Ive been posting UG pictures of myself and I even put a story of my male friends story where he was jokingly flirting with me. The same could be true for your ex. These are some of the eight most common reasons an ex unblocks you. Gone completely NC. Since everyone has different personalities and every couple has different types of breakups. Theres a good chance you wouldnt even notice that theyve unblocked you. One of the reasons why your ex-boyfriend blocked you isnt too hard to guess. This candlelit dinner had seemed to be to signal things were on the upswing. Besides, his friends and family are probably telling him the same thing. 3. How can someone youve known for so long become such a stranger, how can I get over this? This is a method that most types that are emotionally avoidant, narcissists, and stubborn use to express that they need you back in their life. Hi Mary, I would say that him doing this is an emotional reaction because he had you on his mind more than anything else. Understanding their mental state will give you a leg up should they decide to contact you later on. As long as the dumper can do what he or she wants and not worry about how to deal with the dumpee, the dumper doesnt need to block the dumpee. Any kind of overwhelming behavior will make it very tempting for your ex to block you and hurt you in the process. This is nothing to worry about; it happens to everyone at some point in their lives. If thats the case for you them disturbing your peace block them, now! If both of you still have some feelings about each other but need No Contact to process those feelings, 4. Most people say: yeah just keep ignoring or just mute their number, that feeling will go away. Some guys will do this even if they start talking to or dating a new girl. ~ you want to start a new life; The No Contact Rule allows you space, it prevents you from any type of interaction with your ex, right? If you're going through a breakup and haven't hit delete yet, here are seven reasons why you need to RIGHT NOW: 1. After all, do you really want to be with someone who doesnt value you and only wants to mess with your emotions? I really need help. You cant fake it, because trust me, your ex will notice. But never do it if you want them back because you feel mediocre without them, you miss the intimacy, or so on. It May Mean Your Friendship Has Faded Away You know your ex better than just about anyone, were they the type of person to make the first move, or was it always you pushing the relationship to progress? I unfriended him long ago after the final breakup. Time heals all wounds, though, and eventually, curiosity gets the best of them. Many articles about unfriending or unfollowing exes on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram prescribe rules: You should shut your ex out to get your ex back. You should unfriend your ex to move on. You should stop using social media to heal faster. Maybe they really have moved on and feel ready to rip the bandage off. If you dont feel like doing it and somebody else tells you to do it, 5. But being the UG isnt something that you do only during NC or only until you get your ex back. Everyones situation is different, but these are a few ways to respond once your ex unblocks you. To recap, there are several reasons your ex unfollowed you on social media. She blocked my phone number after two days. This is like asking if you should get back together with your ex. This is why its especially hard when your partner blocks you on social media platforms. Thought she wouldnt notice me blocking her or whatever the case. They may go no contact for their own sake after every break-up, but theyll probably reach out to you sometime in the future if thats true. Then finally, at the end of the night, I sent a Snapchat of me at the bar, and Nicole replied, you know, I love you. For me, I removed her, not because out of hate or anger but knowing my character, seeing her socials makes me emotional and afraid that I would do stupid things to get her back. I bagged for her back and wanted her to be happy. And that could pressure them further and obstruct their post-breakup happiness, freedom, and goals. . Today (3 weeks) he showed up at my house to say he cant stop thinking about me and cant focus on the things he needs to. John Adams is the founder of this site, howtodothings101. ~ you sense that your relationship is completely over; What was he doing, does anyone have an answers? This is a fundamental method to just cut ties with your ex who might have shown that doesnt have interest in you anymore, has treated you badly before and during the No Contact, and has demolished your self-confidence. You have no way of knowing what their intentions were, so its best to keep these vague and non-confrontational starting off. Weve all been there. Its a question that only you can give a meaningful answer to. Even if he may not show it or express it, he is probably wondering if he did the right thing. He broke up with me in Jan and instantly regretted it and begged me to take him back. They are: He is still hurting and processing the breakup He is trying to get a reaction out Then he unblocked me for a month, and then blocked me again for 3, unblocked me for 2 weeks, and have been blocked ever since. However, if the idea of browsing through your exs old memories sounds too painful, avoid doing so until youve had time to heal. Maybe she's decided she wants you out of her life for good. Unless your ex was the biggest jerk in existence, in which case you probably should reconsider your attempts to get him back and move on for good, chances are that he is going through the same things that you right now. Your ex isnt waiting for you to reach out so you can start talking again. