And just so you know, its hard to juggle a full-time job and a college classes, but Ive managed to do so. Fuck that, do your own work. He reluctantly signed it and took the request up to the director personally. Kate started to speak just as Gibbs rounded the corner into their bullpen with a fresh cup of coffee. Just when Tony wants to give up, a stern yet comforting presence is there to remind him about the fight he still needs to face. Word Count: 6,805 There was an insecurity there, an odd sense of vulnerability in the brash young man that he couldnt quite place. Tony looked up at her and cleared his throat but didnt speak. And Im glad. A gunshot, a warm feeling of moisture, and lightheadedness is the last thing Tony feels before darkness closes in. Characters: Tony DiNozzo, OC Gibbs knew what had happened in the back hall and he answered their question. I have to work tomorrow." Cursing impatiently, rhe other man shoves his thick fingers into Tony's mouth, wetting them briefly, before pushing two into Tony at once. Its a good trade off.. Are you fucking serious? Marcus asked incredulously. because you have such excellent people skills. Tony said sarcastically. Tony would have invited you. Gibbs said, reading their minds. Summary: After being interrogated by Mossad and being told to take one for the team, Tony decides hes had enough. Genre: Contemporary, Sentinels & Guides Are Known They returned their headphones and signed out, after showing their individual targets as proof of passing the evaluation. Tony couldnt see her target, but he could tell by the look on Kates face that she had not done as well as she had throught she would. I dont know what it is, jealously. One-shot based on season 6 episode "Agent Afloat". He kept to himself. Thank you for the time you take to craft and your generosity of sharing it with us. Warning: mention of disciplinary spanking of an adult (but nothing on screen). I let it go too far.. Rating: PG-13 It does not require explanation. Im not. Shes back on the team come Monday.. You can teach them. Tony replied. It must have been bad, Tim. This is not something often addressed in fanfiction. . Relationship: Anthony DiNozzo/Jethro Gibbs. Tony cried indignantly "put me down, I'm not a child, put me down!" "Fine" Gibbs said as he put Tony down on the table and yanked his shirt off over his head. None had worked with him, personally. He had seen the looks on their faces when Morrow had introduced him as their new Team Leader. 30Digging Your Grave|major character death|left for dead|ghosts. A nurse held a cup of water with a straw to Tony's lips and told him to drink slowly. She had, of course, gained field status. Jason elected to delegate some of his SFA work to both Tim and Kate while he concentrated on helping Gibb with his work load. Tony coughed weakly. "What?" "Uh, your phone's ringing," Tim said. In the aftermath of 'Jacket' Bobby and the team sent Athena after Buck. You justyou werent thinking, Agent Todd. Contains Tim and Kate bashing. It only show the size of your ego. He, now, was not sure how to take his new boss. Also, Tim and Kate found out how much work Tony had had to do in his job. It worked in the past. Gibbs offered. Youve here! are the property of their respective owners. That type thing. Tim completed, grinning. A sailor and his wife had been in the blue sedan that had been pushed out of the way by another sedan. The next day found Tony and his team out on the shooting range. Its time, Gibbs. Tony replied. Kate, I wont have another display like at the shooting range. Gibbs said. Gibbs and DiNozzo? Thanks for letting us use it.. So mote it be. NO is a complete sentence. However, Gibbs isnt about to let his senior field agent die. NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service | Book 1 And just so you knowits not in Physical Education.. Tonys learning his new job right now.. The wife loved it. He paused. I cannot speak for the others as I didnt read them. Partly drawn together because theyd both wound up in law enforcement. Tony DiNozzo was finally saying no. Oh yeah strong Tony is such a delight. The work itself, the embodiment of the idea, can be copyrighted, but if someone else embodies the idea differently, theres no infringement on copyright. Tony is tired of Tim's and Kate's disrespect and makes a drastic, life-changing decision. Neither oneIve asked Morrow to line up some candidates., Oh, Tony said sarcastically. Relationship(s): Tony DiNozzo aka Dom Rossi/Tony Stark Let her be Fornells problem. Gibbs replied. I wont see or even touch these things before Morrow reads them. If you want to ignore my stated wish not to continue my works, I cant stop you. Look, whatever this is, I dont want to hear it. Tim snapped. When she runs into Ziva David, an NCIS agent. Please consider turning it on! Whumptober No. Gibbs looked up. She remembered, very well, that particular outing. But he had been allowed to spread his wings a little. Grrrrr. He spent the night before his big move going over each members personnel file, making notes for himself on things he had questions about and things he could do to help his teammates do their jobs better. And it felt good. Genre: Challenge Response, Crossover, Fluff, Romance, Slash If you accept cookies from our site and you choose "Proceed", you will not be asked again during this session (that is, until you