To save time, the company combat loads vehicles while the quartering party readies the new site. MP must task organize to defeat enemy reconnaissance forces. Based on METT-TC, the platoon leader may task organize the platoon for certain missions. In any military operation involving US forces, accountability and the safe and humane treatment of detainees are essential. gunner has a primary and a secondary sector of fire. Conditions that are more restrictive may be imposed startling the enemy. DODDOA-009825. MP disperse their assets and prioritize operations to meet the echelon commander's needs .1 2/27/7(104 on the load diagram in the vehicle. prevent allegations of sexual misconduct. Notify the BSA TOC and the PM operations section of the selected location. commander's intent and preserving the platoon's fighting capability. The FPL and PDF are control measures to help defend Placing MK19s in the building where they can cover assigned sectors of fire and FPL. 2-11. An MP platoon may be tasked to serve or augment the base cluster's response force. The name, service number, grade, unit, and signature of the MP who accepts custody of the detainee. A company quartering party is likely to have personnel from the unit's HQ, each platoon, the maintenance and dining sections, and communications. internal facilities (the water point. Detainees should be transferred to the corps holding area or directly to an internment facility within 24 hours, if possible. In an open column, elements are widely spaced as a passive defense measure. 7-5. Lighting conditions may include When collocated, the platoon leader coordinates with the base Figure 5-1. REF B IS CHARTER FOR THE MISSION ESSENTIAL TASK LIST GOVERNANCE BOARD. CONDUCT THE MARCH Report detainee status to the BSA TOC and through MP channels to the PM. Leaders must- the main effort of MP support may come in later phases of the operation, when larger units CAPABILITIES DODDOA-009768 train. suppress them. The task areas that support the UR function are EPW and CI handling, US military prisoner handling, and populace and resource control. 4-40. Speed Remove the captives from the battlefield as quickly as possible. . However, gags should be used for only as long as needed and should not harm /fm/119 4/rhariA litrn.11/17/1AA4 DODDOA-009849 MP support retrograde crossings the same as they do deliberate crossings. requirement of NLW. Easily defendable positions are preferred over those that are more difficult to defend. Other weapons fire at designated PDF. Prior to October 2021, the Army Training Network (ATN) and the Digital Training Management System (DTMS) displayed Standard METLs with their mission-essential tasks (MET) and related supporting collective tasks (SCT). The platoon leader may task organize the squads according to mission, enemy, troops, terrain, time available, and civilian considerations (METT-TC), and provide one squad to operate the EPW collecting To maintain security during the march. If a map is not available, relate the location to key terrain, such as the Dojo SPACE SCTs provide a source for trainers and evaluators to gain additional understanding of the MET performance steps. Enemy reconnaissance teams are most vulnerable during the day. Requests may include fire support, refueling, vehicle recovery operations, and other support needed to complete the march. In addition, they can fire into areas that would be dead space for ground-level weapons. to conduct reconnaissance and combat patrols., .1 2/27/2004 enemy's advance threatens the OP/LP, order the OP/LP to withdraw. Ensure that the SP is far enough away from the AAs to allow the vehicles to be organized and move at the prescribed speed when they reach it. Vehicles not allowed to cross are removed so that they do not cause a traffic backup at the actual crossing site. Reconnoiter new sites. This makes it easier to get supplies, such as water, food, and barrier material from the BSA. Area fire (Figure 3-1) permits rapid cover of an entire area with fire from the left to the right and in depth, even if the enemy cannot be seen. Maneuver is the employment of forces on the battlefield in combination with fire (direct or indirect) or fire potential. EPWs are more specifically defined in FM 3-19.40 and the Geneva Convention Relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War, August 1949 . The leader tells the soldiers which weapons to fire, the type and amount of ammunition to fire, and the rate of fire. Nationality, ideologies, and recognized ethnic groups are used for further segregation. Dig the firing platform at a level that allows the gun to traverse the sectors of fire. The wounded and sick will be evacuated separately through medical channels using the same assets as those used to medically evacuate US and allied forces. If the platoon steps down from sustained continuous operations and cannot return to its base or base cluster, it may need to operate briefly from a temporary defensive position. obstacle. Initially, MP priority of effort during the offense may be providing MMS for ground MP must be prepared to establish holding areas along movement routes on order. Traditionally, MP operate collecting points in a division AO and holding areas in a corps or EAC AO. The PSG consolidates the ACE reports, reviews the consolidated ACE report with the platoon leader, and forwards it to the company commander. Specified tasks are those stated in higher HQ orders and plans. 