. Thanks for all of the effort and sharing. Not a biggie. Hey Vincent, thanks for supporting my blog! And, no matter who else is in the team, its Mother North who brings them back Back to win a battle you thought was lost. It has worked for me on both of my accounts for 10 months now. . It is not advice. Family bonuses and related information Your email address will not be published. You can even compare heroes and check out where they should be placed in a team. (Karil mostly sees play in Challenge Events). Want more Guan Yu? As a result, meta and ratings will change on a regular basis. Why this matters is since Im new, I havent cleared the campaign yet. Heal, Defence buffs, attack debuffs, mana generation debuffs and taunts are effective way to allow your flanks and wings more turns to charge up their special skills. Two questions:You wrote you separated the Heroes into categories. I strongly discourage performing any summons other than Event or Atlantis summons. 3. There are two main category of Flanks Flanks that Support your Tank, and Flanks that deal damage quickly. If you see him, can you please let me know where his Grade falls? But they are definitely worth it, in our humble opinion! Read his full review here. And of course, he also heals for a nice, mid-ranged, 32%. all allies get counter attack attack. Ive never reviewed Costumed Kadilen because shes always managed to dodge my request for an interview. Ive reviewed both here, which will provide more insight to my thinking, but in short, theres every reason to prefer the Costume, -besides the type of healing she provides. And in Rush he is even good PVP. 10Yunan The odds of getting a Rare Hero are listed as3.3%and the odds of getting a Rare troop are listed as1.7%. If you receive 5 or more Atlantis heroes of any kind mixed with 1 or more 4* Classic heroes or above, then feel free to repeat step 4. 2. This means you stop. In fact, I recently came across Costumed Ariel playing Center to Mother Norths Point, and it was a glorious thing to behold they took my Cups with such grace and elegance. Just let me know and Ill fix it. Can you explain, why Hu Tao is better in offensive than Justice? One more tile to charge Alby & drink in the mana regen to mop up any poor sobbing survivors. Deals 245% damage to all enemies. Crystalis is on the list already. Odin has a great mana gen effect, but 490% against summoners, no questions asked, makes Penolite better imv. target and nearby enemies receive 867 dmg over 6 turns, starting low and increasing withevery turn. 2. Thanks for visiting! To get the best ratings possible, we tested each hero on a high-end account in the best possible condition. And jokes aside, I understand the thinking; Xnolphod was an absolute revelation when first released. I think original & costmue pairs below should be swapped. Anyway, you have some great content, and I enjoy reading it! Almost all sniper type heroes fit into this category (Fast heroes with high Single target damage). Youre never gonna please everybody. please share this post with your game-buddies and alliance. 4. Welcome to the definitive compilation of all empires and puzzles heroes. -Mother North will revive fallen allies 50% of the time. For example, a healer may rank well in this Top 10, but fare poorly in a Healers countdown. Searching for the best hero by category is now easier than ever with the sorting system provided by the Hero Master list. Because, as those Elite Alliances already know, Xnolphod will sit at the heart of the bad code, and force the loop, which no enemy can overcome. I look refer to this list often. I have had a permanent tab for this site on my phone for the past year. #6 Krampus (Top 10 Empires and Puzzles Heroes) Special Skills (Scourge of Joy): 1. There are a few factors to consider when deciding which hero to use, such as synergy, stats, progression, and so on, but if you dont care about them, simply use the best tier S heroes in the game. Now, English wasnt his first language, but it sounded like sweet poetry to me. There should be no 10x Dawa summons and that is at least some comfort if you miss on your 5* event/Atlantis hero. Fair warning though: some of them are seasonal heroes - so you may have to wait for them to be available before you even have a chance to pull them. 2Exeera Performing Elemental or Epic hero summons will end up with you receiving a ton of duplicate Legendary classic heroes many of which will never be advanced. Marjana is the costume version. I did not realize that those ratings were that important. You should post your Patreon so we can donate. Enjoy your stay! Recovers 25% health for all allies. Li Xiu You can also receive Legendary Classic heroes just by keeping your TC 20 stocked up and running. Hi Mike! He can block them before they shoot OR untaunt them after they shoot, at he charges at very fast speed so pretty much whenever he feels like it vs the taunt heroes are all average or slow. He has destroyed my hopes and dreams on many many occasion. Special Skills (Crescent Shield): 1. Legendary Classic Hero or the HoTM. . +5%/10% attack & health for minions inherited from their summoner. And, 245% to the rest is crazy. Thank you for the update!And thank you for continuously leveling up Heroes, ranking them and publishing your results. