Hercules declares his hatred for Kratos, claimed that Zeus always favored Kratos more than himself, because in fact it was Kratos who was chosen by Zeus to kill Ares and later appointed as the God of War. He was also clearly not amused when Atreus asked Sindri on why Brok is blue-colored while he isn't, viewing the question as rude despite the fact that Atreus did not know the question shocked Kratos and just viewed it as a simple question in his eyes. After this incident, he gave up and hid them beneath the floorboards as a forced reminder of his tragic history and explosive rage. Unfortunately for Kratos, Atreus, despite his compassionate nature appears to have inherited his father's impulsiveness and tendency towards rage. Bjorn proves to be an unusually formidable opponent, but Kratos is able to brutally beat and strangle the bear until transforms and reveals itself to be a now seriously wounded Atreus. However, it doesn't matter to him. Deep down Kratos loved and cared for Atreus, as seen when Atreus was sick. The pair use the new arrows to get to the top of the mountain. In fact, the one and only time Kratos is shown to be happy is when he briefly reunites with his daughter, Calliope, in Chains of Olympus. Now with Hades' soul inside him, Kratos can swim through the River Styx without hindrance. He then told me that he used to make Boxes Pandora was ordered by Zeus to contain the evil forces that emerged from the Great War. There are many different kinds of powers, possessed by Gods, Titans, Demigods, magical beings, and creatures all throughout the God of War Series. At the end of their journey, after coming clean to his son about his past, Kratos threw away his bandages, deciding he has nothing left to hide neither be ashamed for his son. After curing Atreus, Kratos reveals to him that he is a God. The two of them engaged in a battle above the sky and landed on the Summit of Sacrifice, the top of the great mountain where the Titan Rhea gave up all her children to her husband Cronos for sacrificed. She even saved Kratos when he was a child from Ares when they took Deimos, and asked Kratos for forgiveness afterwards, showing that while she thought she was protecting Olympus from the marked warrior prophecy, she had some regrets in doing so, even calling him "brother", showing that she was aware of his relationship to Zeus. Now, Kratos understands that he will never have the chance to be with his daughter. Where once Kratos unleashed his fury across the peaks of Mount Olympus, now gaming's most beloved anti-hero finds himself laying low in a strange new land. I do not want this war. Kratos coldly tells Atreus not to tell him about their quest and that he's a god and that it's a personal quest, to which the dwarf adds that he knows a thing or two about family matters. When he learned of Sparta's destruction at Zeus' hand, Kratos was devastated and angrily demanded that Zeus come down and face him. The story of The Hare and Tortoise was very similar to the fight between Kratos and Hermes. However, once Kratos began a conquest of Greece, he refused to listen to Athenas pleas to stop, and she had no other choice but to help Olympus rid themselves of him. His goatee has grown into a bushy, full beard which covers half his face and has several gray hairs. Once inside, Kratos once again gets help from the Gods and Goddesses, now by Artemis, the Goddess of the Hunt who gave him the Blade of Artemis. By killing Persephone and her chains, putting Atlas on the Pillar of the World, Kratos has saved humanity. Kratos, Atreus, and Mimir make it to the dead Stone Mason's body. After making it into the void, the travel stone embeds the duo with protection as Kratos leaps into the void. Kratos manages to cut off Megaera's arm, but Tisiphone comes attacking with her pet bird, Daimon. Kratos takes Mimir out into the Wildwoods to search for Atreus, killing several raiders in their path, until they are ambushed by a massive bear named Bjorn. Kratos then left the Underworld. In all of the main installments of the series, Kratos is killed at some point by impalement through his abdomen. Atropos tries to destroy the Blade of the Gods, the sword that used by Kratos to kill Ares, so that Kratos dies at the hands of Ares, but this effort immediately thwarted by Kratos, and the two return to the present in the Lahkesis temple. With them gone, Ares believed Kratos would become stronger- that he would become death itself. Tr turns out to be alive, and but has developed poor mental health and has made a vow against violence after years of torture. The axe has the properties of ice magic as swinging its blade creates light blue energy waves, which can be charged up, and hitting the ground freezes enemies close to impact. The problem with Kratos rage is it can be used to manipulate him, which other gods (looking at you, Ares) have absolutely no problem doing. Because of Faye, Kratos is knowledgeable of some of the Norse Gods, such as Thor and Odin. Having made it through the Gardens of Olympus, Kratos arrives at the labyrinth referred to by Pandora, where he is met by Daedalus, the father of Icarus, an old winged man who had been met by Kratos on his way to the Palace of Fates. The two were involved in a fierce fight, where Kratos pushed Hercules several times into the spiked wall and stripped his armor one by one, making Hercules furious, smash the Nemean Cestus to the ground, creating an earthquake punch that instantly killed the entire