5-31. UNCLASSIFIED Platoon Collective Tasks Conduct and Defend Tactical Convoy Task Number METL# Rating (T,P,U) Prepare Unit for Tactical Convoy 55-2 . Other MI interrogations teams conduct interrogations once EPW have been evacuated to more permanent facilities. When the Use current information on the threat to identify known enemy activities and threat 2-26. The MP platoons are augmented by the division band and/or by the corps MP. Defenses are placed where the threat is greatest. He bases his decision on sound judgment and evaluation of the threat. The latrines away from the bivouac area. in cannot remove a soldier's vulnerability by itself. A combined-arms breach is a complex operation and requires precise synchronization. Refer to FM 7-8 for more information about patrol operations, enemy's location is "on the Hahn Road, 300 meters south of the The modifications are shown Commanders balance competing risks and then identify and develop the best course of action (COA). The platoon leader plans for the possible need to establish a forward EPW collection Position | Veterans Curation Program. Today, friendly forces encounter a broad range of traditional and nontraditional threats. units to complete the capture tag before accepting prisoners into the CP. The platoon has one critical wartime mission which is to provide MP CS to an Appendix B MEDIA RELATIONS Overview Media Interaction Control Measures A rapid, violent assault overwhelms and destroys the enemy force and seizes the objective. possible. In an attack, the gunner knows the primary areas. Specific tasks consist of two typescollective and individual. 4-101. Notify the PM and the operations cell of the division rear CP (through MP channels) of the collecting point location. RENIANKS. mission. Food and water. conduct room-clearing with two- or three-man teams; four-man teams are preferred. The march leader-. Nonlethal options are a complement to, not a replacement for, lethal force and seek to expand a proactive response across the range of military operations. successful, the platoon leader must demonstrate an ability to lead soldiers and manage an However, MP must be prepared to go forward to accept EPW from capturing units. Restrictions. and where troop populations are high. When MP platoons conduct the tasks addressed in this chapter, they will mirror the actions of the company. obstacles. a grenade launcher, unless it is being used for some other purpose, and a smoke canister can 4-92. Items normally impounded are cameras, radios, and all currency and negotiable instruments found on the captives. g x X X X X x X Position the assault and support elements parallel to the enemy's movement route (such as on a road or trail or at a stream). Soldiers to the left of the leader fire to the left of the tracers and soldiers to his right fire to the right of the tracers. SCTs, as their name indicates, support the accomplishment of a performance step within the MET. When possible, march elements using the same route should stop at the same time. Determine how much time is needed to rehearse. Overview DODDOA-009843 Each gunner uses IP *. 4-46. Move backward from the time of execution to- I ew/Dublic/2970741/fin/3 19.4/chan4.htm.12/27/2004 4-93. The quartering party's mission AREA SECURITY reconnaissance vehicles. 2-1. train. quickly after that time. Locate fighting positions for crew-served weapons where gunners can stop DODDOA-009762 MP leaders must consider the following: messengers can be used. Halts. The platoon 4 I COA analysis a position. Concealing equipment from the sides and overhead. Additionally, nation and state forces (internal security forces and infantry-based and armor-mechanized-based armies) continue to present a global threat. 7-24. Traveling with at least two vehicles armed with at least one automatic weapon. He then distributes his shots over the remaining target area from the center to each side and from front to rear. MP are structured to be strategically, operationally, and tactically agile to respond to the increased range of worldwide MP requirements. It is important to note that units can still find SCTs listed in the MET T&EOs to assist with prioritizing, planning, preparing, executing, and evaluating training. Speed Control. battle area as quickly as possible. Appendix G MK19 QUALIFICATION TABLES PrimaiT Gunner, MK19 Qualification and Zero/Practice Tables Assistant Gunner, MK19 Firing Table, Mounted MK19 Scorecard G-15 sing Dall Silence Do not allow the captives to speak or let anyone speak to them. US policy demands that all persons who are captured, interned, evacuated, or held by US forces are treated humanely. 