While speech impediment and speech disorder are still widely used within the medical community, many consider the terms offensive because they describe the conditions in terms of a deficiency. It is important to understand that many people do not consider being deaf or having hearing loss as a disability. AP style: The style book suggests naming the specific condition when possible rather than making a general reference. WebDeafness is defined as "a hearing impairment that is so severe that the child is impaired in processing linguistic information through hearing, with or without amplification." For example, millions of Americans are hard of hearing but most do not use sign language and many do not use hearing aids. Medically assisted suicide is permitted in some states and countries. The BBC and The Conversation both have well-considered takes on it. See also Deaf; Cochlear implant and Hard of hearing. Otherwise, paraphrase and use a more acceptable term. In the case of a leg injury, explain instead that an injury resulted in difficulty walking. People with OCD usually exhibit both obsessions and compulsions but sometimes exhibit only one or the other. Terminology for the disorder is varied. NCDJ Recommendation: Avoid language that may legitimize facilitated communication. The term vegetative state is preferable to vegetable or veg, but it is considered offensive by some and is frequently misused. Post-traumatic stress disorder is correct on first reference; use PTSD on second reference. In the past, we have encouraged journalists and others to use person-first language (such as, a person who has Down syndrome rather than a Down syndrome person) as a default. Rapid speech that is difficult to understand. AP style: Included in its Disabled/Handicapped entry, the stylebook describes blind as a person with complete loss of sight and suggests using the terms visually impaired or person with low vision for those who have some sight. It is interchangeably referred to as Tourette syndrome, Tourettes syndrome and Tourettes disorder. However, prominent mental health organizations such as the Mayo Clinic, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the Tourette Syndrome Association, refer to it as Tourette syndrome.. Remember that some in the autism community object to the term. Avoid made-up words like diversability and handicapable unless using them in direct quotes or to refer to a movement or organization. ear infection. NCDJ Recommendation: Avoid these terms as they often are used inaccurately and can be offensive. The stylebook cautions against using mental health terms to describe non-health issues. Should a story about residents complaining about noisy airplanes flying over their houses note that one of the residents who is complaining uses a wheelchair? Uppercase when referring to the Deaf community and lowercase when referring to the condition. Raisingdeafkids.org has a good list of related resources and more information. Avoid using terms such as suffers from or afflicted with in association with the condition. NCDJ Recommendation: Use nonspeaking unless the individual indicates another preference. The medical profession favors use of the terms mental disorder or psychopathology. In U.S. criminal law, insanity is a legal question, not a medical one. Even with the caveat that this does not apply to all, we have heard from many people with disabilities who take issue with that advice. Avoid using defect or defective when describing a disability because the terms imply that the person is somehow incomplete or sub-par. WebMD explains the difference between epilepsy and seizures in this way: Seizures, abnormal movements or behavior due to unusual electrical activity in the brain, are a symptom ofepilepsy. See entry on Dissociative identity disorder/multiple personality disorder. You also may want to provide a more detailed description of the disability. However, academics eventually found there was little scientific evidence that the technique worked, leading many to conclude the aide was actually the one communicating, according to a study from Emory University. They may include: Slurred speech. See also Insane/insanity/mentally deranged/psychopathology. NCDJ Recommendation: The term may not be understood by all, so an explanation may be required. Webwhy is hearing impaired a slur. NCDJ Recommendation: It is preferable to use a medical professionals diagnosis or, if that is not possible, terms such as comatose or non-responsive. Avoid referring to someone as a vegetable or veg as such words dehumanize the person. If one method of communication fails to work, try another. The fifth edition of the American Psychiatric Associations Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders consolidates all autism disorders under the larger autism spectrum disorder diagnosis. It helps people who want to read and understand information quickly. NCDJ Recommendation: Refer to a person with albinism, rather than an albino. Alternatively, it is acceptable to say that a person has had a disability since birth or was born with a disability. State