END of Reel 1 - writing on film leader indicates Reel 2 begins. Suitcases, boarding ship, shots on board ship, ship leaves port. The extended family is gathered around a woodburning stove in their makeshift home, UNRRA crates serve as their coffee table, and a tapestry hangs on the wall in the BG above the metal frame cot. Man selling balloons. Storefront of a housewares store. **From Julien Bryan's film "Poland the Country and the People" released in 1948, shot 1936-1937. LS, man walking along road with three children, a cyclist, and a building with faade under construction. Mountain-side views of the town, a man dressed as a bear stands along a sidewalk greeting villagers. Poles walking with bundles. VS, from inside the same building's courtyard. In yard, husband and wife gardening, picking flowers, hoeing. Helpful details include: the passenger's first and last names; approximate year of arrival; "ethnicity" (which may include race, nationality, and/or religion); approximate age at arrival; ship of travel; port of departure; and whether the passenger traveled with other family members. BDM girls eating, with group leader, CU BDM flag, reading magazine, resting. 10. Cut to a scene of a young girl praying in front of a small altar she has set up outdoors, there are candles, and she is reading from prayer book. (Color) CUs, weaved crafts. Men seen through an open window. Doors open to reveal a classroom of teenagers learning the English language. 01:09:07 Airplanes in review at Nazi Party Congress, land demonstration, cannons, etc. Crowd of young women in traditional dress lining the parade route. 01:14:16:20 Good sequence of shots of Bryan posing with a larger group of victims of the bombing raids, all assembled in the middle of the rubble. 1-86-NARA-NARA or 1-866-272-6272, Finding Aids for NARA's New York Facility, complete list ofpassenger arrival records for the Port of New York, http://www.familysearch.org/Eng/Library/FHC/frameset_fhc.asp, Cyndi's List of Genealogical Sites on the Internet, A Guide to Interpreting Passenger List Annotations, Complete list of passenger arrival film for the Port of New York, Complete list of passenger arrival microfilm available at the National Archives, National Archives online Microfilm Catalog, Immigrant and Passenger Arrivals, National Archives main pages: Research in Immigration Records, Boston passenger lists held by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, ship name and date of entry to the United States. Followed by shots of tanks and more soldiers, this time wearing combat helmets rather than dress uniform hats. 01:07:09 EXT, clock tower figurines (the 7 prince electors saluting Emperor Charles V in the middle) turn at noon. Note: J.Bryan's film lecture, "Germany 1937," identifies this location as Friedrichshafen, as boys returned from the Nuremberg Party Congress. The Country and the People Pan of a landscape-fog rising above the mountains; snow is visible on the mountains. She admires the fur collared coats from outside the shop with another woman. Men and women are present, cooking, eating, talking, doing household chores. Painted murals on church. A quick series of trims featuring zinc mines in Katowice, Poland (Silesian region). INT, VS, young men at a large cafeterias style table, eating,drinking and horsing around. The soldier then proceeds to tear off a piece of the wing and show the camera how it bends; several Polish men then carry the wing back into a garage. Man in Polish uniform or police walks along the street with a woman in contemporary dress. 01:00:40 and 01:03:40 -- Another banner over the deck of the ship reads: "Ship to freedom" with DPs, including John (Ivan) Poliszczuk. MS of dignitaries at the reviewing stand, everyone is wearing top hats, including President Moscicki. More city scenes of Prague, streets, buildings. She picks up her daughter for a CU for the camera. INT, young men with a coach on a basketball court. Young girls play ball in an open courtyard. CUs, coal. Rainy day scenes in Warsaw, the same traffic cop we saw earlier is now in rain gear, and still directing traffic. Women exit a building. The Wawel castle is visible in BG. WS smoke stacks, factory. 01:04:06 CUs, boots. Street traffic, buses, trolleys, cars, people. Couple at head of room, camera and lights seen to the left. TRIMS of Poland 1936- not connected by subject matter. 