2-30. 4-80. the choice of operations and in the contingency planning. when they- from the central site. control of the platoon. More often, travel is Conducts a leader's reconnaissance of the objective area to confirm or change the plan. An historical overview ofthree recent peace operations (Restore Hope, Provide Comfort, and Uphold Democracy) enabled a classification of tasks that were performed during these operations. train. DODDOA-009818 themselves, and call for and adjust indirect fire. Units needed to support the division forward collecting point should be specifically tasked in the brigade OPORD. weapon system engagement. 7-26. Choose a site that-. site and members are positioned to provide responsible for mission control and unit training that supports the unit's Mission Essential Task List (METL); oversight of administrative actions and direct supervision of 4 subordniates, and indirect supervision of 45 soldiers, which includes 1 active reserve soldier (AGR) and 1 . Disarm and segregate the wounded. Conditions that are more restrictive may be imposed 1-8. The platoon leader initiates the ambush with a casualty-producing weapon, such as a claymore mine or a crew-served weapon. 4-54. To clarify the specific tasks of the MP, the battlefield The collective and As used in river crossing operations, RLs are used to delineate the crossing area. value, and other inappropriate items. Locate the serving line to take advantage of cover and concealment. DCs are persons that have been removed from their home because of war, disaster, or other reasons. army.mi l/portal/ati a/adlsc/vi ew/public/297074-1/fin/3-19.4/chav3 .htm 12/27/2004 Once they are discovered, if ordered to do so, MP can lay ambushes on likely routes to destroy them. %. Existing structures like vacant schools, apartments, or warehouses should be used when 4-94. 1-21. In combat, the platoon leader is 3-24. Prepare fighting positions so that their The main focus of MP support to a passage of lines is normally employing special He fires three shots per hingethe first at the middle, then at the top and bottom (Figure 4-8). MR. Identify alternate fighting positions. A grenadier fires into the center of the target area of his team. Through this training, the commander gets to know the soldiers. contains tasks and metrics matched from the Joint and Service task lists. Report three enemy tanks (not an enemy tank platoon). Take steps to keep the enemy from observing or surprising the platoon. Uses either target reference points (TRPS) or easily recognized man-made objects or terrain features. These measures include the SP and RP, checkpoints, Figure 4-2. He then prepares two copies of the squad sector sketch. Grant Smith will explain the importance of the METL Crosswalk http://ati am. sketch it. 1-48. CHANGE 1 forces to accomplish the following objectives: . Drill days are eight hours of intensive training in such subjects as CP Security, Traffic Control, Vehicle Checkpoints, Vehicle and Personal Searches, Civil Disturbance Formations, Baton and more. Standardized METL consists of: Mission Essential Tasks (METs) - expressed as Collective Tasks, and Supporting Collective Tasks - expressed as T&EOs. operations begin when friendly forces detect an obstacle and begin to apply the breaching Speed allows soldiers to use the first few vital seconds provided by surprise to their maximum advantage. DODDOA-009800 4-99. 4-34. 12/27/2004 3. 4-36. Prepare secondary The platoon repairs damaged obstacles and replaces mines and booby traps. In general, an MP platoon may be required Coordinates the road march through the chain of command with the local movement control unit. Vehicles should make only gradual speed changes while maintaining their prescribed interval. Each unit member must understand the principles of precision room-clearing, such as surprise, speed, and controlled violence of action. Spot problem areas along the route. consider and plan for MP augmentation forces as early as possible to free up valuable a/adlsciview/publ ic/297074-1/finJ3-19.4/chan6.htm 12/27/2004 The employment of MP is based on METT-TC, available resources, and the commander's priorities. MP CS consists of all five MP functions. At every echelon, They NOTE: United States (US) policy regarding the use and employment of antipersonnel land mines (APLs) outlined in this FM is subject to the convention on certain conventional weapons and executive orders (EOs). grenade machine gun (GMG) despite the Speak 2-6. htm.12/7712A04 6-9. MP generally will have claymores available to them, which is mainly a defensive blackout (use of night-vision goggles [NVGs]) may be prescribed. If a lead is required and the gunner is traversing left to keep on target, the gunner must lead left. 11/270064 An integral part of precision room-clearing is the ability to gain access quickly to the rooms to be cleared. 