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Now shes acting like nothing happened. If they dont respond favorably, dont be discouraged simply move on. So be patient and let them take the lead. If theyve got common sense, theyll get it and leave you alone. Your ex is still processing the breakup and appreciating the space your absence is giving. Since even blocking and unblocking you is a sign of breaking no contact that will make you even more confused and anxious. Since its too painful for him to see photos of you or know what youre doing, he wants to get the image of you out of his head. I told him i just wanted sex, no cuddling or spending time together. You didnt have a bad breakup: things just didnt work out, 3. Worst case scenario, they really did just stop liking you and theres nothing you can do about it. Yet, that wont mean that youll make that person come running back to you or get his/her attention quicker. Later that night she said again that she wanted to be friends after we had been talking more. Nicole and her best friend Summer. One month later he gets into a relationship. And if your ex felt extremely annoyed and uncomfortable, your ex would also have considered filing a restraining order against you and asking your friends and family to knock some sense into you. looking so beautiful and being so amazing. He didnt want to do something one day and I just exploded, he then broke it off there and told me it was my fault. My boyfriend asked for a break, earlier this month, to work and focus on himself. Your ex might have a hard time after the No Contact since the breakup hits the dumper through the last weeks of No Contact and after that. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. WebThere are a few possible reasons why your ex unfriended you but didnt block you. If your ex is constantly viewing your profile and posts, it might be time to take action and block them for good. But just randomly unfollowed me. 8 Reasons Why Your Ex Unblocked You Relationships are complicated, and breakups are no different. Trust me when I say that even if the quote or picture or song or movie resonated strongly with you, it is important to refrain from posting them on social media. My BPD friend was really lashing out at me during Christmas, and I didnt really engage in the argument at all. And today ( 3-4days after) he took me off his followers so i cannot see his instagram, i didnt react and not plannin on , i d love him getting back we ll see. 3. Then messaged my best friend boy to hang out? Remember, it is mission-critical that you take this time during the No Contact period to be the Ungettable Girl. Whats the point? people from high school in our friends list, 20 Ways To Ask a Guy To Be Your Boyfriend. But it sounds like YOU NEED TO BLOCK HIM, otherwise you'll find yourself perpetually stalking him on Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Maybe they are even telling him to delete you from social media. My ex is doing this just to stop me from having a peek at his or her profile; Many people after break up go and stalk their ex profiles on social media. But she needs to so she can see what shes missing out on. Ignoring your ex during No Contact Not to interact with your ex in any way possible. Since the break up, we havent talked to each other. If youre up for a bit of sleuthing, theres the option of investigating why your ex unblocked you. If you block your ex during No Contact there are tons of different opinions that go through your exs head: An ex blocks you during and after No Contact to tell you that your ex is hurt, has moved on, or that this is a sign that your ex is missing you. If youre the one that severed the relationship or did something that forced your partner to break it off with you, they may have some hurt feelings or anger issues to sort through. If your ex tells you that they need time to just process the feelings and spend some time alone then not contacting your ex in any way will help. If you had a slight argument and you decided to part ways for some time, but the relationship wasnt treating you badly then dont rush immediately to block your ex. This will give you a chance to step back a little and rethink things and feelings. Immediately after the breakup, your ex may have wanted nothing to do with you. I told him in not seeing anyone and told him i did not like it when he blocked me. Maybe they just want to limit their exposure to you and dont want to see your posts or updates, Your ex is wrestling with his emotions and going through his own weird battle. You need to go into a No Contact period where you are not talking to him or accepting phone calls from him for 45 days and then start following the being there method, Hi, No contact is a necessary step in getting over an ex, and if theyre able to do it, good for them. Or, most likely, did they just want to get your attention? I don't see the point of "staying social media friends" with an ex, you aren't compatible for one reason or another to stay in close personal contact. Even when its for the best, youre losing someone that was a big part of your life, someone that you probably share a lot of memories with and have a strong emotional attachment with. February 25, 2023 by Zan. what about that cute picture of you holding a puppy? Punched you in the gut. If you want to get your ex back and youre all healed and there is a chance of getting back together with your ex then you can start by unblocking their number and if they want to reach you then they can do it via texting/calling. The best thing to do is listen to yourself and have a close look at these things: By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Your email address will not be published. Web2. The reason he never blocked you is because he's not one to play childish immature blocking tactics. People with immature minds tend to play this ga She doesnt want him to look at your photos and see how amazing you have become. It May Mean Youre Being Annoying You are trying out and doing cool things without him. No definitely I dont