the specific disability if possible. If someone has any degree of hearing loss which is below what it should be, then their hearing is technically impaired. Legally blind is a broad term for various eye conditions but generally refers to someone whose visual acuity is 20/200 or less even with corrective glasses or contact lenses. It is acceptable to refer to someone as deaf or hard of hearing. Many prefer people-first language, such as a person with quadriplegia rather than quadriplegic, since the latter implies that the condition defines them. WebHearing impairment is the inability of an individual to hear sounds adequately. In 2010, President Barack Obama signed a measure known as Rosas Law that replaced the term mental retardation with intellectual disability in many areas of government, including federal law. Background: Non-disabled refers to someone who does not have a disability. If you are going to use it in a quote, consider that decision carefully, as the word is particularly charged. Some consider it condescending, offensive or simply a way of avoiding talking about disability. NCDJ Recommendation: While it is usually acceptable to use these terms, keep in mind that disability and people who have disabilities are not monolithic. For example, The doctor said he was retarded, a term widely used at the time., AP style: Mentally retarded should be avoided. Slurred speech without alcohol is linked to a variety of When possible, ask if a person or group uses identity-first language (deaf students) or person-first language (students who are deaf). It is characterized by unusually intense shifts in emotion, energy, behavior and activity levels in what are called mood episodes. Such episodes are usually classified as manic, hypomanic, depressive or mixed episodes. The most common answer is that they simply dont work very well 1. With identity-first language, the disability is mentioned first. Even the term disability is not universally accepted. 3. If they meet this definition, animals are considered service animals under the ADA, regardless of whether they have been licensed or certified. See entries on Depression and Mental illness/mental disorder. WebYSK that "Hearing Impaired" term is incorrect and offensive, use Hard of Hearing when referring to the demographic. AP style: The stylebook says birth defect is acceptable in broad references, such as lessening the chances of birth defects. These conditions also are called toxicant-induced loss of tolerance, environmental illness or sick-building syndrome.. AP style: Not specifically addressed, but the style book refers to mental health professional in an entry on mental illness. For example: He has muscular dystrophy, and avoiding characterizing those conditions as afflictions. Some people with mild to moderate hearing loss may affiliate themselves with the Deaf community and prefer to be referred to as deaf instead of hard of hearing. Alternatively, some who are profoundly deaf may prefer the term hard of hearing.. Background: The literal translation of spina bifida is split spine, according to the Spina Bifida Association . However, some argue that the term often is used inaccurately (people who are color blind usually see some colors) and can be considered ableist. For example, emotional intelligence also is important when considering a persons overall intelligence, according to the American Psychological Association. And so we are no longer offering advice regarding a default. Additionally, a person who does not use speech may be able to hear. And if you cant ask the person, dont avoid writing about disability. The Genome Research Institute offers comprehensive information about different genetic conditions, genetic testing and other pertinent topics. Advocacy groups call it death with dignity or right-to-die, but AP does use those phrases on their own. The appropriateness of the terms is disputed by those within and outside of the organization. The field was founded by Sigmund Freud. AP style: Although there is no entry for service animal, the style book takes note of the Seeing Eye dog trademark and says guide dog is prefered in all references. See also Insane/mentally deranged/psychopathology, Background: The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines cretininism as a usually congenital condition marked by physical stunting and intellectual disability and caused by severe hypothyroidism and goes on to say, Chronic iodine deficiencies in diet can result in malfunctions of the thyroid gland, the gland that produces hormones necessary for normal human development. NCDJ Recommendation: It is acceptable to describe a person as someone with spina bifida, followed by a short explanation of what their condition entails if it is pertinent to the story. Background: According to the National Human Genome Research Institute, a genetic disorder is caused in whole or in part by a change in the DNA sequence away from the normal sequence. Avoid describing someone as handicapped., See also Disabled people/people with disabilities, Background: The Society for Disability Studies defines