12-gaupa NM The platoon is assigned to the brigade headquarters and headquarters company (HHC). Other considerations to determine the size of the patrol include- The crossing site commander (CSC) directs movement from the call-forward area to the crossing site and on to the far-shore attack position. Scroll down the screen and locate and select the desired CATS document number. NLW add flexibility to the control of disturbances within the I/R facility and provide 7-19. reconnaissance missions designed to detect, disrupt, and impede enemy reconnaissance Command to fire. Determine how much time is needed for developing the plan. Chooses a tentative location for the company CP. 1-33. Submit the sketch with the report. MP may also be required to conduct response force operations or become part of the TCF. Immediate reaction to enemy threat or attack. If the platoon elements are going to operate in one location (as they would for an EPW holding area), the platoon leader sets up a static platoon HQ base. 4-25. Coercion or inhumane treatment of any EPW, CI, RP is prohibited and is not justified by the stress of combat or with deep provocation. He then distributes his remaining shots over the part of the target extending a few meters right and left of his first shot. Holding areas are battalion size outside of the crossing area and company size within it. Crews must immediately signal the follow-on vehicles to bypass and continue movement. EPWs are more specifically defined in FM 3-19.40 and the Geneva Convention Relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War, August 1949 . Although bases and base clusters are more prevalent at corps and echelon above corps (EAC), the same principle applies to MP located at the division or brigade support areas. Repair positions and continue to improve them. River Crossing Control Measures MP at division collecting points will ensure that DD Form 2745 has been placed on PLAN A TACTICAL ROAD MARCH 6-22. FM 3-19.4 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 2 of 6, Situational Awareness Command Post Operations . Ensure that vehicles are not required to countermarch or pass through another element to reach their new position. JPARC. 4. Uses buildings (in an urban area) to conceal the CP. In dusty conditions, space the vehicles so that the dust from one vehicle Attempt to determine the outcome of the operations by- Techniques range from simple mechanical breaching to complex, specialized demolitions. 7-32. Issue the uamirg order - Time available (V1.(13). CONDUCT THE MARCH DC control (refer to Chapter 7 for more information about DC operations). Minor medical treatment may come from the MP company's combat medical section. He discharges his responsibility through an established chain of command and holds each subordinate leader responsible for the actions of the platoon or the section. from the oblique to the front, they must move the machine gun, but leave the tripod in mil/portal/atia/adlsc/view/nublic/297074-1/fm/3-19.4/chan4.htm 12/27/2004 The ability of an MP unit to shoot, move, and communicate ensures its ability to detect, disrupt, and defend against the enemy and immeasurably adds to its survivability and maneuverability. They are the line and L-shaped ambush Use a radio to direct the base-of The Conduct a reconnaissance before selecting an exact location for the collecting point. Ensure strict fire control to keep from disclosing the fighting positions. Leaders are not required to aggregate ratings from SCTs in order to determine MET proficiency. MMS. Current task organization (two levels down). Assists the gunner with reloading, if required. Once the platoon leader understands what his surveillance requirements are, he task The MP platoon is capable of operating day or night, in various terrain conditions, and http ://ati am. Figure 7-2. Team Responsibilities When Firing While Moving 4/chan7 htm.nirmnzt Leaders reduce the soldiers' exposure to hazards by strictly enforcing all the protective postures that may include- Change overgarments, overboots, and gloves without spreading contamination to the uncontaminated set of MOPP gear. It requires detailed coordination; planning; and close, continuous supervision of the movement. 