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. I think thats what you said Hahaha. I prefer Krampus over Black Knight because he does more for me, and its harder to stop him from doing those things. Recovers 32% 40% health for all allies. I do have skadi however. #1 Gravemaker Due to his great strength in both offensive and defensive positions. Thanks. But Crystalis was the last name on one of the pages. Received mana increases each turn until the last turn, when 100% mana is received. Guardian Kong (EV) 26: 772: red: 5: avg: 782: 580: 1421: O: hit all & all allies + def vs fire: deal 200% dmg to all enemies & all allies get +94% def vs fire for 4 turns *** this special stacks with a general increase to an allies' defense (eg. Having additional stats is always good. SiteContact Us Privacy PolicyTerms Of UseAbout UsWrite For Us. Ive looked through the list three times and while I was able to find Costume Obakan, I dont see him w/o it. There's a new, more up to date hero roster created by the player Pois available now! Diaochan recently appeared as part of the War of the Three Kingdoms. Please remember, this is my personal opinion, based on my hero grades and the criteria set out below. To wrap it up i do have a favorite for #1 from my own list, based on stats/skills/usefulness.. and that is Dark Lord. Significance: The Overall score is more of how versatile a hero is meaning how often you will likely use this hero in multiple scenarios. As obvious as it may seem, special skills form the backbone of any team composition, whether in offense or defense. That said, Im not saying Im right and everyone else is wrong, Im saying, this is how I see things right now. Heroes that be used in a multitude of situations. For me, it was between Costumed Master Lepus and Mr. Pengi. dmg is increased by 30% for each dead ally, recover 44% health for all heroes & cure status ailments from them & they get 63% defense for 4 turns, deal 200% damage to single enemy & minor damage to nearby, recover 32% health for all heroes & remove buffs from all enemies, deal 325% damage to single enemy & get -34% attack for 6 turns, all get + attack and further increase when hit, all heroes get +45% attach for 5 turns and a further 20% increase every time they are hit, deal 125% damage to all enemies & reduce mana by 16%, recover 37% health for nearby allies and they get +24% mana generation for 3 turns, deal 260% damage to single enemy & minor damage on nearby, deal 345% to single enemy & remove buffs fron all enemies, recover 42% health for all heroes & remove buffs from all enemies, recover 45% health for self and nearby allies, also get +94% defense against ice for 3 turns, Deal 185% damage to all enemies and they get -64% mana generation for 3 turns, deal 175% to all enemies & they get -34% attack for 6 turns, deal 320% dmg to single enemy & they get silenced (unable to use special) for 3 turns. Onyx Ninja being on the field leaves taunt heroes waiting for the next dance. C Marjana Top 22 Heroes in Empires and Puzzles in 2022 Anchor 27K subscribers Join Subscribe 802 34K views 5 months ago Install Raid for Free IOS/ANDROID/PC: and get. Based on that story, it should come as no surprise that Guan Yu is a total powerhouse in Empires and Puzzles. Maybe my Top 15. This guys a walking, talking, hopping, jumping, stick of Kryptonite (yep, -all crossed up that Superman reference). Im saying Id prefer one of these other heroes before her. All allies regenerate 516 HP & a moderate amt of mana over 4 turns. I really appreciated your reviews and comments about all the heroes, thanks! level evil At the time, if I remember correctly, Congalach was just out the box, and with Nadezhda its her tiered Special which reflected badly (when against the others on the list). Thorn Minion has 15% HP and 15% attack inherited from the caster. 7Russula Yes, Master Lupus is an utter liability without his Costume. So it looks like you went with regular Mother North over her costume, am I reading that right? Whether there exists hero or heroes that make it easy to break your defence formation. But lets stay on task here. Summoning tips and tricks and recommendations. Simmering down the best heroes in Empires and Puzzles isnt done without due consideration of all the moving parts., In the Hero Costume Summon table, Gunnar is given a B for both Original Hero Grade and Costume Grading. What Heroes Cause The Most Damage In Empires and Puzzles? Read his full review here. Not just for ascensions, in a multitude of ways that a spreadsheet and/or the game NEVER will. 5: The new special Makes Azlar great in Defense and against titans. Furthermore, you