the discipline as sitting at the intersection of many overlapping disciplines in the humanities, sciences and social sciences. Signs and symptoms of dysarthria vary, depending on the underlying cause and the type of dysarthria. NCDJ Recommendation: Avoid using the terms high functioning and low functioning. Instead, use medical diagnoses and describe an individuals abilities and challenges, rather than using less-specific labels. AP style:The style book defers to the National Association of the Deaf, stating: Hearing-impaired was a well-meaning term that is not accepted or used by many deaf and hard of hearing people.. This lack of diversity negatively affects Deaf and hard of hearing (DHOH) people of color, who are subjected to communication barriers when utilizing the services of an interpreter from different ethnic and racial backgrounds as themselves. It can cause changes in your behavior, movements or feelings, and in levels of consciousness. Use the term dwarf only when applied to a medical diagnosis or in a quote. Chronic illnesses such as Parkinsons disease, diabetes, lupus or Crohns disease may fall into the category of invisible disabilities. More. Another note this time about the language around COVID-19. Background: Lame is a word commonly used to describe difficulty walking as the result of an injury to the leg. NCDJ Recommendation: The terms deafblind, deafblindness, deaf-blind and deaf-blindness are all acceptable. The technique was originally developed to help those with significant developmental disabilities, such as some forms of autism and cerebral palsy. Background: Tetraplegia, used interchangeably with quadriplegia, is defined as the paralysis of all four limbs as well as the torso. ASL is acceptable on second reference. Some are opposed to the use of AAC because of the belief that it will hinder language development. Background: The term has long been used to refer to difficulty telling the difference between colors, and it is used by the National Eye Institute and the American Academy of Ophthalmology. Thus, deafness may be viewed as a condition that prevents an individual from receiving sound in all or most of its forms. It might be Easy English. Seizure types vary by where and how they begin in the brain. Instead, state the nature of the disability or injury. Social habits, practices, regulations, laws, and institutions that operate under the assumption that disabled people are inherently less capable overall, less valuable in society, and/or should have less personal autonomy than is ordinarily granted to people of the same age.. NCDJ Recommendation: Refer to someone as having bipolar disorder only if the information is relevant to the story and you are confident there is a medical diagnosis. If someone uses American Sign Language, lip-reads or uses other means to communicate, state that. Background: Cerebral palsy refers to a number of neurological disorders that appear in infancy or early childhood and permanently affect body movement and muscle coordination, according to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. Use attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder on first reference; ADHD is acceptable on second reference. Psychologist: A mental health professional trained in the discipline of psychology and who often does psychological testing and research. Described as an award-winning global movement to rebrand disability, the goal of using the term is to get people to consider disability as a core part of the diversity conversationand celebrate disability pride and empowerment, according to mydiversability.com. WebInclude plenty of whole grains, fruits, and vegetables in their diet. Background: Paraplegia is defined as the loss of movement in the lower extremities and torso. AP style: Schizophrenia is classified as a mental illness. NCDJ Recommendation: The word stuttering is preferred over stammering. While people-first language is generally preferred (a person who stutters), some individuals may prefer stutterer. When possible, ask. Dont assume all people who engage in misuse have an addiction. WebApraxia. Background: These words were once commonly used to describe people with mental illness but are now considered offensive. NCDJ Recommendation: The NCDJ endorses The Associated Press style, below. National Institute of Neurological Disorders. Although involuntary cursing is commonly thought to be a key trait of the disorder, only a minority of those with Tourette syndrome exhibit this symptom. Referring to someone who does not have a disability as a normal person implies that people with disabilities are deviant or strange. The American Psychiatric Society offers details about the condition, which often is diagnosed in children, and more commonly diagnosed among boys than girls. This was due to the fact that both groups considered hearing-impaired to be offensive because it carried a value judgement implying that the person was impaired or defective. Slurring your words can be commonly caused by exhaustion or alcohol consumption. Instead, always try to specify the type of disability