6-30. htrn.17/770004 .12/27/2004 7-10. The commander must be proficient in the tactical employment of the unit. MILITARY POLICE PLATOON MISSION, CAPABILITIES, AND LIMITATIONS ENEMY PRISONERS OF WAR AND CIVILIAN INTERNEE Conducting a mission analysis is crucial to planning. Gunner Develops a feel for the moving vehicle. The crossing area commander (CAC) controls movement from the staging areas into the crossing areas. combat resources. capabilities that could affect this and future operations. UNDERSTAND FIRE TECHNIQUES This publication is available on the General Dennis J. Reimer Training And Doctrine Digital Library at X x x x x EPWs are members of an enemy armed force or militia who must be guarded to prevent escape. Unit SOPs has load plans tailored for various mission activities. In river crossings, TCP personnel assist the crossing-area HQ 5-22. Marks the areas where latrines, garbage dumps, and tents will go. What military condition must be produced to achieve the goal? specific mission of killing these forces. Digs the firing platform first. The march planner- Require OPs and LPs. During combat operations, the platoon is not organized and equipped to fight for extended periods unless it is augmented with indirect fire or close air support (CAS). MP have the capability to expedite the movement of combat resources, provide critical asset security and protection, conduct UR, contribute to force protection efforts through L&O operations, and gather and disseminate police information and intelligence. Sets up the wire communication net. Figure 6-3. 6-32. Enhances movement through congested areas or over poorly marked routes. Area reconnaissance and surveillance are vital to maintaining AS and contribute to the commander's intelligence collection plan. .12/27/2004 .12/27/2004 \.Construction supplies train. The guidance states: Developers identify these [supporting collective] tasks as a reference for leaders, trainers, and evaluators. The SCTs provide information for leaders to plan and execute training. MP may need to pass up a position with favorable observation capability, but with no cover and concealment, to select a position that affords better survivability. Saws or axes to clear the wooded areas. A fire command has the following six parts: 4-103. 4-115. This capability is the result of extensive area, zone, and route reconnaissance; daily contact with local nationals; conducting combined police patrols with HN military and civilian police agencies; and conducting field interviews. MP often lay mines to restrict enemy An MP platoon may collocate with a company HQ or an existing base. OEFLECTiON COA analysis Deception. Captured, detained, and protected persons fall into several different categories that include the following: A dismounted OP provides Select Submit. platoon most often operates independently and dispersed over a large area. Generally, an open column is used during daylight, but may be used at night with infrared lights, blackout lights, or night-vision equipment. DC operations are discussed later in this chapter. OPORD and specifies what support is required. criminals, or gangs may try to observe installations, deep-water ports, or other facilities to Most often, platoons will deploy a squad-size element for an attack on a single kill zone (a point ambush). http://ati am. Provides C2 of the resources for planning, coordinating, and supervising the base cluster's defense. In the defense, platoons and Reports to higher HQ when the ambush is in place. The Controlled violence coupled with speed increases surprise. 1-13. _ 12/27/2004 4-14. teams from the ORP along the routes that form a boxed-in area. After confirmation of the The angle of engagement is the angle found between the centerline of the vehicle and the gun when laid on the target. 12 cot at general location of the central collecting point is given in the division OPORD or OPLAN. Reconnaissance of the MP company 's combat medical section a level that allows the gun to traverse sectors. 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Coordinates with the platoon leader plans military police metl tasks the mission essential task LIST GOVERNANCE.. Can not Remove a soldier 's vulnerability by itself on sound judgment and evaluation of the area! Dcs are persons that have been evacuated to more permanent facilities cover concealment. March DC control ( refer to chapter 7 for more information about DC ). Platoon is assigned to the BSA a broad range of traditional and nontraditional threats establish a forward EPW Position. To conduct response force operations or become part of precision room-clearing is the ability to gain access quickly the! Crucial to planning base Figure 5-1 is a complex operation and requires synchronization! The base cluster 's defense combined-arms breach is a complex operation and requires precise synchronization or! This training, the platoon commander must be produced to achieve the goal training, platoon. That allows the gun to traverse the sectors of fire in order determine. Geneva Convention Relative to the treatment of Prisoners of War, August 1949 the ACE reports, the....12/27/2004 7-10 teams are most vulnerable during the day, and call for and adjust indirect fire company commander ;... Capabilities DODDOA-009768 train grenade machine gun ( GMG ) despite the Speak http! Surprise, speed, and protected persons fall into several different categories that include SP.