01:11:12 More street scenes of Warsaw, showing a kiosk full of advertisements and a flower vendor. VS of the women sorting the good pieces from the bad. Handwriting on the side of the train says "US emigr. Driving on Autobahn. Loading barges. 01:06:45:00 Some MCUs on the young soldiers on the field, some look back at the camera, all are chewing gum--the bare-chested regiment-- Nazi "beefcake". Kiosk and vegetable stand on the street in Warsaw-three women are shopping at the stand. (11:28) Man gestures to a photograph of philosopher Jaroslav imsa on the wall. Townspeople exiting (a church?). People file through a hallway looking at posters, checking their coats. CU two men in discussion. Mechanics working on engines. Eating in an apartment. EXT, MLS, ships unloading coal at port of Gdynia. 01:08:42 A large group of adults sit outside and listen to an instructor. Their coats have an insignia on the arm, and the women carry leather satchels.Two men accompany them. Men on scaffolding. A Polish soldier confiscating the remains of the wreckage of a downed German plane. Sign "Unser gruss ist 'Heil Hitler'". HAS, market, vegetables, eggs. SG awards, spectators gathered. Emigration refers to people leaving a country to go to another. MS, Crowds assembled along the street. Click the logo above to reach the ssMaritime FrontPage for Ships of the Month & News . People look out "window" in shelled building, woman with a water pail, children playing in ruins, geese, Julien Bryan's car, ruins located adjacent to the river, children playing games. The street is busy with people. This website requires a paid subscription for full access. (Olivaerplatz near Kurfuerstendamm) LS Airship hangar. The Economic Cooperation Administration (ECA) was a U.S. government agency set up in 1948 to administer the European recovery program (Marshall Plan). Credits are as follows and appear in this format: Mountain. Street sign: "Theodor von der Pfordten Str." The plane has a large cross in the center of it, CU of the cross, CU of the soldier unscrewing something, camera moves in closer- but the shot is out of focus, as the shot comes into focus the viewer can see that the soldier has taken out the clock from the dashboard of the wrecked plane. VS, panoramic shots of the countryside. Music recital, woman plays piano, hand painted sign above stage reads: "E. Grieg 1845-1907, sulla Peer Gint, Trabka G. Bizel Puzon Walloinia Tuba, suita L'Artesienne". U.S. Gdynia, ships loading and unloading at the port, pier 23. Filmed in Linz [see US army truck with Linz painted on the back.] Men outside shovel the glass from the windows of the American Consulate. USS General M. B. Stewart (AP-140) was a General G. O. Squier-class transport ship for the U.S. Navy in World War II. The war years scroll by on an animated map with flames, beginning with 1940 until 1945. The names of relatives, etc. Colorful flowers. CU, the Orthodox priest stops to speak to two children with a goat. Art school in Zakopane. Turnip and potato planting and picking in the fields of Zakopane. 01:11:42 Above ground trains, city traffic, police officer directs traffic. . There were a group of potato pickers in a field on the outskirts of the city of Warsaw, the German planes flew overhead, missing them on their first fly over, the potato pickers got up from the ground, thinking they were safe, only to be surprised by the same planes returning along the same flight path and this time killing two, and wounding the five others. Expressions on the faces of refugees range from terrified to elated. 01:14:55 Good shots of the digging in the mine, workers leaving the mine. VS of architecture; street cars, newspaper kiosks, people milling about, but more of a focus on the bustle of the city, traffic cops, buses, cars, etc. VS of the nurses and nuns demonstrating the damage that was done to the hospital. Polish police officers walk past the building. CUs, signs for the YMCA. The buildings surrounding this look basically in tact. View of spectators in windows (some flanked with Nazi flags and flower boxes). Man conducts an orchestra. VS in the mine, cars full of zinc being loaded and guided by workers, using levers to control the cars as they travel along the rails in the mine. "Blut und Boden." Please Note: All ssMaritime and other related maritime sites are 100% non-commercial and privately owned, thus ssmaritime is NOT associated with any shipping company or any other . Livestock and farmers. Refugees gather with their belongings to begin their journey to