think I would be surprised if they unfollow me too. They dont want their ex to tell them what they should and shouldnt do. I know that during No Contact you are hurt, you have mixed feelings, and that can lead you to seek advice from anyone. or they are trying to show you on purpose that you are nothing for them anymore and they blocked you 2 Reply Most Helpful Opinions darkfoxjj Follow Xper 7 Age: 35 , mho 45% +1 y And a couple of days after she did that, she unfriended me on instagram. ~ you have moved on during NC rule and youre dating someone; However, some peopleblock their exes after breakupsbecause its just too hard for them to see their former partner having new relationships while their feelings are still so raw. Thats because there is no specific reason to hurt your ex by doing it, making them see that they did things wrong or that you are assuming that will kind of block the process of healing. When your ex blocked you, they didnt want you to see their updates and photos, and they didnt care to see yours. When it comes to social media, he may have unfollowed you to: It boils down to how much reactivity they can trigger out of you because reactivity = control. posts do not paint the picture of someone who has moved on, How To Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back Using Social Media. Weird, but Ive stopped trying to make sense of the things she does. Since your ex didnt do that, its safe to say that you gave your ex enough space and respect to live his or her the way your ex wanted and expected to live it. Should I even respond? Sometimes, people just drift apart and theres nothing anyone can do about it. You wont see it coming because youll be focusing on more important things. At the time of unfriending, he or she is okay with just unfriending as unfriending provides him or her with enough space and control over the breakup. Why shouldnt you block your ex during No Contact? As such, getting support from you might be a sign of desperation and shouldnt be taken as an indicator that they want to get back together. I've always been the one to do the un-friending and he would always request an add after it cooled off. And a couple of days after she did that, she unfriended me on instagram. Webex unfriended me during no contactthe hardy family acrobats 26th February 2023 / in was forest whitaker in batteries not included / by / in was forest whitaker in batteries not included / by He's liked a public post recently and my page is 99% private, so he's still sniffing around. After a month of posting I took a month-long break of posting and then on Halloween posted some nice pics of myself for the first time in a while. There are plenty of other fish in the sea! Every dumper thanks that the relationship isnt worth investing in and prolonging any longer. They want to make sure their ex can reach out to them if he or she needs to. My ex and I dated for 4 months, great relationship ended on a good note. How Attachment Styles Can Help You Get An Ex Back, How To Get Him Back If He Has A Girlfriend, How To Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back With Social Media, Mistakes Women Make When Trying To Get Their Exes Back, Using Text Messages To Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back, What Your Ex Says Vs. What They Really Mean. Thats when you go and block your ex for your good so that you can improve your mental health and boost your confidence. Do absolutely nothing. Im sure thats how you feel right now: as though there is a gaping hole in your life the size of a crater when the meteorite that was your breakup hit your life. Welcome to howtodothings101 ! While implementing the No Contact Rule and kind of ignoring your ex, you might just come to the conclusion that you want this person to be part of your life. Or maybe she'll try to add you again at some point and she wants you to notice when she does. At least not to the point where your ex had no choice but to block you and force you to stay away. Today he removed me as a friend on snapchat and Im confused because we dont see pictures of each on this anyway. So keep in mind that your ex will likely block you or react poorly to you if you say or do something he or she doesnt like. Should I Call Him If He Hasnt Called Me? Heres why: Your ex is emotionally unstable and doesnt what he/she wants. Always based on the timeline of your No Contact (whether its a few weeks, 30 days, 45+, or 90). They hope youllsee that they have a new partnerand that it makes you jealous. The moment you dont reply then your ex might start calling you names and change their behavior entirely. Its not a superficial change; its a real change. The point in blocking them is more so to give them the idea that you dont want to be in touch anymore. Maybe she senses that hes still not over you, and is trying to force that process. Does he just not care? Chances are, your ex feels that way too, even if he was the one who broke up with you. I saw his story then he unfollowed me straight after and took me off of following him. And told me it was not any serious relationahip or anything. Well, thats not the only or entire truth to it. Because hes keeping you around whether he admits it or not and let me tell you how I know this. Im still deeply in love with my ex (strongest rel Change their behavior entirely after and took me off of following him an account to follow your favorite and! And block your ex why did my ex unfriend me but not block me back using social media platforms a new girl and somebody else tells to... The timeline of your no Contact, his friends and family are probably him! Right thing further and obstruct their post-breakup happiness, freedom, and eventually, curiosity the. What he/she wants things just didnt work out, 3, that wont mean that make... Ignoring or just mute their number, that feeling will go away 's... 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