might not make use of the best hero all the time because the best hero might not be appropriate for the situation. Im curious how Nadezhda and Congalach arent on the list. Ive played some devastating teams, and they routinely include Ludwig as a founding member. But why only 3rd place? C Ariel Required fields are marked *. Use of the trademarks and other intellectual property of Supercell is subject to Supercells Fan Kit Agreement. As Ive explained previously, Diaochan is a known thief (allegedly). *** this special stacks with a general decrease to an enemie's defense (eg. This compilation is divided into 4 main sections. The chance of getting an Atlantis hero of any kind is: Total chance of getting 3* and up Atlantis or 5* HoTM =68.9%. All this Krampus worship again. The Grimforest Family bonus for 2/3/4/5 heroes is: The special event heroes are all part of the Guardians of Teltoc family and get a bonus when more than one different member of the family is part of aplayersteam. Since his arrival, Krampus has shown the qualities of a true leader, often putting himself in harms way to protect his team. If you receive ANY Atlantis hero, then proceed to Step 4. Dawn, 10. C Alasie Anyway, they decided to keep her buffs, and also buff the rest of the Magic Family, in the hope no one would notice. -Because we cant quite believe our luck. Plus she destroys any other minions, debuffs, and hits three opponents in one hit (growing a cat every time). Ideally, this would allow you to have a deeper understanding of team formations, and allow you to form teams with whichever hero you have. The Sand Empire Family bonus for 2/3/ heroes is: These special event heroes are all part of the Morlovia Family and get a bonus when more than one different member of the family is part of a players team. First we have to look at the odds for getting a result that may indicate the RNG is streaking high. Kinda hard making a top 10 because there many aspects in this game from war to events to titans, my personal favorites that are very strong in various aspects might look like this (in no order but for me all of them are super strong in what they do) This effect cannot be dispelled, All enemies have -x% accuracy for as long as a Niflheim hero is at low health. Almost impossible task Nuances like passive skills, the many different parts of the game, and what seems like an endless stream of new heroes. She may be A or B+, not A+. I should add, in my initial review I too picked the Costume over the base, for all the reasons we know. 6Mok Arr You can claim a maximum of 9 Ascension Item Chests each summons event. Thanks for reading and I appreciate you taking the time to comment. The boogeyman doesnt keep my children up at night. Because Ruby would be really pissed off if we chose anyone but her and pissing off Ruby is bad! This file should be up to date up to version 1.7.2, except for Squire Wabbit, Any errors or omissions for 3, 4, 5 * heroes please mail Im a new player, less than half a year, so I dont have a lot of anything. The caster gets Taunt that prevents enemies from using Special Skills on the casters allies for 3 turns. So justice will be compared to 5* heros and Hu Tao to 4* , at least that was what was done in the past, Hey thx for this List,I Missed Kullervo, Azmia and Mielikki can you test them? Grades could be different depending on the synergy they have with other heroes on your team. Where is Costume Alasie have you seen the state of art defs from top alliances? If I were listing them separately, MN would be #1 and #2. Listen to this, Guan Yu was hit by a stray poisoned arrow to the left arm (Im guessing thats the arrow in his Hero Card), and anyway, every time it rained, his arm would hurt. Youve been calling for it, and its finally here. Hi Holodigm. But hes got a C for Overall Grade in the 3 Star Ice table. Please stand in reverence for the best hero in all of Empires and Puzzles I give you. Id much rather receive a Legendary 5* hero as a consolation prize for missing Event heroes or HoTM instead of spending good money for a Classic hero summons where you haveZEROchance of getting an event or Atlantis hero. For me, it was about heroes who anyone could pull and be over the moon at the impact they have. Say goodbye to your usual levels 50, 70, and 80 - it's all about heroes with levels 55, 75, and 85 now! All allies get +x% attack for as along as a Midgard Ally has Low health. Her minions are not the tiny ones I see summoned by other toons, and they take damage FIRST before she does. 3. 3: For stat bonus. Just legendary. Want more Milena? Ill keep him in mind for future updates. All in all, Empires & Puzzles is a very P2W-oriented game, with most players complaining that epic and legendary heroes are locked behind serious pay walls. Hero Grades Hero Grades These grades are a combination of calculation and opinion. 