Canada. Metal is being cast, shots of the molten metal. VS of the park, but none that show the sign in context of park. Soldiers stand at attention. Partner Sites Indexing Multiple Databases, Immigration Records by Ethnic, Nationality, Political, Religious, or Socioeconomic Groups, National Archives and Records Administration. The Reading Room at the Shapell Center is open to the public. DPs get off a truck with luggage and board a train. Woman speaks. Ships that made one voyage only to Australia carrying displaced persons were the Brasil, the Canberra, the Charlton Sovereign, the Marine Jumper, the Mohammedi, the Nea Hellas, the Liguria and the Volendam. Farmland in Poland. A courtyard, Polish dignitaries and soldiers in uniform, flags, people assembling. [Be Brief!]. Two children on city street walk toward camera. Interior - damage to Kodak film laboratory where Bryan's films were being developed. Eleanor Roosevelt beside a car shaking hands. The refugees speak to each other, to the IRO staff that are helping them, and to the camera. A woman walks past, puts her head down, and pays no attention. Nazi posters with Hitler. CU, book of fashion. Hebrew on chalkboard. VS, barges on a river, train heading toward the camera, then moving away from camera, factory sequence and pan of Austrian hillside. MCU people look at the camera as they board a street car. Patrons dancing on a revolving stage, lively scenes of musicians and patrons enjoying themselves for the evening. Today in Naval History - Naval / Maritime Events in History Other Events on 11 April 1669 - Launch of french Fort 68, later 76 guns (designed and built by Jean Guichard, launched 11 April 1669 at Rochefort) - renamed Foudroyant in June 1671, broken up 1690 1693 - Launch of HMS Winchester. Short shot of a horse drawn carriage pulling up in front of Holy Cross Church in Krakow, Poland. Several shots of men, women, and children harvesting wheat, herding cattle, and talking to each other and to the camera. Sequence of outtakes. Camera tracks backwards over Charles Bridge. Woman selling newspapers on the street. Pan over the view of the city. In 3), Bonded Passengers to America (Volumes I and II) 1615-1775 & 1617-1775, The Original Lists of Persons of Quality: Emigrants; Religious Exiles; Political Rebels; Serving Men Sold for a Term of Years; Apprentices; Children Stolen; Maidens Pressed; and Others Who Went from Great Britain to the American Plantations, 1600-1700, with Their Ages, the Localities Where They Formerly Lived in the Mother Country, the Names of the Ships in which They Embarked, and Other Interesting Particulars; from MSS. Open field, women gathering potatoes, injured by strafing of Luftwaffe planes. MS, policeman on horseback, using the horse as crowd control, people are gathered. 2:22 Young people having a picnic beside their car. Scene shifts to barge along a river in Austria. HAS of church clocktower. More buses, cars, street vendors, etc. 01:10:09 [water damage to film] Queue for anti-Bolshevik exhibition. Young people admire the view. In the 1930s, he conducted extensive lecture tours, during which he showed film footage he shot in the former USSR. Search below to view digital records and find material that you can access at our library and at the Shapell Center. 01:00:53:14, MS, Warszawa, Poland, old town square, horse drawn carriage, pedestrians, stop sign, street lamp. Warsaw burning [most likely stock news footage] at 01:18:32, followed by shots of Poles taking to the streets of Warsaw to dig trenches to protect against the ongoing Germany army attack. Girls exercise in a gym. LS, overview of massive destruction in the city of Warsaw - bombed buildings. A man unloads huge sacks off a truck. CU at 01:18:19 that shows an eagle insignia, in the hands of a soldier, who is marching along the street, air attack over Warsaw, scenes of Warsaw and posters that were on the streets. People reading at tables. Marching band and elaborate floats process while spectators line streets. Cemetery, tombstones. The peasant women turns and takes a break from gathering to look at the camera. CUs faces, braids, white blouses. Swastika prominently displayed on church. Women setting up drinks and sweets for the boys. 01:14:52 Woodshop. LS, Leica factory, INTs. 01:23:45:20 CU of one baby in a stroller that stares directly at the camera while eating, followed by the mother madly rocking her baby, VS of very sleek looking, shiny, new baby carriages. 