his troops. The woman, going by the Witch of the Woods, brought them back to her home to heal the boar who is named Hildisvni. After crash landing in the Realm Travel Room, they find the missing panel about Tr traveling, to other lands including Greece. While the two survived the attack, Atreus would show his aggressive tendencies by continuing to stab the already dead troll with Kratos determining him not to continue and Atreus not losing all his temper . At first Atlas tried to kill him but Kratos managed to convince him otherwise. This would later be an error as Kratos managed to cut Cronos open from the inside, releasing his intestines. As time went by, Hephaestus began to grow affection for Pandora, he thought of her as his own daughter, so when Zeus came to take Pandora's Box, he deliberately hid Pandora. an Ancient or you want to defeat an enemy from a distance. Kratos came home and opened the base where he hide his son. Due to his slaying of the gods of Olympus, Kratos now understands that vengeance will not bring him or others peace, even trying to talk Baldur out of killing Freya and then killing him when he attempts to do so to try and end the cycle of children killing their parents. Gaia then attempted to crush both father and son with her hands, but Kratos and Zeus jumped into the hole in Gaia's shoulder to quickly escape. Hera's death caused all the plants to wither and die. His love for Faye was so great that he knew she had good reasons to hide the fact she was a Giant from her family. When a mysterious light shines. The closest thing that comes to an actual Godly power for him is his Spartan Rage, which by its very name would make him the God of Sparta. Though a moment passed as if nothing had changed, marked by a delay in the axe's return, the lake erupted into heavy drifts and waves. Descending into the depths of the Underworld, Kratos meets Hephaestus, the God of Blacksmiths, who is in despair and blames Kratos for his exile to the Underworld. With Aletheia, Orkos then warned Zeus of Ares' evil plan, but unfortunately, Ares found out about the plan and sent the Furies to catch them. Finding himself back in the city of Rhodes, Kratos commands the last Spartan warrior (also left alive) to return to Sparta City and prepare for battle. This situation forced Kratos to beat him until he fell helpless and begged to be forgiven, promised to give all his wealth. Once equipped, you can activate these Relics to give you a variety of buffs or perform an active skill. When Atreus asks why the rune looks different, Sindri explains that it had to be reforged. Mimir tells Kratos to cut off his head, and while Atreus is away, he tells Kratos that he should reveal his godhood to his son- Kratos doesn't react well. His strength seems to increase proportionally with his size, and hes an impossibly formidable opponent in his giant form. It is revealed that the chaos caused by Kratos only destroyed the Greek World instead of the entire planet, and different mythologies are separated by location (but within each location contains a differing cosmology). He can show care for them, as he displayed care for Athena to some degree (and vice versa), with Kratos being more affected by her death than even Zeus, who seemed to care very little (if at all) about her death. To other mortals, he was now marked by his ghostly white skin - the knowledge of his past actions often repulsed them to the point where they would rather die than allow him to save their lives. Kratos served Helios just like he served the other gods of Olympus. He uses the Claws of Hades to channel Necrokinesis and call the Cerberus Mongrel to his side and also uses his Blades of Exile to summon fallen Spartan warriors to fight alongside him (with the Army of Sparta ability). Players have seen this with the Claws of Hades and the Blades of Exile, and its true with all of the weapons mentioned in this article. This makes the fight long and arduous, showing how the use of abilities such as telekinesis leaves Kratos in a tough spot. Character Kratos appears in 21 issues . Kratos is down to the Underworld and severing the Chain of Balance from below, destroying the Three Judges in the process. Has the ability to catch incoming enemy projectiles and send them back to the enemy. A useful ability when you have to face, e.g. Kratos and Atreus both argue about the former's intent to learn more his "Loki" identity before returning home again, and Kratos remind him that he will not allow him to pick a fight with gods, but Atreus doesn't want to start a war with them, all he wants was answers but Kratos again remind that even though he seeks answers, things can lead to war of Asgard. . With this, he successfully completed that task given by the Gods of Olympus. Seeing Kratos still just trying to avoid his fate, the old man tells that when Kratos is needed was close, so he advised her to take the Blade of Chaos and start preparing themselves for the upcoming battle. The Furies then creates an illusion in the form of a large whirlpool and Alecto changes form become a giant sea monster. Thrud attempts to kill Atreus, but is stopped by Sif and Skjoldr, who figures out that Odin is disinterested in saving his own people. At that time, before leaving Kratos, Athena also apologized. An enraged Aphrodite told Kratos that it had been long since a real man came to see her- the bridges leading to her chambers have been nearly destroyed and Zeus refused to allow Daedalus to repair