close your browser). Now, he needs them more than ever. Title: White Christmas He is going to work with Tony until he leaves. What the hell had happened?For us, there was a whole summer in between Seasons two and three, but for the characters, it had only been a few days. Language: He wanted to see Tonys team at work. Warnings: No beta. They were, of course, very nervous about Anthony DiNozzo being their team leader. You can leave public comments on any page or post on my site. Grab your gear.. In terms of what you mentioned, have you read the Feeding Frenzy? While Tonys future had been filled with uncertainty, Zivas shouldnt have beenthat was crystal clear to him. Show her youre up to it.. Kate and Tim saw Tony, with his new team, across the bullpen. Being and NCIS agent comes with risks and rewards. And he should have been so at many different points during the show. Whumptober No. Why didnt he tell us? Fandom: MCU, NCIS They had him cornered in the back hallway. The team didnt move with the addition of its new leader. And if he were truly honest with himself, he was a lot happier than he could ever have been on Gibbs team. Marcus was actually higher up in the FBI than Fornellhe was the SAC of the Baltimore field officeand he could make sure the mess didnt get buried. Did Tony leak when he got excited? True, he was no Anthony DiNozzo, but Gibbs liked him anyway. It was part of why they went there federal agents were not the normand neither were politicians. Title: Saying No This is a complete rewrite of a story that I had posted on my old AO3. Genre: Challenge Response, Fluff, Romance, Slash Think about it, I dont have that kind of patience to work with you. But he was so damn tired of living a lie. Kate turned and looked at him. Both Tim and Kate followed Gibbs into the elevator and into the waiting car. He cant just leave. Events happen that cause him to have to make possibly life-changing decisions. He had been surprised at the commendations Tony had gotten. Like so many moments in NCIS about Ziva, I wish theyd done this in the series. Tonys transfer request, approved by Morrow, was waiting on Gibbs desk the next morning when he came in. Fandom: NCIS, Stargate SG-1, Stargate: Atlantis So that means were off field duty for a couple of days till the psych and weapons evals are completed., Martin, Antonelli, and Dennis all groaned, Tony grinned. They werent in the same frat, and Marcus was a couple years older, but theyd played ball together for two years and had been close friends. "Read the letter out loud." When Tony hesitated, Gibbs sharpened his voice like a knife on stone. Rated: Fiction T - English - Leroy Jethro Gibbs, T.C. Stretch Film Division. Sometimes a leader needs to make split-second decisions. Don't Like, Don't Read! Im done. I never said anything about the ideas. Tony started to walk away, taking advantage of the shocked looks on both their faces. It should be annoying. Kate snapped sarcastically. I just want it too well known to get buried without some very powerful people getting a lot of egg on their face.. An epilogue has been added.). The final relay by Keira Marcos ties up all the legal/consequences stuff. Some of them havent ended the way I would have liked, so I use my imagination to make what I consider a better ending. "What's wrong?" "Nothing. Kate blushed involuntarily. Thats kind of your job anyway. Content Rating: NC-17 Instead of answering directly, Tony passed a file across the table. Id have to be. The wife had made it to the hospital, only to die a couple hours later. It takes a combination of skills. You two were like her when you started here. Two shot for now, may continue it later. You need to be evaluated and hired, just like the rest of us.. They had gone off the mark, a lot. Tony then walked over to Kate, grinning. I solemnly swear I will never financially profit from my fan works. He cared about his team and he respected every individual on it. Relationship: Penelope Garcia/Tony DiNozzo Because that exactly what you did with NCIS : you took someone else story, stop it at a certain point and continu it the way you wanted it. Kate looked at Gibbs, shocked. Some people are willing to share their sandboxes. She calmed herself and tried again. I miss you, too, Gibbs. Tony admitted before he and his team headed off to their crime scene. So telling people not use your plot it is a lot hypocritical. They were too busy processing what Gibbs had said. Im sorry that their lack of comprehension upset you because you dont deserve that shite, Jilly. May they all get what they so rightly deserve. What if I dont like this new guy? Gibbs asked. I will not get killed because you two cant follow a simple order.. But that doesnt make it any less true. Title: Sentry Tony nodded weakly against Gibbs' chest. Content Rating: PG 24 One Down Two To Go|self-induced injuries to escape|flashback|revenge. Police Academy weapons training, is probably not, at all, like Secret Service training, Kate. Tony replied. His team? Tim asked, very confused. I just think she was being a witch. Tony shook his head. You know they both have been after my job. Tony paused. If they really wanted to write a sequel, it was probably for themselves. And the person she got to know, the person under all that, was a really decent guy. But you can kiss my ass because you had to be insulting along with your poor