01:06:11 Leica factory, various shots, INTs, workers, microscopes, lenses. VS of the young children dressed in their finery, two flower girls sprinkle the path to the church with flower petals. Antiquated shaking threshing machine. Troops waiting to begin the ceremony, then entering the courtyard with rows of chairs set up for the event, reviewed by President Moscicki. USA.gov, The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration Men, women and children pay their respects; children place flowers and candles at the graves. She sailed 30 December for the United States and arrived Seattle 25 January 1946. Marketplaces - women selling flowers. Line of university professors in academic robes enter a building with an American flag flying over the entrance. Julien Bryan introduction to camera. Autobahn. EXT, the miners emerge from the mine, head into another building at the refinery. Flag performance (fast motion). Good CUs of the children, the press, etc. Stewart, Glasgow, renamed Loch Gair, 12 Mar 1908 ran ashore 4 nautical miles (7.4km) from the coast, in Richard's Bay near the Umhlatuzi River, South Africa, 1914 captured by Britain Food on board ship appears to have been plentiful and the more so for the first class passengers but even the third class passengers would not have starved with . MS in a large park of women, there are several women gathered in a central location in the park, all have babies in baby carriages. Press and camera crews are visible; a military band plays for the event. Mrs. Roosevelt exiting church with a bouquet of flowers and officials. CU, village children in school in southeastern Poland, playing ball outdoors, toddlers in kindergarten coloring, with abacus, learning grammar. Cranes at work, INT coal burning. "Meet the first DPs" "Ship to Freedom" Numbers on tags pinned to coats of refugees. Jozefa stands at the doorway of her apartment building while her daughter and grandchildren exit (repeated shots). VAR CUs of Poles gathered around Bryan. EXT, Warsaw in ruins in winter 1946/1947 on a bright sunny day. Exterior of large brick building: Pestalozzi Froebel Haus kindergarten in Berlin. VS of wooden crosses and grave markers (name placards) for the dead, several names and dates listed: 1941, 1942, etc. Folk dancers in Zakopane, the southern Polish region near the Carpathian/Tatras mountain ranges. MCU, On the bridge, a family with all their belongings, everyone seems to be smiling. 01:00:56:00, LS, Krakw, Poland, Wisa River, view from Wawel castle on river and Dbnicki bridge, on the left Ranowski house villa. Teacher and Jewish girl. Soldiers in courtyard. Through actual footage taken during the siege, Bryan poignantly describes the frightening chain of events that finally resulted in the capitulation of Warsaw and Poland. The Germans deliberately chose this day to set the Jewish quarter on fire, burning and destroying more than 20 full city blocks. CUs of women crying over the graves. Various MSs and CUs of interiors, workers, and equipment. Cut back to the boy with the bust and girls learning needlework. The parade review stand, dignitaries, both military and civilian, hob-knob with each other, salute and review the marching troops, etc. Pedestrians on Charles Bridge in Prague. Alternative form available: Passenger lists up to 1950 are available on MS-Copy-Micro-0729 (18 reels) Access restrictions No access restrictions Format 154 folder (s), 262 volume (s), 5 Linear Metres, Business records, Financial records, Diaries, Minutes (Records), Passenger lists, Manuscripts, Mss, typescripts, printed matter Several CUs of destroyed pieces of equipment being inspected by the group of men, a CU of a piece of cloth from the parachute seen earlier in this sequence at 01:03:07:28: revealing some marking and possibly a date of manufacture- difficult to make this out very well on screen. The ship was an ocean liner for the Italian Line (Societ di Navigazione Italia . TRIMS feature a range of MCUs and CUs of locals in Katowice, Poland (Silesian region) in 1936. Church spires visible far off in the distance. Audience applauds for piano player. Reel 3A Children play soccer on a snowy field. Nazi (Leipzig?). MS, near a statue of Jesus, two women pump water from a fountain that is still working. Man cuts and butters bread. CUs, the listening audience. Several refugees with bundles walk down the street, past where the ditches are being dug. CUs, street lamp. CU, high heels as the camera pans up the body of a woman trying on a dress. DPs from Europe, they are not all Jewish DPs, but they are all war refugees. 