so he could continue working on the labyrinth to imprison Pandora. Kratos' son told him that he felt that all of the forest had changed, but Kratos told him not to dwell on it. Poseidon aided Kratos against the hydra by giving him the magic 'Poseidon's Rage'. Kratos struggles with the pack soldiers of Rhodes and had a hard time dealing with Colossus. This implies that 12.6 years have passed between, With this information, one can assume that Kratos was born between 510 BC ~ 500 BC and that, However, these years are contradictory with the appearance of, Kratos is rarely seen feeling any emotion but anger during the events of the game. No matter what he does, nothing has ever relieved Kratos of his suffering. Horrified, Kratos rushed to help Atreus heal his wounds. Years later, Kratos regretted killing Zeus, for despite the pain Zeus caused him, vengeance from his death only felt empty. The Leviathan Axe's ice magic is very effective against enemies with the attribute of Burn, while the fiery swing of the Blades damage effectively those of Frost. But at the same time, he also revealed that when The Furies caught himself, he has been made the guardian of Kratos' oath. Kratos breaks his defense and kills Magni causing Modi to back away from Kratos in fear and cowardice. The third and final time he has been seen happy or smiling so far, is during a cutscene in Ascension, when he is under the illusion of The Furies, where they place him in an illusion where he is back inside his home in Sparta before he killed his wife and child. Many of the creatures, gods and other people Kratos has killed across his lifetime after killing his family were not deliberately acts of Kratos looking for a fight. In his final moments he insulted Kratos one last time before being killed by him. There, he forced two scholars to read spells and sacrificed themselves as a condition for meeting the Sisters of Fate, before they met an ordinary soldier trying to reach the Sisters of Fate before himself, forcing Kratos to confront him in a very dimly lit room. 2. The Stranger, then, purposely, hits Kratos to try agitating him. If it weren't for them getting in his way, Kratos would have probably ignored them all completely to carry on his quest to kill Zeus. Walking to a village that is not located far from there, Kratos was confused to see all the frightened residents realizing his existence. So far, so good. With Mimir and Freya, they travel to Midgard, where the Norns toy with them before allowing the trio to consult them. Kratos and his siblings Nike ('Victory'), Bia ('Force'), and Zelus ('Glory') are all essentially personifications of a trait. However, he eventually realizes being open to Atreus with his mistakes would allow Atreus to learn from Kratos' mistakes and not go down the dark path he himself once trodden. Castor asked Kratos to bring a proper offering for him if he wanted to meet him Aletheia, and when Kratos refused, he became furious and immediately attacked, didn't give Kratos any other choice but to kill Castor and Pollux to the whole room shock and collapsed, before then picking up the Amulet of Uroborus. Atreus, unconscious, wakes up and sends his goodbyes to the remaining survivors. However, Freya's arrival decisively tips the scale in Kratos' favor and he, Atreus, and Freya overpower Odin after Atreus destroys his mask. Meanwhile, Zeus held a meeting with the Gods, including Poseidon, Hades, Hermes, and Helios to join forces to face their only enemy, Kratos. A god who won't stop until the Earth's populace, Amazon and outsider alike, lies murdered in a battlefield grave." The character is a god or goddess of war. Throughout most of the Ascension series (particularly after his betrayal by Ares), Kratos is incredibly cruel, reckless, and destructive, willing to kill anyone who gets in his way, even innocent people. Both brothers were raised in Sparta throughout some portions of their childhood until Zeus, Athena, and Ares believed the prophesized "Marked Warrior" to be Deimos, due to the child's strange birthmark. Kratos did what Athena asked him to do, so he pushed Pandora's Box out of the temple, but his actions did not go unnoticed by Ares. It is possible that since Hera was so weak, Kratos didn't see her as a threat. Kratos lost them after he fought Zeus. Strength is required to be even more powerful, and that power is now stored in Pandora's Box. Deimos is shown to be a tough opponent because he dropped Kratos from a height and continue to beat him without stopping until Kratos' body is covered with wounds. Kratos then grabs and throws him into the huge boulder of rock before pummeling him with powerful punch barrages using his god-strength, then finishes him off by punching off parts of the huge boulder and then slams it on top of the Stranger. This is because he faced the Greek Gods who, just as himself, showed such qualities. Walking further, Kratos enters the Temple of Thanatos and for the first time in a long time, he reunites with Deimos. After Kratos defeated all the Draugr through their own paths, they finally reached the safe point where they found the deer, Kratos' son now listens and Atreus wait patiently for his mark. Atreus confesses that he has to travel alone from now on in order to find the rest of the Jtnar. To open the gate to the Domain of Death, Kratos needs a key called the Skull of Keres which, according to Callisto, stored in the city of Sparta, Kratos' hometown. He also set aside his pride to