comprehension skills. As well written as it was, your plot has nothing original, I read it so many times. You didnt have time to tell us? Tim asked. I have other optionsIve always had other options. You approved my transfer., Gibbs sighed. Youve got an excellent turn of phrase and you suck me in and make me believe. Tim opened his mouth to speak again. Thank you for sharing. Summary: When a serial killer murders three marines on Atlantis, NCIS are called in to investigate. Warnings: None Youre both very lucky I didnt write you up all those times. But he soon realized its place; it helped to ease the tension on tough cases. Tony quits and joins the FBI, When Gibbs betrays him by picking Ziva over him. Why havent you figured that out yet? Tony shook his head. Its okay, Gibbs, you can admit it. Tony stated. I didnt think youd care. Tony admitted. Deal with it and move on. Tim replied. Short stories that involve past plot line, characters, places, elements that are NOT yours. He was now in a job that really suited him. There is no switch I can flip to make them respect me. I do feel a lot better with it. by gypsysue, What the Hell is an Imprint 2/2 gypsysue, What the Hell is an Imprint 1/2 gypsysue, Artist Showcase: Angelic Insanity for Seeking Truth by SASundance. Word Count: 2,110 With Gibbs, his boss, whom he also had a huge crush on, and Tristan, his godson, who seemed to sense something between them and, unfortunately, was about as circumspect as a machete when it came to matters of the heart. Kate took the hint and didnt say anything else. but I do know the Marines didnt teach you those rules. And it helped give the team members a way to release the pressures of the job in a healthy manner. Nothing elsehe just did his job, acted his age. You were just like Dennis, Kate brand new to fieldwork. With Tony gone, Gibbs directed his anger and displeasure directly at them for their screw-ups. the whole thing.. And what YOU failed to comprehend is that I do understand that you dont want people taking your writing without your permission but what I dont understand is WHY ? What do you mean, his team?. Thanks for what you do. But Gibbs is starting to see through his mask. Warnings: Discussion-murder, Canon-level Violence Loki_more_like_Lowkey, Wackittywack, heidi6604, Kailen, ria13428, Marvelgirl073, Boobear06, teamjhw, fanfiction_love4ever, Anellesti, Jedi_Knight_Willa, Capricorn, SpellMoonstone, SilverIce523, saes_fan, TigerLady_Babs, StoryLover_3685, Xzaqr33, Star5699, godtm, Izabela7575, ChaosKitten94, Kaz_Langston, ALoverofAllWriting, XxMadHattersTeaTimexX, relatively_einstein, Oreocat, NadiaBryar, Vermillon_Sasaki, cgutierrez8613, Snarry4ever, LiaLefay, NeoAeschyli, Naisa, LorieLreader, iizafailure_69, Persephoneblack19, Charlieweaslyisthebest, Nerdygirl99, Agent_humming_bird, sparrow1319, jonesnatasha30, 2Feo15, Grandma, Ghost_Queen1322, supergirl_3684, Wolfy33, poppet15, reefer10k, RyMagnatar, and 212 more users "Boss?" Tim said. No, Tony smiled. Series: Profilers for Christmas 2019 Advent Calendar I was wrong for not ripping both of you new ones after you muttered the first utterance. By the time this happened, Id seen several times Tony should have just said, Fuck it. and walked away. Oh I love this! He looked at itthree shots, center bulls eye. So witch is it ? What will you do with Tim and Kate? Tony asked, curious about Gibbs answer. Tonys got his own team, Kate. Yes, Tim. Gibbs said, growing irritated. Other minor & background pairings Tony pressed the button to bring Denniss target forward. He held his tongue. She was very new to everything. I was also your punching bag and the butt of your jokes. Tony replied. He'd tried to ignore the hurt when he was ignored, reasoning if he stayed in place he could mitigate the damage. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. And extra thank you for sharing even when you encounter folks that behave like they have the personality of a plank. "Or at least fucking stretch me. Simply surviving the contagious stage of the pneumonic plague doesnt mean that Tony is completely out of the woods yet. I just think she was being a witch. He didnt think he had learned all he could from me. Your knee bothering you again? Tony asked, grinning. Anyone that manages to tell a tale in a limited space? 27Im Fine. This is a Tony Dinozzo/NCIS fanfic about a girl who is kidnapped at age 12 and is missing for years before the team finds her, chained up and barely alive, in the home of a seemingly likeable marine. He deserves respect for that. Sothats why you transferred? Tim asked. Her life changes even after her case is closed. All publicly recognizable characters, settings, images, photos, graphics, etc. My knee is fine, DiNozzo. He growled. His service record was spotless. But his humor was just not the same as Tonys. 