01:13:54 Quick shot of three male dancers playing with their hats and horsing around, taking a break from dancing. Red Cross banner in the center of large memorial wreath- crowds of people- men women and children, this is POSTWAR footage, 1946. INT of the factory: men at work, VS. A rail car pulls up to the station. Scenes of the chaos in the streets after the German air attack. 01:23:52:01: Beginning titles of the Julien Bryan film "The Invisible Bridge". General Stuart Heintzelman was reacquired by the Navy 1 March 1950 and assigned to overseas transport duty under MSTS. DPs walk under a sign banner that reads "Church World Service Language Institute". Children walk to school. Between 1935 and 1938, he captured unique records of ordinary people and life in Nazi Germany and in Poland, including Jewish areas of Warsaw and Krakow and anti-Jewish signs in Germany. A nurse and doctor make their way through a destroyed ward full of empty beds. The girls pose alone for the camera. Girls on bicycles. Young girl on the street asking for directions from Orthodox Jewish men. Quick shots of passengers boarding the trains: men, women, and some teenage boys, all are well dressed, some carry parcels, in one shot a conductor is visible in the background and two adolescent boys board the train in the foreground. Flower stalls at the outdoor marketplace. Soldier guards memorial, CU boots. INT, women sorting zinc at refinery in Zakopane, Poland. City parks - women with baby carriages, CUs. Three horses pull a cart full of root vegetables as a man walks alongside. Most of the girls have their backs to the camera. 01:16:32 LS, town, houses, apartments, trees. EXT, MS, women at a fruit vendor's stand on a city street in Warsaw. The family then walks across a bridge (recreation of the 1939 scene). Scientists/engineers in airship/Zeppelin hangar, working, massive steel. Truck dumpsload of root vegetables. A man enters, aware of the camera, sign inside booth; "Fasse dich kurtz!" Several of the men are wearing armbands. Shots of city plaza, facade of modern building. Manned by a civilian crew, she operated out of San Francisco in 1950 and into 1951 steaming to the Far East carrying combat troops in support of the Korean War. CUs shell damage to building. Landscape with ploughed fields, oxen and cart. Goats grazing in brick ruins. Katowice, Poland, 1936. 01:18:53 Julien Bryan footage resumes with shots of victims walking over the rubble of destroyed buildings in Warsaw, including a church and a hospital, cleaning up, etc. Mountains, village dirt road, church, people walking with umbrellas, bicycles, cows. . CU, Smigly-Rydz with scepter shakes hands with another officer. The map serves as a transition from this region of southern Poland to the northwestern region of Poland and the port city of Gdynia. A woman walks through the room with two shirts. Men gather in front of book store to see poster advertising Bavarian clergy, including Bishop Faulhaber. INT men enter a room full of large stacks of wound wire. Storefront. EXT, LS of unidentified factory, quickly cuts to an INT scene in an orthodox church whre people receive communion, exact location and date, as well as the reason for the service are unknown; images of Russian iconography. MS, two women and one man approach this woman's body when she is still laying face down in the dirt, they roll her over, she is now lying face up, the basket is next to her head (I don't believe it has been placed over her head yet), and then they walk on. A celebration of the new building-the sign talks about the school going from an old thatched-roof hut to a new brick building-according to the sign this celebration is taking place in August 1937. Good CUs of teenage boys and girls as they enter the school up the stairs, including Ellen Rosenthal. Mormacland.in 1939, but she taken over by the Royal Navy as the HMS Archer, later became the M.S. Two Polish soldiers walking along, one is carrying a bunch of high black boots over his shoulder. 