being referenced. The term high-functioning autism is widely used but is not a medical diagnosis, and many consider it offensive. Others, including the authors of Great Minds and How to Grow Them, question whether there is such a thing as a gifted child. Amy Silverman, NCDJ advisory board member. NCDJ Recommendation: Refer to someone as catatonic only if it is part of a medical diagnosis. Several U.S. disability groups have always used identity-first terms, specifically the culturally Deaf community and the autistic rights community. If a medical diagnosis is not available, use quotes around the term and indicate that a diagnosis has not been confirmed. Background: The Oxford English dictionary defines an invalid as a person made weak or disabled by illness or injury. It is probably the oldest term for someone with physical conditions that are considered seriously limiting. See Dwarf, little person/people/midget/short stature. WebBackground: The terms hearing impaired and hearing impairment are sometimes used to describe people with hearing loss that ranges from partial to complete. NCDJ Recommendation: Use the words psychotic and psychosis only when they accurately describe a medical experience. The most common forms of mental illness are anxiety disorders, mood disorders and schizophrenia disorders. You can also download the NCDJ Style Guide as a PDF. Alcoholism is characterized by a loss of control in alcohol use, according to the American Psychiatric Association. In Franco-Provenal (the Romance speech of French Switzerland and adjacent areas of France), a person affected by hypothyroidism was called a cretin, literally, wretch, innocent victim, The word meant simply Christian and emphasized the hypothyroid victims basic humanity.. Background: Total blindness is the complete lack of perception of either light or form. Hearing is a prerequisite for the development of normal speech & language. Avoid using the word shrink in reference to a mental health professional except in a quote. Such tics are recurrent, involuntary and non-rhythmic. AA is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism, according to the groups preamble. AP style: The stylebook refers, without comment, to albino, albinos. Ask your sources for their preference. The type and amount of melanin your body produces determines the color of your skin, hair and eyes. Background: The term interabled is used by some in the disability community to refer to couples in which one person has a disability and the other does not. While these often are technological in nature, such as speech-generating devices, interactive touch screens or amplifiers to boost volume, they also may include drawing, gesturing, signing, finger spelling or picture books, among others. It was first reported in 1866 by Dr. John Langdon Down and is characterized by a range of physical and cognitive characteristics, which the National Institutes of Health details. NCDJ Recommendation: Hard of hearing is almost always acceptable. Whenever possible, specify the specific illness a person has rather than mental illness in general. If you have two or more seizures or a tendency to have recurrent seizures, you have epilepsy. For example, Down syndrome girl or autistic boy. An example of people-first language is a girl with Down syndrome or a boy with autism. With regard to most disabilities, , people-first language is preferred, but in some cases most notably in the Deaf community and among autistic people identity-first language is strongly preferred. Symptoms include restlessness, difficulty in focusing or staying organized and impulsivity. These foods have important vitamins and help keep the lining of the throat healthy. Its considered offensive. They give audiences a choice on whether or not to proceed with consuming the information. It is important to note that augmentative and alternative communication a general term used to refer to alternative methods that allow for written and spoken expression is considered very different from facilitated communication. However, Little People of America recommends using the descriptors short stature, little person or someone with dwarfism., NCDJ Recommendation: Only refer to a persons short stature if it is relevant to the story. The word dates to Old English, where it was related to words that meant to creep or bend over. According to the blog grammarphobia.com, it became offensive in the early 20th century and was replaced by handicapped and then by disabled., Recently, some disability activists have reclaimed the word. AP style: The stylebook states that its acceptable to use the word autism as an umbrella term for a group of developmental disorders. It also says it is acceptable to use the word autism in stories. NCDJ Recommendation: Avoid referring to someone with a disability as sick or to their disability as a sickness. If a person is receiving medical treatment, then the word patient is appropriate; however, it should be avoided outside of a medical context. Its symptoms include muscle weakness and paralysis. The institute states, It is common for people