10. To get a specific Legendary Hero will cost you quite a bit of money the most important thing for most players is to learn how to maximise the effectiveness of the heroes that you have on hand, and how to raid effectively , attack titans effectively, and set up the best defence team with what you have. For more information about Supercell, please visit their website at All intellectual property shown here belongs to their respective owner.Contact usPrivacy PolicyTerms of Service. Best of all, reflect is irrelevant for the special skill. As of right now, hes the hardest-hitting badass in the game. 4: Balthazaar has always been one of the best Rare heroes. Xnolphod Alberich can save you in clutch positions and is a nightmare to fight against in Wars. Mist Might want to check them again. An Empires & Puzzles Grading and Ranking Definition for the Hero Utility EMPIRES & PUZZLES: Hero Utility - Grading Scale What is this? No idea, thats what was recommended. I dont know much about the real War of the Three Kingdoms But from what Ive been reading on Wiki, Guan Yu was one bad man. Increases the mana of all allies by 20% 10%. Therefore, the best heroes are typically the most VERSATILE hero. There is EP toolbox in the play store. Probability of activation of special is dependant on the durability of tank. All enemies get -50% decrease for any healing for 4 turns. Also do you need the fully levelled hero head shot? 1: Kashrek seldom sees play.. All rights reserved, Third party vendors, including Google, use cookies to serve ads based on a user's prior visits to your website or other websites. Instead take a look at your own existing roster, and see which heroes would add the greatest impact/improvement to your roster and how they would affect your playstyle. If you have nothing to better to do.. sure.. 1: Little John seldom sees play. Pengi, But might change with every new event as a lot of op stuff comes in lately lol This one is really subjective as I realize that everyone has a different playstyle and opinion of the heroes. 350% damage to all, all enemies immune to buffs for 5 turns, and dispels buffs For x3 Ninja. C. Alasie Dispels buffs from all enemies. Because he causes the most damage, for the least amount of mana. Required fields are marked *. Im currently summoning for Costume Master Lepus this month so Ill cross my fingers for him. the caster heals 40% of dealt normal damage for 5 turns. I know how good she is! Use the Compare Heroes page when deciding which hero to put in your lineup, and play with the Summons Simulator to test out your pulls before going in-game. Upgrading a hero in Empires & Puzzles is hard work and take a ton of time and costs a load of resources. I cannot find this feature. This is an unofficial fan site. I know your busy but your insight truly helps. Costume Guardian Panther Note that this sheet does not offer any sort of advice on which heroes to use for a fight. The caster gets +84% defense against Special Skills for 6 turns. Nice short and slightly longer list, I saved up to 40 odd coins for mr lepus and/or killhare, but am naturally overjoyed with the 6 or so chick jr I got! I still like that kindcof approach to ranking good heroes but sure there is missin yome strong ones . This compilation is divided into 4 main sections. Special Skills (Ladys Charm):1. When defending, the shields become weakened and give -30% less mana. Youre right, Onyx isnt mentioned enough on this blog. With even one of my Devanas, I can ghost the board and the cats will eat everything. When you update the list, is it possible to see what heroes are added or updated? Or simply, Yes. But I cannot choose between Bobo and cobalt.Can some one help me? 4. I will be working to keep other resources up to date. You only get so many of those and want to save them for testing RNG when the time is right. by 6. 490% to summoners In a game chock-a-block with summoners is simply insane. The caster gets Taunt that prevents enemies from using Special Skills on the casters allies for 6 turns. Summons an Elf Minion for each ally with 7% HP and 10% attack inherited from the caster. Try Rhys, Ariel, and Zhuge Liang. It is completely out of whack. The second puzzle master is the knight standing north-east of the prison M2 Best Heroes Ranking In Empires Puzzles 1 Ares It featured eight different clans battling for the control of . If you Receive a 4* or above S1 hero, luck is neither good nor bad. Hey GamerrFreddie, glad to see you, thanks for reading. Kiril or turtle banner), and will run simultaneously with other specials that increase defence to only one element. The thing is, most players in Empires & Puzzles build their team by simply putting their strongest 5 heroes together to make a high team power rating and believe that the power rating will always be enough to beat off an opponent. And there you have it! Leveling Heroes up takes time. Calculation Formula: [Titan + Offense + Defense overall + Tournament average]/4. Hey Josh, thanks for subscribing, I really appreciate that. Also, Ive already reviewed many of these heroes, so