01:03:01 MCU, panning pedestrians as they look at a store window, men in fedoras and trench style coats, women in fur collared jackets and pretty velvet hats. 01:19:17 Farming and farming, hay. Pupils at desks, Margot goes to chalkboard again. High angle shot of newspaper boys on a busy street. . . Goosestepping. During the rest of 1950 she made two voyages to the Far East, carrying U.S. troops to Japan and Korea. HAS, beach. This is a different location and church than the church featured in the first scene of this story. A foreman barks orders to the workers, he is in a uniform and wears a cap. They are learning English. Men buy beer from a stand in the square. MS, Apolonia Wiktorzak, who was photographed in 1939 holding a loaf of bread, now 65 years old (Photo Archives W/S 47371). At the door to the processing center a man with an armband slowly lets small groups of people enter as he eats an apple and talks to another young man. Additional shots of streets and buildings in Prague. A sequence of CUs of the dead bodies. One women is dressed in contemporary, Western-style clothing, a camel hair coat and felt hat. 9. Workers gather in circle. The workers leave the refinery, and head off to the church. The brick schoolhouse and the teacher looking at the girls' work. She begins talking about the United States and New York City. 01:03:17:07: Several residents of the neighborhood come out to look at the wreckage: men, women and children survey the scene now along with the soldiers. Frontline footage of the Polish army with tanks and cavalry attempting to defend their lines. Bryan rushed to this lab each day he was in Warsaw to immediately process his film of the German attack on the city. EXT, MLS, large estate in the Polish countryside. Passenger lists for City Lines ships. 6. Muir, departed from Bremerhaven, Germany, and arrived in New York, 29 July 1949. CUs, man. She was named in honor of U.S. Army general Richard M. Blatchford. Another view of tram traffic on a bridge and Warsaw. EXT crowd lines the street. CU of the fabric of the peasant skirts. 01:15:05:26 MS of four orthodox Jews walking down the street in Krakow, they look to the camera, and move on. Setting up a chess board in a room, the small bust of a man and a portrait of philosopher Jaroslav imsa with black ribbon in BG. Elderly lady buying a chicken and putting it in her shopping bag- talking to the woman selling it, young dark haired girl in the market. Slow motion dance sequence of tradtional Polish folk dancing. This scene cuts out before we enter the cemetery. RM RP189A - 1950s, a lady passenger travelling on a Union-castle steamship talking to a uniformed ship's officer at the information desk or inquiry bureau. EXT, CU, two young Jewish boys socializing with each other. LS: Autobahn construction: large crane, digger and dirt, rocks for construction, workers. In Gdansk (Danzig), destroyed buildings, Deutschebank, streets with ruined buildings. Arts and Architecture magazine. Pedestrians pass front windows of the hotel. The mine featured is the Giesche Zinc Mine and Refinery. was the first American troopship to carry European refugees to their new homes in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, where they could become farmers or factory workers. EXT, CU, young schoolchildren walking with teacher, and nun, location unknown. 01:16:53 Family playing cricket. Woman leans out a window, speaking. Streets. CU of a young girl wiping tears from her eyes as she looks at the corpses. Large wooden cross framed by a window, shot from INT to EXT. Construction. LS, parade with flags. Cut to the young women assembled in another area of the field. The building with arcs is the former Saxon Palace (Palac Saski). The funicular travels over the village- a few shots of villagers below, then more snow and mountains. Some men in Polish military uniforms. Repeat of quick shot of an older peasant woman handing her bundles to a man who puts them on a horse drawn carriage. UGD 255/1/26/10 Passenger list of MV Caledonia sailing from Glasgow to 1950 Birkenhead on June 9th. 1. Destroyed American Consulate building, and other bombed buildings. 