to have mixed dementia a combination of two or more types of dementia. Sometimes people with quadriplegia refer to themselves as quads. In these cases, use in quotes. Use this guide. Psychiatrist: A mental health professional able to prescribe psychotropic medications. But according to deafblind.com, in 1991, some began to advocate changing the acceptable terminology from deaf-blind to deafblind as a more general term that allows for the possibility that an individual may have additional disabilities. Additional material: I Dont Have Autism, Im Autistic, Lenny Letter. Its acceptable to use the word said in subsequent references. Deaf and hard of hearing became the official terms recommended by the World Federation of the Deaf in 1991. Background: Disabilities often are referred to in terms of impairment, as in hearing impairment or visually impaired. Such terms are widely used in medical and governmental contexts as well as by disability advocacy organizations and the general public. Ask people how they want to be described. Use of the word dwarf is considered acceptable when referring to the genetic condition, but it is often considered offensive when used in a non-medical sense. NCDJ Recommendation: Do not call someone disfigured as it is considered derogatory. According to the National Association for Gifted Children, Twice-exceptional learners are students who give evidence of the potential for high achievement capability in areas such as specific academics, general intellectual ability, creativity, leadership and/or visual, spatial or performing arts and also give evidence of one or more disabilities as defined by federal or state eligibility criteria, such as specific learning disabilities, speech and language disorders, emotional/behavioral disorders, physical disabilities, autism spectrum or other health impairments, such as ADHD. NCDJ Recommendation: Ask the person with a disability how they prefer to be described; if thats not possible, ask a spokesperson for the organization representing the relevant disability for preferred terminology. A nonverbal person would theoretically communicate with the help of a facilitator by typing on a keyboard, pointing to an image, or pointing to letters on an alphabet board. Physical damage to the brain: Brain damage can affect both structure and function. The center also recommends using the word misuse in place of abuse when describing harmful drug usage. There are many types of seizures, which range in severity. The main causes of conductive hearing loss include obstruction of the ear canal by a foreign body and trauma to the middle ear usually to the ossicles. Adults are also diagnosed with ADHD. They are still used in a variety of contexts but should be avoided. There's nothing inherently negative about spasticity aside from the pain that can result from it but like many neutral words, people have used "spaz" to make But what is relevant is not always clear. The Genome Research Institute offers comprehensive information about different genetic conditions, genetic testing and other pertinent topics. Background: These phrases are used to describe conditions in which arms, legs, fingers, or toes are missing, not fully formed or shaped in a different way, either as a result of an amputation or a congenital condition. Jonas Salk introduced the polio vaccine in the 1950s, which drastically reduced cases of polio in the U.S. AP style: Not addressed, although AP does not use the abbreviation MD. NCDJ Recommendation: All the terms are acceptable, although, because they are not widely used, an explanation is required for a general audience. Other medical diagnoses associated with dementia include Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, Huntingtons disease, Parkinsons disease and Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome (previously known as wet brain). In addition to their cognitive component, many types of dementia include physical symptoms, such as the abnormal eye movements of Huntingtons disease or the tremors associated with Parkinsons disease. It is now widely considered a derogatory slur. Congenital is not interchangeable with genetic, as a genetic condition is present from birth but a congenital condition is not necessarily genetic. Use quotes when officials or family members use a term such as a history of mental illness to refer to an individual, and when appropriate, indicate that the diagnosis has not been confirmed. Common congenital disabilities include Down syndrome, heart-related medical conditions and most forms of cerebral palsy. To albino, albinos common forms of mental illness are anxiety disorders mood... Helps people who engage in misuse have an addiction people with quadriplegia rather than making a reference. Only one or the other Psychological testing and other pertinent topics takes on it who engage in have... Old English, where it was related to words that meant to or. Psychosis only when applied to a mental health professional able to prescribe psychotropic medications be required conditions... 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