learn how to read and write runes from Atreus and writes in his journal about how, while he would never actually admit it to him, he is proud of the man his son is becoming. Perhaps what Kratos' breaking point that truly made any happiness or positive feelings he possibly could have had vanish is when his brother, Deimos, was killed. Kratos was intrigued by the offer, but was still suspicious. But as he puts it back, he then notices a terracotta vase with an image of him covered in blood and with the Blades of Chaos on his hands. As a result, Zeus killed Kratos and also, to make him suffer, he destroyed Sparta. Along the way, they are confronted by a vengeful Freya, but they eventually make amends. She explains that she was forbidden from revealing this information to him by Kratos' father. God of War 's Norse saga began when Baldur attacked . After meeting with Brok and Sindri, gem slots called Runic Attacks are given on each weapon's head that modifies the axe's and the blades' abilities. However, before Kratos made it to the Blade of Olympus, the same eagle that took his powers comes and reveals himself as Zeus. After Kratos killed his enemies to insure that Kratos would do his bidding, and to make him the ultimate warrior, he forced Kratos to kill innocent people in the name of Ares. This would also explain why Kratos is missing all the weapons from his past games as they either break from him using them so much or he simply throws them away when done with them. In the opening cinematic of the second installment of the series, Kratos defends the city of Sparta and transforms until hes several times his normal size. Also in Tr's chambers, he destroys a vase. In this confrontation, Kratos scoffs, saying that now Zeus will no longer have the protection of Athena, because Athena is dead, which is according to Zeus, Athena's death was caused by Kratos' blind rage. However, he does not carry one in any of the side games. The Blades, via a Runic Attack called Meteoric Slam, can summon a meteor shower of fire that deals Burn damage to enemies. Kratos takes on the All-Father with Atreus, but found himself struggling against Odin's excellent combination of physical combat and magic and the injuries and strain he had suffered from fighting Thor. They start the journey back to Tr's Temple where Mimir explains Hrimthur's story. As Kratos had finally defeated the stranger, he now realizes that his home with his son is no longer safe. Kratos takes Heimdall's horn, Gjallarhorn, and the rebels escape through riding Skidbladnir, and Birgir leaves them to save the group from Wyvern. Hearing the fields of Elysium shaking would now collapse as a result from the destruction of the Pillar of the World, Kratos realized that he had made the wrong choice unleashed all his might on the Forsaken Tree. While Magni distracts Kratos, Modi taunts the boy again this time causing the boy to lose control and charge wildly against the god. He appears older, middle-aged, he has some wrinkles on his face looking to be in his mid to late-50s. Tr is dismayed by the revelation, and they return home. Around this time, Zeus began to hear prophecies foretelling his demise at the hands of one of his sons, a "marked warrior". Hermes, instead of fighting Kratos, tried to avoid him by running at fast speeds. The first illusion places Kratos on a situation where the King of Sparta was about to pay homage to him, and the second illusion put in place Kratos at his home, where he is reunited with his wife and children, Lysandra and Calliope. Hades further appeared with a much larger size than before, now without the Helmet of Darkness, uncovering the hideous fractured skull face he has. The only time he has ever been seen smiling was when he found, For a live-action promotional commercial of, Kratos' standard outfit appearance had little changes throughout the games. The scene shifts to Kratos on his throne, wearing his newly-forged armor, furious and determined to exact vengeance on the Gods. Kratos told Atreus that they start their journey. Freya then promised she would keep his son safe until he returned, noting that she was a parent as well. In God of War (2018), Kratos is known by the Jtnar as Frbauti (), literally meaning "cruel striker" and sometimes interpreted as "lightning". However, Kratos ignored the plea and instead thrust a pointed crystal into Cronos' head, instantly weakening him. In the midst of this chase, Kratos once again trying to be tricked by an illusion where 3 beautiful women seduce him. Kratos and the Grave Digger.Death. Kratos is an anti-hero, and the main protagonist of the video game series God of War. But, if he did, then he would surely kill Kratos if he ever saw him again. While Kratos obtains this power through the use of weapons and not through his own godly abilities, its worth noting that the Claws of Hades and the Blades of Exile are godly weapons that could not have been used by a simple mortal. In the world of God of War, a place where gods are real and involve themselves in mortal lives, Kratos, a former soldier-turned-god, manages to live one of the bloodiest and most storied lives of them all.Embarking on a conquest to destroy the Greek gods themselves seemed an impossible task, yet Kratos has done it. After Pandora led him to forgive himself for his past mistakes, then the power of hope that was in Kratos radiated out, allowing him to kill Zeus, the King of Olympus. 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