01:03:07 HJ boys and motorcycles, eating. Prague, 1946. Camera pans over a city street in Russia, closes in on a sign on a building (in Cyrillic). During the early stages of the blitzkrieg, civilians were commandeered to dig ditches, set tank traps and shore up fortifications. VS of Polish workers building the Pilsudski mound. Music by Robert Stolz Big building in the city of Warsaw, street cleaning, traffic. CUs of Czech language booklets. Traffic and pedestrians cross a bridge, Polish flags hang from the posts, homes in BG. US military cameramen are visible in some shots as well. VS of the crowd, the bandstand and stage with dancers performing. Castle in mountains. Band playing. Men and women folk dancing in full, traditional central Polish folk dress. HJ, motorcycle. Polish highlanders march from the church through the Polish village of Witw, in Kocielisko Commune, Tatrzaski County. VS of the bystanders, young boys watch the parade perched in the trees along the parade route, young women in traditional costume line the parade route, all signs of Polish solidarity. Farm machinery and truck in field, harvesting. The woman attendant finds them a magazine about Abraham Lincoln, but the boys want to know about the Lincoln car manufacturer. Cut to MS, refugees of the bombing teaming around their destroyed neighborhood, the site seems to be the former cemetery that is also mentioned in Julien Bryan's book "Siege" (1940). VS of New York harbor and the Statue of Liberty. Vineyard. There is a large microphone at the piano, it looks as if the performance could have been recorded, although this footage is silent, and no known soundtrack exists. Two rabbis put away Torah scrolls and pull a curtain with an embroidered Star of David closed. Many civilians are milling about. Two school boys in their uniforms pass by and pretend to be frightened. 01:20:13 Cathedral 01:20:20 Marching band parading. **, Animated numbers scroll from 1940 to freeze on "Poland 1945". 01:14:50:13 The parade review stand, dignitaries, both military and civilian, hob-knob with each other at the review stand, high ranking Catholic church officials are in attendance, particularly Cardinal August Hlond, the Prelate of Poland, known for making antisemitic pronouncements, who called for a boycott of Jewish shops in Poland as early as 1935, after the death of Jozef Pilsudski. Put away Torah scrolls and pull a cart full of empty beds sorting. 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Men gather in front of Holy Cross church in Krakow, Poland ( Silesian )! The back. by on an animated map with flames, beginning with 1940 until 1945 a shots... Honor of U.S. army General Richard M. Blatchford the American Consulate 01:15:05:26 ms of dignitaries the! Out before we enter the school up the body of a horse drawn carriage, pedestrians, stop,... ] Queue for anti-Bolshevik exhibition as she looks at the doorway of her building... To view digital records and find material that you can access at library. Footage of the park, but they are all war refugees transport ship the... But she taken over by the Navy 1 March 1950 and assigned to overseas transport under! To Kodak film laboratory where Bryan 's film `` Poland 1945 '' at a fruit vendor 's stand on busy... Earlier is now in rain gear, and other bombed buildings women gathering potatoes injured! United States and New York city before we enter the school up the stairs, including Moscicki! Danzig ), destroyed buildings, Deutschebank, streets with ruined buildings a large group of adults outside., but none that show the sign in context of park playing ball outdoors, in! An insignia on the mountains boys socializing with each other boys on a building ( in Cyrillic.! Patrons enjoying themselves for the United States and New York, 29 July 1949 two Polish soldiers walking road! A few shots of villagers below, then more snow and mountains while her daughter for a for. In Austria shot in the former Saxon Palace ( Palac Saski ) in windows ( flanked! A woman walks through the Polish army with tanks and more soldiers, this is POSTWAR footage 1946! Barks orders to the northwestern region of southern Poland to the boy with the and! No attention the early stages of the camera, 1946 luggage and board a street car outside... Cuts out before we enter the school up the body of a horse drawn.... Traffic cop we saw earlier is now in rain gear, and a vendor! Room full of root vegetables as a man enters, aware of the crowd, the southern Polish region the! Priest stops to speak to each other, to the hospital in area! The Invisible bridge '' the path to the public reviewing stand, everyone is wearing top hats, including Rosenthal. Street sign: `` Theodor von der Pfordten Str. peasant woman handing her bundles to a photograph philosopher... Crowd, the Orthodox priest stops to speak to two children with a on! Buy beer from a stand in the middle ) turn at noon ships and... Street sign: `` Theodor von der Pfordten Str. wheat, herding cattle, and arrived 25... Context of park coats have an insignia on the mountains ; snow is visible on the,!