25- Hide & Seek|escape|fight|hiding. She changes them just as much as they change her. Some did and of course they asked permission to take the original. Title: What Fate Brings Fandom: NCIS, minor 9-1-1, The Sentinel Genre: Contemporary, Sentinels & Guides Are Known Pairing: Tony DiNozzo/Randolph Rampart Rating: R Warnings: Discussion-murder, Canon-level Violence. He got second degree burns on his legs but the child was unharmed." He opened a second box. Gibbs, Vance, SecNav and the Davids wont know what hit them. Sorry about the slow update here, but real life got in the way for a few days. Just to be clear, Jilly, I have read everything you have written in the NCIS and Stargate: Atlantis fandoms. There was a brief moment when it seemed like Ziva was going to stay behind, and that would have solved part of his problemthough it in no way addressed how he felt about Gibbs, Vance and SecNav throwing him under the proverbial bus. But I expect the people I work with to want to get to know meto, at least, try to get to know me.. Fandom: Criminal Minds, NCIS Kate was still smarting from her confrontation with Tony. She, well, pretty much the whole office, had his team under a microscope, they were just waiting to see Tony screw up. Obligatory Tony leaves NCIS with a bang-not betaed Chapter 1 Tony sat back and threw his pen onto his desk. Tony has a cabin? Kate asked after eaves dropping on the conversation. I should have listened to my baby before I put you on restriction. Tony moves to Hawaii Anthony DiNozzo Leaves NCIS Team Twelve years ago, Tony and his soulmates stopped talking to each other. While the sailors car sat on its roof, down over the bank. When Marcus gave an astonished, Damn, Tony straightened up and prepared to answer questions. 2. And Gibbs not acting the least concerned when they took Tony off by himself. Buthewhat? Kate rambled, too surprised to speak coherently. Or maybe I subconsciously did because, I found the way you wrote that note pretty rude and condescending. Her life changes even after her case is closed. I ADORE stories where Tony says fuck this noise in one form or another. i dont care. He had a change of clothes in his locker. Tonys Team was back in the field, all their evals successfully completed. Tony DiNozzo & Jethro Gibbs Father-Son Relationship Father Figures Sometimes when it rains, it pours. Genre: Challenge Response, Fluff, Romance, Slash Marcus closed the folder and drummed his fingers on it for a second. DiNozzo was proving to be a conundrum, a shadow a shape shifter, dancing away every time he thought hed got a handle on the young Italian. If he cant get it here, from his own team, hell get it elsewhere. Plagiarism : The practice of taking someone elses work or IDEAS and passing them off as ones own. Or doing the right thing? Marcus asked without any hint of judgment. And both she and Tony contributed it to her nervousness. All you need to worry about is processing the scene. Good for Tony, was about time Perfect short story thank you so much for sharing. Tim had not, like many people at NCIS, thought Tony could handle it. Rating: R I knew he was taking a pretty heavy class load. He knew a lot of the member from previous collaborations between Gibbss and Harristons teams, which meant he knew pretty they probably would not take him seriously at first. Those since he had been at NCIS, and the ones he had received at the police departments where he had worked. "Dear Director Morrow," The sound of a slap echoed throughout the room and Tony jerked forward, arms scraping across the tight leather surface of Gibbs' desk. And absolutely everybody knew Gibbs's reputation, so maybe, just maybe, it would be okay. Just deal with it and move on. He made a pretty darn good TL. 26You Will Go Down With This Ship|fallen|waterfall|trap doorWhumptober No. I got tired of defending myself.. Yes, there have been many stories written about the idea of Tony leaving NCIS, even about him effectively burning and salting the land behind him. Post SWAK episode where Tony is recovering from the plague in Gibbss house and Gibbss paternal side is forced to come out. "Now." Tony cleared his throat awkwardly, swallowed, and began to read. Kate and Tim were speechless, astonished by Gibbss admission. It tells the story from Tony's little black book with all the interesting women he dated in his life. Warnings: No beta. Beverlys first couple shots had not been good. Its not anyone elses right to publicly judge them, either way. Each short story is complete as is. Tony did not hesitate, but climbed into her lap, not embarrassed at all to cuddle despite his recent promotion to thirteen and the teen years. You started thiswanting to show Agent Dennis up. Gibbs replied, holding out his hand. Heres the thing, you came on to my site and took such exception to me saying that my works were not up for adoption that you felt the need to spew ignorance all over everything. Literally no room for interpretation. He spent six months undercover to bring down the Marcucci family. Youre not ready for your own team, if thats what you were thinking. I get that you felt insulted, especially reading other comment about how original is your story. Tony just grinned bigger. Close search No, actually hes not McGee.. Are Jason and I the only ones working today?, I know what you were just doing. Tim replied. Butbut its not happening. He had black hair and blue eyes. Stark let her be Fornells problem had, of course, very well, that particular outing got the. ; nothing: Atlantis fandoms background pairings Tony pressed the button to bring Down the Marcucci family quits joins! To publicly judge them, either way insulting along with your poor comprehension skills your plot it is complete! Team headed off to their crime scene been pushed out of the woods.... Really decent guy had seen the looks on both their faces when Morrow had him! 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