if youre looking for a more serious take, please check out their individual reviews (which Ill also link to). I dont see Captain Nemo though. Recovers 32% Health for all Allies. )Third party vendors, including Google, use cookies to serve ads based on a user's prior visits to your website or other websites. All enemies receive x Poison damage for as long as a Svartalfheim Ally has low health. I do for example believe that the rating for Sumitoto should be adjusted. Well, this is my Top 10 countdown. on the B+ page between Grazul and Thorne (Boril masked ends the page). Les cours des actions ne couvrent pas toutes les places boursires et peuvent tre diffrs d'une dure allant jusqu' 20minutes. If you were to pay for summons to test the RNG, youd end up spending a lot more money, therefore I use the daily tokens provided in game to test whether it is worth using an EHT (Epic Hero Token), ATS (Atlantis token summons), ETS (Event token summons). In addition, each Valhalla summon contributes to a Bonus Ascension Item Chest. Enjoy. It is not advice and is solely for entertainment, and informational, purposes. Isrod Empires and Puzzles Hero Breakdown - YouTube Install Gemstone Legends for Free: Type in: #anchor_2021# to receive your bonus gifts! Oh lordy. The caster gets -24% mana generation for 4 turns. They are not the same, Sonya is far weaker than Caedmon. There are definitely bugs abound (particularly with Costume heroes and heroes with a space in their names) so apologies for that. Attack buffs, Defence debuffs (except elemental debuffs), Your available choices for Flank and Wings make a difference to selecting your hero for the tank position. You will be able to advance faster, dominate other players, and, most importantly, become a powerful player, which is every players goal. In this way you can really prevent a lot of spending when the RNG is trending low. If you enjoy this type of content, you may also be interested in Zooba Tier List, Tennis Clash Tier List, and Bloons TD 6 Tier List. There are so many different heroes in Empires and Puzzles that we cant possibly test them all. Gadamn red bastards. Im new to your blog and recently subscribed. So your top 10 is actually a top 16? Want more, Best Of E&P? This effect cant be cleansed. Recovers 35% health for all allies. That beng said, i find the opinion/motivation for the list pretty much spot on from a poll opinion. 2. Damage bypasses targets Minions. Here is a unique commentary as it doesnt fit in your rankings at all, but I figured you would find it interesting. Tettukh What exactly makes him better than odin if you do not only consider dmg vs minion makers? Deals 280% damage to all enemies. Search: Buford . updated September 9, 2022, 9:23 pm. True, one can argue that on defense she isnt trustworthy because of AI incompetence, but that argument applies to most heroes in the game. And not in the next life, but now, in this very moment. I only ask because I have DarkLord and Crystalis newly added to my roster and was wondering what your thoughts were on them. Everything from the latest hero ratings, hero gradings and hero reviews can be found here. deal 215% damage to single enemy & minor to nearby & they get -34% attach for 6 turns, deal 205% damage to all enemies & they receive 336 damage over 6 turns, deal 196% damage to all enemies & all heroes nearby counterattack with 115% of the damage received for 5 turns, Nearby allies get +54% atk, +36% critical and regenerate 800 HP over 4 turns, Deal 215% dmg to garget and nearby enemies. Read her full review here. Great list! TOP-5 ALLIANCES OF ALL-TIME* #1) Seven Days Departed +188 #2) Crystal Palace #3) Blazing Dawn #4) Last Regiment #5) Aggressive TOP-5 RAIDERS OF ALL-TIME* #1) Deadlift of Go Away, Savage Wolves +20 #2) Qu!nn of Seven Days Departed #3) uclapack of The Avengers #4) Sarmale of Various #5) Commander Jesus of Seven Days Departed Octros should be in the conversation. Im punching WAY above my level on both the campaigns and on raids because of this. Check out the EP Toolbox app. And I imagine shes like that with everything: But, I guess, I cant avoid giving her Props any longer. Hi, The main purpose of the following table is to assist you in deciding whether you should spend resources to level up the original hero and the hero's costume. Your email address will not be published. The only exception this is Alberich and Mother North. When will you have a grading list on 3 star heros best to worst? Your email address will not be published. Thanks for pointing out, will look into it. She takes things that dont belong to her. But the top 3 heroes are excellent in ALL situations. I must have written 3k words about old Master Lepus over the last month or so, and I really dont have much more to add. Also receive Legendary Classic heroes just by keeping your TC 20 stocked up and.. -All crossed up that Superman reference ) 9 Ascension Item Chest it fit! 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